Syllabus Grade 8 Spanish 1
Señorita Lopez
Timely, diligent and focused completion of all assignments and consistent daily review of vocabulary and grammar are the foundations for understanding and success in every World Language course. Students are responsible for all information in assignments and should be aware that not all information in the homework assignments is covered during class time. Valuable class time is used to expand upon and deepen student understanding beyond the simple foundation provided for in the homework assignments. Use of online digital translation programs is not a substitute for the daily application of required effort.
Textbook: ¡Asi Se Dice! Levels 1A & 1B
Course Outline:
I. Lecciones Preliminares.
A.Objectives: Students will review how to:
- Greet people
- Say goodbye to people
- Express themselves politely
- Count to 100
- Identify the days of the week
- Identify the months of the year
- Find out and give the date
- Ask and tell time
- Discuss the seasons and weather
II. Capítulo 1 - ¿Cómo Somos?
A. Objectives: Students will learn to:
- Identify and describe people and things
- Tell where someone is from
- Tell what subjects they take and express opinions about themselves
- Talk about Spanish speakers in the United States
- Use nouns, adjectives, and articles
- Use the verb ser
- Use Tú and Usted
III. Capítulo 2 - La Familia y la Casa
A. Objectives: Students will learn to:
- Talk about families and pets
- Describe a house or apartment
- Describe rooms and some furnishings
- Discuss a family from Ecuador
- Use the verb tener
- Use possessive adjectives
IV. Capítulo 3 - En Clase y Después
A.Objectives: Students will learn to:
- Talk about what you do in school
- Identify some school clothes and school supplies
- Talk about what you and your friends do after school
- Compare school and after-school activities in Spanish-speaking countries
- Use the present tense of -ar verbs
- Use the verbs ir, dar, and estar
- Use the contractions al and del
V. Capítulo 4 - ¿Qué comemos y dónde?
A.Objectives: Students will learn to:
- Identify foods and discuss meals
- Talk about places where you eat
- Order food or a beverage at a café
- Compare eating habits in Spain, Latin America, and the United States
- Use the present tense of regular -er and -ir verbs
- Use expressions with the infinitive - ir a, tener que, acabar de
VI. Capítulo 5 - Deporte
A.Objectives: Students will learn to:
- Talk about sports
- Describe a soccer uniform
- Identify colors
- Compare team sports in the U.S. and Spanish-speaking countries
- Use the present tense of stem-changing verbs
- Use the verbs interesar, aburrir and gustar
VII. Capítulo 6 - El Bienestar
A.Objectives: Students will learn to:
- Describe people’s personality, conditions, and emotions
- Explain minor illnesses
- Talk about a doctor’s appointment
- Learn about a literary genre - the picaresque novel
- Use the verbs ser and estar
- Use indirect object pronouns
VIII.Capítulo 7 - De Vacaciones
A.Objectives: Students will learn to:
- Talk about summer and winter weather and activities
- Discuss summer and winter resorts in Spanish-speaking countries
- Use the preterite tense of regular -ar verbs
- Use the preterite of ir and ser
- Use direct object pronouns
IX. Capítulo 8 - En tu Tiempo Libre
A.Objectives: Students will learn to:
- Talk about a birthday party
- Discuss concerts, movies, and museums
- Discuss Hispanic art and music
- Use preterite of -er and -ir verbs
- Use the verbs oír and leer
- Use affirmative and negative words
VII. Capítulo 9 - ¡Vamos de Compras!
A.Objectives: Students will learn to:
- Talk about buying clothes
- Talk about buying food
- Compare shopping in Spanish-speaking countries with shopping in the United States
- Use numbers from 1 to 1,000,000
- Use the present tense of saber and conocer
- Use comparatives and superlatives
- Use demonstratives adjectives and pronouns
Grading Policy: The Grading Scale will be based on category percentages.
●Project: 25%
●Quizzes: 20%
●Class Participation/Class Work: : 15%
Materials Needed:
2. A three-ring binder with 5 tabs and loose leaf paper. The tabs should be labeled as such:
3. Pens/pencils/ highlighters (NO RED PENS PLEASE!)
4. iPads: Please bring your iPad charged to class each day.
iPads:Students will be expected to bring their iPads to class, charged, on a daily basis. Not having your iPad is to be unprepared for the day. Student use of iPads in the classroom is restricted to topics and materials which, per the instructor, further the implementation of the day’s lesson. Students who are off topic with their iPads risk negatively impacting their grade for the assignment and potentially face disciplinary consequences.
