Syllabus: United States History

Syllabus: United States History


Ola High School 2010-2011

Instructor: Ms. DellaCayson Room 403

Phone: 770-288-3222


Course Scope:The purpose U.S. History is to increase your historical knowledge and skills, lay the foundation for preparation for the High School Graduation Exam, and finally, give you the skills you need in order to be successful in a career setting as an adult. It does not benefit you at all for me to “hand” you a grade, and I will not do it. You are young adults preparing to go out into a competitive workplace, and you are expected to perform as such. My job is to do all I can to present information to you and show you ways to develop skills to enhance the knowledge you may already posses while providing you with additional knowledge. However, it is your job to learn it – I cannot do that for you. Your effort, attitude, willingness to learn, and work ethic will determine your success this year.

Suggested Materials: Text:The Americans ($65) (E-editions also)

Spiral notebook or 3-ring binder

Pens and pencils

Any color highlighter

Grading Scale:

Informal Assessments =45% (Quizzes, homework grades, daily class work grades)

Formal Assessments = 40% (Major Assessments (tests, research papers, formal essays)

Final Exam =15%

Classroom / Teacher Expectations:

  1. All OHS rules and regulations are followed.
  2. Students must be prompt!
  3. Students must be prepared (that means you have all materials needed for success as well as a positive attitude).
  4. Be accountable for your speech, your actions, and your work.
  5. Be respectful of yourself, the teacher, and classmates.
  6. Provide all students with a safe, positive atmosphere inherent to learning.
  7. Is a model of the expectations and behaviors required in the classroom?
  8. Have homework turned in on time while feedback returned to students in a timely manner.
  9. Provide all ample opportunities for success including: multiple opportunities to practice before the assessment, clear expectations and exemplars.

Coursework Format:

-Weekly Writing in workbook(supplements text), or note taking

-Reading Guide (supplements text), classroom reading (individual or group)


-Group Work


Make-Up Policies

Please refer to the Student Handbook, as this is the policy that will be adhered to.

It is the student’s responsibility to arrange any make-up work, regardless of what type of assignment this is. Students are expected to schedule test and quiz make-ups the day they return t school.

** Infinite Campus is available to both parents and students to check the progress/egress of grades. **

I am available before and after school for extra help. I want to do everything I can to help those who have the desire to succeed. Please let me know beforehand if you need before or after-school time as I may have a meeting already scheduled. If you are serious about your success this year and are willing to work, we are going to accomplish a lot by the end of May. Please have your materials on hand, be ready to learn, and be open to trying new things!


The signature on this document indicates that both parent and guardian have read syllabus and class rules.

Students Name: ______Home Phone: ______

Parent’s last name (if different from student): ______

Parent work #: ______Best time to call: ______

Best place to call: HOME______WORK ______

Email (Work and Home) [this is the best way for me to contact you]:______

Student Signature: ______

Parent Signature: ______

 Student work missed due to circumstances beyond control may be made up within areasonable period in cooperation with the teacher.

 Students are required AND expected to follow class rules established

by the teacher as well as all rules stated in the Henry County Schools


Parents are encouraged to contact me any time they have concerns or

potential problems with their student. I will make every effort to keep

you updated on your student’s progress. We encourage all parents to

regularly monitor the status of your student.

 Parents are reminded that 11th graders are required to pass all parts of the GeorgiaHigh School Graduation Test which will administered in March 2012.

Please feel free to contact me at anytime if I can be of assistance to you.