Syllabus Grade 9 English
Ms. Sara R. Murphy
– for student use
– for parent use
For additional communication please look on class webpage for instructions on how to sign up for Remind.
Hale Iluna (J-102)
Student Supplies List: Clearly marked with student name!
· 1 – packet loose leaf paper
· 1 – 1 inch three-ring binder
· 5 Dividers
· 1 – highlighter
· 1 pack of 1.5 x 2 Post-It notes
All these materials will need to be brought to class by: ______
Course Description:
In this class we will be covering the Common Core Standards in reading, writing, and speaking and listening skills using the SpringBoard curriculum. These skills will be learned through several different types of literature, writing, and presentations. Here is a brief overview of the skills to be touched upon throughout the year.
Reading – Students will be able to…
· develop vocabulary skills through reading and word study
· understand how to gather information to support a thesis
· develop understanding of literary elements used by authors
Writing – Students will be able to…
· use the complete writing process of planning, drafting, revising and editing to communicate effectively for a variety of purposes and audiences
· construct a research paper that states and supports a thesis
· use MLA citation correctly while citing sources in multiple forms of writing
Speaking and Listening – Students will be able to…
· apply verbal and non-verbal language to communicate effectively in various situations: interpersonal, group, and public: for a variety of purposes
Technology – Students will be able to…
· type a final draft of a project with minimal typographical errors
· use Google Drive and TurnItIn to turn in finished work
· search the internet using effective techniques to find credible sources for a research paper
Course Outline:
We will be following SpringBoard curriculum to help students focus on specific skills in reading, analytical writing, and presentations. Within each unit there are two major assessments that build on in-class learning and homework.
I. First Quarter – Class introduction, independent reading project,.selection of fiction and nonfiction readings, interview and speaking skills, writing an interview narrative, and writing an argumentative essay.
II. Second Quarter – Independent reading project, selection of nonfiction readings, writing an arguementative paper, reading short stories of various genres, and applying short story elements to a creative writing piece.
III. Third Quarter – Analyzing style through film, writing a style analysis paper, researching skills, writing a research based paper, creating a group research presentation, and begin to read the American classic To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee.
IV. Fourth Quarter – Continue reading the American classic To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee and writing a literary analysis essay.
This is a general outline and is subject to change due to class schedule and student needs. Please check class webpage regularly for schedule changes and supporting materials.
Ongoing Assignments and Homework:
Independent reading: This means reading ABOVE AND BEYOND class assigned reading. Each quarter students will be asked to read one book, they have not read before, of at least 150 pages, that has not been made into a movie. With each quarter students will need to complete a writing assignment. Assignment sheet and rubric will be posted to class webpage. Before completing the writing assignment, students will be expected to complete a Double Entry Journal every week for their independent reading. Double Entry Journals are used to track students’ reading and understanding of and make-up 20% of their quarter grade.
Embedded Assessments: All assignments are important because smaller assignments are building blocks to understanding. However, Embedded Assessments (major papers, presentations, or quizzes) test the knowledge of the standard directly so they are worth more.
Here is the grading breakdown:
· Assessments (major projects and quizzes) = 30%
· Classwork (activities and assignments done in class) = 20%
· Homework = 20%
· Participation = 15%
· Independent Reading = 15%
Grading: The class is based on the traditional scale 90-100 A, 80-89 B, 70-79 C, 60-69 D, 59 and less F. Since this a year long class all quarter grades will be factored into the final grade for the year. Extra credit is not offered.
Technology Use in the Classroom
As 21st century learners, technology is vital part of what is done in the classroom. Students are expected to keep track of their own usernames and passwords (the teacher does NOT have access to most student information).
When an assignment calls for the use of a computer students will be given class time to work on the assignment. With this being said, if the student does not finish the assignment nor does not use class time well it is their responsibility to find the time to complete the assignment out of class. Also, if students show that they are not able to use technology in a responsible way then they will lose class time computer privileges. This includes but is not limited to: vandalism of computers or laptops, being on unapproved websites, or using school resources to partake in any form of cyber bullying.
