Syllabus: Weight Training
Coach Cassidy 2017-2018
- Weight Training is a one-half credit elective course (per semester) which fulfills the additional Physical Education requirement for a standard diploma.
- The purposes of this courses is to provide students with opportunities to acquire knowledge and skills that may be used in physical fitness pursuits today as well as later in life, improve muscular strength and endurance, and enhance body image. The content will include, but not be limited to, knowledge of the importance of muscular strength and endurance, skeletal muscles, knowledge and application of biomechanical and physiological principals to improve and maintain muscular strength and endurance, knowledge of sound nutritional practices related to weight training; knowledge of safety practices related to weight training, and knowledge of consumer issues related to weight training.
- Grading procedure is as follows: Each student must be dressed in a complete uniformin order to be evaluated for participation in the activity of the day.A complete uniform includes: shirt, shorts, or sweat shirt, sweat pants and non-marking tennis shoes (nothing more, nothing less).A total of 10 points will be awarded each day for being dressed out and participating. In the event that a student is not participating for any reason, the student will lose 5 points for the first violation, and will lose all 10 points on the second occasion and be required to sit out.
PS1: Competency in Motor Skill and Movement Patterns, & PS3: Participates regularly in Physical Activity =80% Final Exam = 20%
- Attendance/Participation policy is as follows: Any student absent, excused or unexcused will be required to complete an alternative assignment in order to receive credit for that day. In the event the student does not complete the alternative assignment, he/she will receive a zero. Students who are excused from participation because of illness or injury must have a signed statement from their parent and/or doctor. They will still be required to dress out, but will be given an alternate assignment in order to receive credit for the activity of the day.
- Alternative assignments are as follows: Print/Copy an article from the following topics: Power Clean, Bench Press, Back Squat, Muscular Strength, Muscular Endurance, Flexibility, or Nutrition. The student is required to HAND WRITE a ½ page summary based on the article of their choosing. In order to receive full credit, the student must turn in the assignment in the following order: 1) ½ page hand written summary including the students name, the exact date the student missed the activity in the weight room, 2) Staple the ½ page summary to the front of the article he/she printed/copied.
- Electronic device policy is as follows: per Cobb County schools, there are no electronic devices allowed in the weight room. In the event that a student is using any electronic device while in the weight room, he/she will may receive a write up to their grade level administrator resulting in 1-2 days of In School Suspension (ISS).
Any parent wishing to contact Coach Cassidy should call 678-594-8104 or email at
Please sign, and return to Coach Cassidy
I have read and understand the Syllabus, Rules, Schedule, & Safety for the Weight Training class at Harrison High.
Parent or Guardian Signature
Student: Print Signature