SYLLABUS – IT 308 – Production Planning and Control


Computer Science and Industrial Technology Dept

Southeastern LouisianaUniversity

(prepared by Rana Mitra, CSIT)

Instructor: Dr. R. Mitra

Class Room: 214 Anzalone Hall

Time:M,W 10:00-11:50

Office: 210-A Anzalone Hall

Phone: (985) 549-3258


Office Hours:Posted on my office door

All other times by appointment

Course Description:

Credit: 3 hours. Prerequisite: Junior standing. This course deals with the fundamental concepts underlying organization and control of production processes. The principal concepts of planning and controlling production processes are covered, with the help of practical problem-solving examples and exercises.

Course Objectives:

  1. Understand basic product types and production concepts
  2. Identify production and manufacturing support systems
  3. Identify key production models, using simple mathematical analysis
  4. Identify key manufacturing/assembly systems and layouts
  5. Understand principal concepts in production and process planning
  6. Study the various components of production planning and control, including aggregate planning, master production schedule, materials requirement planning, capacity planning, shop floor control, and inventory planning and control, and manufacturing resource planning

After successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

a)contribute to solving problems in production planning and control, and

b)continue advanced studies in industrial planning and control systems

Course materials:

  • My Prepared Course Lectures
  • Production Planning and Controlling: A Problem-Based Approach by Gordon Minty, The Goodheart-Wilcox Company, Inc., 1998

Course Outline:

  1. Course Introduction
  1. Course Overview
  2. Syllabus
  3. Course Outline
  1. Project Management Tools
  1. Gantt Chart
  1. Manufacturing Operations
  1. Manufacturing Products
  2. Manufacturing Operations
  3. Production Concepts
  4. Mathematical Models
  1. Manufacturing Systems
  1. Basic Concepts and Components
  2. Classification
  3. Manufacturing Progress Functions
  1. Production Planning and Control
  1. Aggregate Production Planning
  2. Master Production Schedule
  3. Material Requirements Planning
  4. Capacity Planning
  5. Shop Floor Control
  6. Inventory Control
  7. Manufacturing Resource Planning
  1. Lean and Just-In-Time Production Concepts
  2. Agile Manufacturing Concepts
  3. Quality Function Deployment


  1. Grades will be assigned according to the following scale:

A = 90 – 100 Excellent

B = 80 – 89 Very Good

C = 70 – 79 Average

D = 60 – 69 Below Average

F = 0 – 59 Fail

  1. Basis for assigning grades:
  1. Three in-class Tests – 100 points EACH = 300 points TOTAL of 3 Tests.
  2. One Final Exam = 100 points.
  3. Quizzes – either announced or unannounced = 50 points total.
  4. Reports + Assignments + Presentations = 50 points. See Section 2 under Course Requirements below for late submissions and unexcused absence.
  5. Attendance: The university attendance policy outlined in Section 3 under Course Requirements will be followed in assigning the final grade.
  6. RM’s Rules Points: a student will lose points for each violation of the “RM’s Rules” handed out to each student and explained in class. It is also posted on Blackboard.

[10% Attendance] + [50% Tests(3)] + [20% Final Exam] + [20%Assignments/Quizzes] = 100%

  1. Each student is expected to keep up-to-date with his/her current grade as the semester proceeds, using the criterion shown in item (g) above.

Course Requirements:

  1. You are expected to adhere to all departmental policies and procedures.
  1. Please also review the campus correspondence sent out to all faculty by the Provost, which can be found on the SLU website at
  1. Assignments and Tests/Quizzes: An assignment that is submitted late will lose twenty percent (20%) of its value. Students who have unexcused absences will receive the grade of "0" for all assignments and tests missed.
  1. Attendance: Attendance will be taken each day, as required by the University Regulations. This policy may be found in the Undergraduate Catalog, and you should make yourself familiar with it. In particular, note that excessive unexcused absences are considered 10% of the total classes, which for this semester and class are three (3) class periods. According to the University Regulations, this may result in your being withdrawn from class by the instructor. This is not automatic however, so you should consult the instructor if you think you may have been withdrawn from class. Do not assume that you will be automatically withdrawn from class for non-attendance. Even if you are allowed to continue, please understand that your grade will suffer from lack of attendance. You will miss material that is only available in class, and classroom participation is crucial to your success in this class. In the event of an excused absence, you are responsible for providing acceptable documentation and making arrangements for making up for the lack of participation. Every student is responsible for anything covered in class, even if it is not in the text. This includes announcements of assignments or test dates, so if forced to miss class, be sure to contact the instructor and ask to be informed of those announcements.
  1. Disability: “If you are a qualified student with a disability seeking accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act, you are required to self-identify with the Office of Disability Services, Room 203, Student Union. No accommodations will be granted without documentation from the Office of Disability Services.”
  1. Student behavior/Classroom decorum: "Free discussion, inquiry, and expression is encouraged in this class. Classroom behavior that interferes with either (a) the instructor’s ability to conduct the class or (b) the ability of students to benefit from the instruction is not acceptable. Examples may include routinely entering class late or departing early; use of beepers, cellular telephones' or other electronic devices; repeatedly talking in class without being recognized; talking while others are speaking; or arguing in a way that is perceived as ‘crossing the civility line.’ In the event of a situation where a student legitimately needs to carry a beeper/cellular telephone to class, prior notice and approval by the instructor is required." Otherwise, ALL BEEPERS, CELLULAR TELEPHONES AND OTHER ELECTRONIC DEVICES MUST BE TURNED OFF BEFORE YOU ENTER THE CLASSROOM.
  1. Classroom behavior that is deemed inappropriate and cannot be resolved by the student and the faculty member may be referred to the Office of Judicial Affairs for administrative or disciplinary review as per the Code of Student Conduct which may be found at Affairs/Handbook/
  1. Academic Integrity: “Students are expected to maintain the highest standards of academic integrity. Behavior that violates these standards is not acceptable. Examples are the use of unauthorized material, communication with fellow students during an examination, attempting to benefit from the work of another student and similar behavior that defeats the intent of an examination or other class work. Cheating on examinations, plagiarism, improper acknowledgment of sources in essays and the use of a single essay or paper in more than one course without permission are considered very serious offenses and shall be grounds for disciplinary action as outlined in the current GeneralCatalogue.”
  1. “Students agree by taking this course that all required papers may be subject to submission for textual similarity to for the detection of plagiarism. All submitted papers will be included as source documents in the reference database solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism of such papers. Use of the service is subject to the terms and conditions of Use posted on the website”
  1. Correspondence: Your SoutheasternLouisianaUniversity e-mail address MUST be used for all e-mail communication with faculty/administration/staff. Students are encouraged to check their Southeastern e-mail frequently for important communications from the university.
  1. University policy states that classrooms and labs are not a place for children. Students are not to bring their family members for day care or baby-sitting.

Important Dates:

  1. Friday, 13 March 2009: Last day to withdraw or resign from regular classes
  2. Monday-Friday, 16-20 March 2009: Priority Registration for Summer & Fall 2009 Classes
  3. Friday, 8 May 2009: Last Day of Classes
  4. Monday-Friday, 11-15 May 2009: Final Examinations
  5. Monday, 18 May 2009: Last day to return rental books without a fine