Students will be expected to use their school Google accounts to communicate with Ms. Murphy as well as completing assignments through Google Docs. No work done on a personal, non-school issued, email will be accepted.
ALL final projects, as stated on the Assignment Sheet, must be turned in using the website TurinItIn. TurnItIn is a plagiarism checker along with a grading tool. This allows Ms. Murphy to complete grading of major assignments in a timely fashion while providing feedback to students about their writing skills. Due to the setup of TurnItIn the excuse, “But TurnItIn wasn’t working…” is not acceptable. TurnItIn alerts teachers to anytime there is an outage on their end; if an outage alert for TurnItIn is not received then work will be considered late and will be subject to the classroom late work policy.
Late work policy:
All work due dates will be posted on class webpage and should be put into the students’ planner. It is the class expectation that all work be turned in at the beginning of class on the day the assignment is due. However, your teachers want to give you a chance to be successful. Each quarter each student will get TWO late work passes. These passes can be used to turn in assignments late with no consequences BUT the assignment must be turned in three calendar days after the original due date only. This means days on the calendar not class days. After that the work can still be turned in for a grade no higher than a 60%. Plan ahead and do not procrastinate.
Attendance and Tardies:
It is imperative that you ATTEND CLASS! Attending class is the best way to assure you will pass! Class cutting will result in a referral without the opportunity to make up missed work.
The teacher will follow all school policies on class absences and tardies. When a student is late for class they will have to sign in with classroom teacher before they are allowed to enter class.
If a student is out on an excused absence (sickness, doctor’s appointment, pre-arranged field trip, etc.) it is THE STUDENT’S RESPONSIBILITY to get the missed work BEFORE OR AFTER SCHOOL or at LUNCH or LUNCH RECESS! The teacher cannot and will not stop the flow of class for students who missed work.
Plagiarism is any time a student copies from a friend, book, or internet and tries to turn that work in as their own. It is outlined in more detail in the Lahainaluna High School planner/handbook on page eighteen. For this class, the act of copying is not tolerated in any form. If a student is caught copying work from another student BOTH students will receive a 0 on the assignment without the opportunity to redo the assignment. If a student is caught copying work from the internet the student will receive a 0 on the assignment without the opportunity to redo the assignment. If plagiarism is a problem for a student the teacher will call the parents/guardian to explain why the student is failing assignments.
Classroom Expectations
____ Come in to class in an orderly fashion (no yelling, running, wrestling, talking on phones, etc)
____ Put all electronic devices AWAY BEFORE YOU ENTER!!
If not they will be subject to the School Wide electronics policy which includes confiscation. This is your warning.
____ Take your assigned seat.
____ Take out all materials needed for the day as posted on the whiteboard.
____ Begin Do Now. This will last 5-7 minutes.
____ Do not get out of your seat and roam around.
____ Raise your hand to sharpen pencils, get binders, get tissue, etc.
____ Bathroom pass will be given once a quarter.
____ DO NOT COME TO CLASS AND ASK IF YOU CAN “JUST RUN TO THE RESTROOM” if you are not in the door when the bell rings YOU ARE LATE!
____ Treat classmates, teachers, and guests with respect and courteously.
____ Do not start packing up until the teacher tells you to. You will be given enough time at teacher’s discretion.
____ Sit in your assigned seat until the Teacher dismisses class.
____ The Teacher will dismiss the class, not the bell!
I will make positive choices in and out of the classroom to ensure that I am learning to the best of my ability. This means
I will support and encourage my fellow classmates in their learning. This means
I will be an attentive learner in order to allow my teachers to pass on their great wealth of knowledge. This means
Student Name: ______
Student Signature: ______
Guardian Signature: ______
Guardian please list (phone number or email) the best way to communicate with you.
Contract Due: ______/100