
SYLLABUS Unit 1: School





Through the work undertaken in this first unit, students become more closely acquainted with the school community: its physical environment, daily activities carried out at each place and the people responsible for them.

An introductory photo and song open the unit, introducing students to their new school environment. The Let’s talk section gives students the language necessary to greet and introduce people in the school community.

The rest of the unit uses speaking, listening and limited reading and writing skills to explore the two main aspects of the unit: firstly, the facilities that most schools have, so that students recognise the activities that are carried out there and how to behave appropriatly in each place; and secondly, introducing students to the staff that work at the school and encouraging them to appreciate for the roles of all members of the educational community.

The Science Challenge at the end of the unit is a hands-on way for students to consolidate the material learnt.

This unit comes under the block People, Cultures and Social Organisation.


This unit corresponds to the first fortnight of the first term. It has an estimated duration of about 15 days.


• Daily planner

• Class CD1: Tracks 1-9

• Syllabus and worksheets CD:

- Song photocopiable: Good morning

- Mixed-ability worksheets: Unit 1

• Evaluation worksheets: Unit 1

• Flashcards: School

• Posters

• Interactive whiteboard resources CD-ROM: Unit 1

Web resources:

• People at school

• Self-evaluation: Unit 1



• To become familiar with the school and identify the facilities and furniture by name.

• To get to know the people who work at the school and where they carry out their duties.

• To recognise the skills one learns and where they are used at school.

• To know, respect and comply with rules of school conduct.

Evaluation criteria

• To be able to locate and relate the various school facilities and furniture.

• To match school staff to the place at school where they perform their job.

• To name the skills one learns at school and the ideal place to use them.

• To list rules of conduct and exhibit correct classroom behaviour.

Key competencies

• Knowledge and interaction with the physical world

Competence in linguistic Communications

• Social and citizen competence

Competence in linguistic Communications

• Competence for learning to learn

Competence in linguistic communication

• Social and citizen competence

Competence in linguistic communication


• Knowledge and interaction with the physical world: The entire unit is designed to build the capacity to interpret one’s surroundings, to establish relationships between the various elements that make up the real world and express this knowledge by transferring from different formats and resources and applying it to other situations.

• Information processing and digital competence: The use of ICT throughout the unit to practise or improve content promotes familiarity with these technologies and increases the ability to understand and use digital information.

• Artistic and cultural competence: The Science Challenge offers the opportunity to share styles of expression and respect the opinions of others.

• Social and citizen competence: The unit welcomes students to the school community using the Let’s talk page as a way to introduce each other to other members of this community. The unit also promotes respecting the rights of others by exercising one’s duties, allowing students to reflect on these rules of conduct in the section entitled Good or Bad?

• Competence in linguistic communication: The unit works on precise language to express experiences related to the subject. It encourages expressing thoughts and opinions through linguistic and non-linguistic strategies to interact and produce oral and written texts.

• Competence for learning to learn: The activities in the unit encourage students to integrate prior knowledge and experience to generate new knowledge. They become aware of how they learn at school and recognise the use of language as a tool for carrying out this task.


• School facilities and school activities.

• Identification of the activities carried out at each location.

• Greeting and introducing people at school.

• Identification of classroom furniture and materials.

• Recognition of people who work at the school and where they carry out their duties.

• Identification of various professions, avoiding sexist stereotypes.

• Role-plays.

• Pairwork.

• Guided drawing to express classroom perspective and orientation.

• A respectful attitude towards school facilities.

• Appreciation and respect for the people who work at the school and their role in the educational community.

• Knowledge of and compliance with the rules of school conduct.



SYLLABUS Unit 2: My body





This unit fosters perception and knowledge concerning the main parts of the head, trunk and limbs of the body as well as their functions. There is an emphasis on how people are similar despite differences in physical features and abilities.

The introductory photograph and song revise previous knowledge of the human body. The Let’s talk section introduces students to the structure I can in order to discuss their abilities.

The unit uses speaking and listening skills to identify and describe parts of the body and their functions, using limited reading and writing skills to revise and assess language acquisition.

The Science Challenge at the end of the unit is an entertaining way for students to demonstrate the knowledge acquired over the course of the unit.

This unit comes under the block Health and Personal Development.


This unit corresponds to the second fortnight of the first term. It has an estimated duration of about 15 days.


• Daily planner

• Class CD1: Tracks 10-19

• Syllabus and worksheets CD:

- Song photocopiable: Green head, white body

- Mixed-ability worksheets: Unit 2

- Special Days worksheets: World Food Day

• Evaluation worksheets: Unit 2

• Flashcards: Body

• Posters

• Interactive whiteboard resources CD-ROM: Unit 2

Web resources:

• My body

• Self-evaluation: Unit 2



• To learn the main parts of the human body: head, trunk and limbs.

• To learn where the joints are in the human body and their functions.

• To determine differences and similarities between people: age, gender and physical features.

Evaluation criteria

• To differentiate between the parts of the body: head, trunk and limbs.

• To identify different joints and match them to their natural movements.

• To recognise the changes our body goes through over time and put these changes in chronological order.

Key competencies

• Knowledge and interaction with the physical world

Competence in linguistic communication

• Competence for learning to learn

Competence in linguistic communication

• Social and citizen competence

Competence in linguistic communication


• Knowledge and interaction with the physical world: This unit fosters perception and knowledge of the human body and its functions in reference to one’s own body and experiences.