Homework: Homework may be assigned on a daily basis. If a student misses a homework assignment, he/she may not make up homework for credit unless they have a valid written excuse from a parent/guardian or are absent. Homework will be checked daily for completion and collected at random for correctness.
Absence: In the case of an excused absence, students are responsible for making up missed work. The minimal period of time for a student to makeup missed work will be equal to the number of days that the student was absent. In the event of field trips, band/orchestra lessons, students must make arrangements with me regarding when the tests and quizzes will be made up before the event or class. If they do not make up their work in the appropriate amount of time, the student will receive zero credit.
Late Assignments: In general, assignments, projects, papers will drop one full letter grade (10 points) for every late day.
Assessments Methods: All projects, assignments and homework are due at the beginning of class on their assigned due date.
●Unit Tests (includes listening, writing and reading)
●Unit Projects
●Unit Quizzes
●Oral Presentations including skits, dialogues, podcasts, voice recordings, etc.
●Class Assignments
*Students will be evaluated in speaking, listening, reading and writing skills in Spanish with a strong emphasis on communicative competence in the target language.
PowerSchool: Kindly check Power School on a regular basis to keep track of your student’s grades. PowerSchool will be updated regularly.
Technology: Students will be required to join Google Classroom this school year. On this online platform, students will find homework, study guides, worksheets and other helpful resources. Students are encouraged to communicate with their peers via Google Classroom. Please note, this platform will be used for SCHOOL PURPOSES ONLY. Any misuse of this platform will result in disciplinary action. Students will work with Google Docs and other Google Applications throughout the year.
Extra Help: I am available to meet with students during EP period or by appointment before or after school.
Srta. Lopez’s Rules and Class expectations
Classroom Rules and Expectations:
1. Come to class prepared and on your best behavior.
2. Stay in your seat and working at all times.
3. Be respectful and courteous to everyone in the class.
4. DO NOT disrupt your peers learning process.
Leaving the classroom:
Each week students will be allowed to leave the classroom a total of two times. This includes: bathroom, water fountain, and locker. If a student has a medical condition with a written note from home or the nurse, this policy does not apply. If it is an emergency, this policy will not apply. Students are encouraged to remain in class so they will not miss important instructional time. Students may not use the restroom the period after lunch or the first period of the morning.
Respect Statement: Students in this class are expected torespect each other and the teacher. Students need to be sensitive to the abilities of others. Therefore, no mocking or bullying will be tolerated. Students are expected to follow policy found in the Code of Conduct. If a student violates this respect statement, appropriate consequences will be given.
Academic Integrity: Cheating, copying, plagiarism (using someone else’s words or ideas without citation including copying a classmate's notes or copying on-line notes and submitting as your own), falsifying data, online translators, and other unauthorized use of materials is dishonest and will not be tolerated. Most universities will expel a student who is caught cheating. In this class we will use an honor code similar to that found in many universities. Any major assignments, (not submitted through, quizzes, or tests you turn in must contain the following statement handwritten and signed by you at the top of the first page before it will be accepted or graded.
“On my honor I certify that this assignment is my own work and that I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid on this (test, exam, paper).”
On-line translators: The use of on-line translators for large scale translation is cheating and defeats the purpose of studying a World Language. With teacher approval, on-line translators can be used, on occasion, as a dictionary.
Students: Please read, sign and return this page to Miss. Lopez by tomorrow. It is your first homework assignment. By signing, you acknowledge you have read the syllabus and are aware of classroom policies and expectations.
Print Student Name Sign Student Name Date
Please check all that apply: _____Computer access____Internet Access ____Printing Access
Parents/Guardians: Please read, sign and have student return this contract to me immediately. By signing, you are acknowledging that you have read this document with your child and that he or she understands what is expected of him or her. Thank you.
Print Parent/Guardian Name Sign Parent/Guardian Name Date
Parent/Guardian Email Cell Phone or Best Number to be reached