• Information processing and digital competence: The use of pictograms and sound effects enhances the comprehension of texts through the use of different codes and languages.

• Artistic and cultural competence: The drawing dictation offers the opportunity to share styles of expression and show respect for the opinions of others.

• Social and citizen competence: The end of the unit promotes a respect for elderly people by generating student awareness of changes their bodies have undergone and will undergo over time.

• Competence in linguistic communication: The unit promotes learning new words related to the anatomy of the human body and fosters their correct usage.

• Competence for learning to learn: The activities in the unit promote the integration of prior knowledge and experience to generate new knowledge. Students become aware of their abilities and how these abilities have and will change over time.

• Personal autonomy and initiative: The Science Challenge allows students to develop self-esteem by showing the knowledge they have acquired about themselves over the course of the unit.


• Identification of the parts of the human body: head, trunk, limbs.

• Assimilation of one’s own abilities.

• Recognition of the location of joints in the body and their functions.

• Comprehension of the changes in our bodies over time.

• Vocabulary games in small groups.

• Pairwork.

• Using a checklist of one’s abilities to generate a conversation.

• Drawingdictation to activate previous knowledge and prepare topic of discussion.

• Appreciation and acceptance of the different abilities and features of others.

• Developmentofacaring and respectful attitude towards elderly people.



SYLLABUS Unit 3: Senses





In this unit students will discover that their senses are windows that provide them with information about the world around them. They will learn about the organs related to each sense and acquire an appreciation of their overall importance.

The introductory photograph and song revise previous knowledge of the senses as well as the structure I can. The Let’s talk section revises adjectives and structures necessary to describe what they will perceive with their senses during the observational experiments in the unit.

Throughout this unit, students will do hands-on activities to differentiate between the various senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch) and associate them with their corresponding perceptions.

This unit comes under the block Health and Personal Development.


This unit corresponds to the third fortnight of the first term. It has an estimated duration of about 15 days.


• Daily planner

• Class CD1: Tracks 20-30

• Syllabus and worksheets CD:

- Song photocopiable: The things I can do

- Mixed-ability worksheets: Unit 3

• Evaluation worksheets: Unit 3

• Flashcards: Food

• Posters

• Interactive whiteboard resources CD-ROM: Unit 3

Web resources:

• Touch

• Self-evaluation: Unit 3



• To learn about the five senses and the information they provide us with.

• To recognise and locate our sense organs.

• To determine features of objects such as shape, colour, smell, etc. and with which sense this information is obtained.

• To learn the appropriate tools for organising information.

Evaluation criteria

• To identify the five senses and match them to the information they each provide.

• To name and locate the sense organs on the human body.

• To recognise the characteristics of things and through which sense they are obtained.

• To correctly organise data in a chart.

Key competencies

• Knowledge and interaction with the physical world

Competence in linguistic communication

• Competence for learning to learn

Competence in linguistic communication

• Knowledge and interaction with the physical world

Competence in linguistic communication

• Mathematical competence

Competence in linguistic Communications


• Knowledge and interaction with the physical world: The entire unit focuses on the perception and knowledge of our surroundings as perceived through the senses. This fosters an interest in how the human body works and promotes respect in caring for it.

• Information processing and digital competence: The inferences from visual and audio input required of students over the course of the unit enhance their comprehension of texts through the use of different codes and languages.

• Mathematical competence: Conducting a variety of scientific observations in the Science Challenge offers children the opportunity to organise their results in a chart which they can later compare orally with others.

• Competence in linguistic communication: The unit promotes the correct use of scientific words and expressions in reference to the senses in order to achieve clear and concise communication. As a result, students learn to appreciate English as a true linguistic tool for science.

• Competence for learning to learn: The activities in the unit promote the integration of prior knowledge and experience to generate new knowledge.

• Personal autonomy and initiative: The entire unit allows students to develop self- esteem by assimilating the knowledge they themselves can acquire through their senses. The speaking activities and observational experiments develop their abilities to reach agreement through negotiation and dialogue.


• The five senses and their organs.

• Information and sensations gathered by each of the five senses.

• Acceptance of the limitations of the senses.

• Dialogues.

• Pairwork.

• Researching the information our sense of sight provides.

• Displaying the results of an experiment on a chart.

• A positive attitude towards other people’s sensorial disabilities.

• A critical attitude towards the information we receive through our senses.



SYLLABUS Unit 4: Food and Family





This unit teaches students the origins of different foods and raises awareness of the need for good eating habits and an appreciation of different types of foods.

The introductory photograph and song revise previous knowledge of foods so that they can organise and express their likes and dislikes in the corresponding Let’s talk section.

Children will revise family members and the importance of their own families as a social unit. The speaking activities emphasise respect for the differences between traditional and non-traditional families.

Students interpret and organise information throughout the unit, which fosters more precise and concise communication in reference to one’s family and eating habits.

This unit comes under the blocks Health and Personal Development and People, Cultures and Social Organisation.


This unit corresponds to the fourth fortnight of the first term. It has an estimated duration of about 15 days.


• Daily planner

• Class CD1: Tracks 20-30

• Syllabus and worksheets CD:

- Song photocopiable: Food is fun!

- Mixed-ability worksheets: Unit 4

- Special Days worksheets: Human Rights Day

• Evaluation worksheets: Unit 4

• Flashcards: Food

• Posters

• Interactive whiteboard resources CD-ROM: Unit 4

Web resources: