Syllabus for the Ph. D Course work in Vikriti Vigyan
- Faculty level common course (3 credits)
Course code: FACC 01: Research Methodology and Biostatistics (1 credit)
Course code: FACC 02: Research Ethics, Scientific writing and communication (1 credit)
Course code FACC 03: Essentials of computer applications, Literature and data search (1 credit)
The above courses are compulsory for all candidates. The syllabus for the above course code is annexed as Annexure-I. No examination shall be conducted for the above courses. The credit as mentioned above shall be earned if attendance requirement as per the Ph. D ordinance is fulfilled. This shall be coordinated by the Dean, Faculty of Ayurveda, IMS, BHU
- Department/Discipline specific course (7 credits)
Course code FAVV 01:Review of literature and presentation of a seminar on a research theme related topic (3 credits): This paper is compulsory for all candidates.
Course content: The candidate shall present the literary review of the topic allotted to him/her and the evaluation shall be done by the respective RPC and DRC of the Department. The Head of Department shall coordinate the examination.
Course code FAVV 02:Current methods, tools and techniques in Vikriti Vigyan research (4 credits): This paper is compulsory for all candidates. (Max. Marks- 100)
The evaluation shall be done by an examiner appointed by the Board of examiners. The Head of Department shall coordinate the examination.
Course content: (for Main discipline) (Both Theory and Bed side practical shall be conducted)
Theory- 60 marks
- Concept of Dosha Vriddhi and Kshaya and its methods of assessment
- Concept of Agni and methodology of assessment
- Concept of Ama and its assessment methods
- Concept of Srotas and techniques and tools for assessment of Sroto dusti
- Concept of Ojas and Vyadhikshamatwa and assessment methods of Oja Dosha
- Concept of Avarana and methods of assessment
- Concept of Satkriyakala and methods of identifying stages for prevention and treatment of diseases
- Concept of Arishta and its relevance in present era and its methods of assessment
- Designing of the study for etiopathology of diseases
- Techniques and tools for assessing Samprapti of diseases not described in Ayurveda
- Designing and validation of questionnaires for assessment of various concepts related to Roga Nidan and Vikriti Vigyan
Practical- 40 marks
- Assessment in bed side for long case-one- 25 marks
- Assessment in bed side for short case-one-15 marks
Course content: (for Allied discipline) (only theory examination shall be conducted)
- Introduction of Dosha, Dhatu, Mala, Upadhatu and its importance in causation of diseases
- Introduction to Prakrita and Vaikrita Dosha
- Introduction to Nidan Panchak
- Definition of Nidan, its classification
- Definition of Vyadhi, its classification
- Introduction to Satkriyakala and its importance in prevention and treatment of diseases
- Introduction to Agni and its importance in causation of diseases
- Introduction to Srotas and Srotodusti lakshana
- Introduction to Arishta and Sadhyasadhyata
- Methods of Designing and validation of questionnaire
- Relevance of the concerned allied discipline with Roga Nidan and Vikriti Vigyan
- Research Theme Specific Course (10 credits)
Course code FAVV 03: Preparation and presentation of the research plan proposal (2 credits). This paper is compulsory for all candidates. The mode of examination shall be presentation by the candidate.
Course content: The candidate will prepare and present the research plan proposal of his/her topic allotted by the Supervisor. The evaluation shall be done by the respective RPC and DRC of the Department. This will be coordinated by the Supervisor concerned.
Course code FAVV 04:Standardization of methods and techniques relevant to the research topic (4 credits) (Max. marks -100). This paper is compulsory for all candidates. The mode of examination will be either practical/viva-voce.
Course content: The candidate will either demonstrate the plan and techniques developed to standardize the methods or answer the questions regarding the standardization of methodologies and techniques relevant to the allotted research topic. The evaluation and coordination for this paper shall be done by the supervisor concerned
Course code FAVV 05:Essentials of Vikriti Vigyan and Pathology (4 credits) (Max. marks -100). This paper is elective for the candidates. The mode of examination will be theory only. The evaluation and coordination for this paper shall be done by the supervisor concerned.
Course content (100 marks theory)
- Clinical importance of Dosha, Dhatu and Mala and their role in manifestation of diseases
- Dosha gati and its clinical significance
- Clinical significance of Agni and its importance in maintenance of life and causation of diseases
- Concept of Ama and its clinical significance
- Srotas, srotodusti and its clinical significance
- Nidan panchak and satkriyakala and their importance in diagnosis and prevention of diseases
- Vyadhi, its classification according to various Acharyas, Roga margas and their importance
- Ojas and Vyadhikshamatwa
- Upadrava, Arishta and Sadyasadhyata
- Cell injury and cellular adaptations
- Immunopathology
- Derangement of Homeostasis and haemodynamics
- Inflammation and healing
- Neoplasia
Course code FAVV 06:Developing tools and techniques to assess various parameters such as Dashavidha Pariksha, Samprapti etc. (4 credits) (Max. marks-100). This paper is elective for the candidates. The mode of examination will be theory only. The evaluation and coordination for this paper shall be done by the supervisor concerned.
Course content (100 marks theory)
- Techniques for assessment of Samprapti ghatakas of various diseases
- Introduction to Dashavidha Pariskha and its importance
- Assessment techniques for Prakriti
- Tools and techniques for assessment of Sara
- Assessment techniques for Samhanana
- Tools for assessment of Pramana
- Assessment technique for Satmya
- Assessment technique for Satva
- Assessment technique for Ahara Shakti
- Assessment technique for Vyayama Shakti
- Assessment technique for Vaya
Course code FAVV 07:Recent advances in research related to Vikriti Vigyan (4 credits) (Max. marks- 100). This paper is elective for the candidates. The mode of examination will be theory only. The evaluation and coordination for this paper shall be done by the supervisor concerned.
Course content (100 marks theory)
- Study of journals and collection of articles related to research in Vikriti Vigyan
- Presentation of the scientific articles related to Vikriti Vigyan by the candidate in Journal club as per schedule
- Study of the thesis already submitted under the Postgraduate and Ph D course of the Department
- Searching of articles related to Vikriti Vigyan in AYUSH Research Portal, DHARA, PubMed, SCOPUS, Web of Science, Science Direct, Google Scholar etc.
The candidate shall report all the articles collected from various sources to the Supervisor concerned and the Supervisor shall frame the questions from the collected articles as well as from submitted thesis of the Department.
Course code FAVV 08:Recent advances in Clinical Methods(4 credits) (Max. marks- 100). This paper is elective for the candidates. The mode of examination will be theory only. The evaluation and coordination for this paper shall be done by the supervisor concerned.
Course content (100 marks theory)
- Concept of Pramana in relevance to Roga and Rogi Pariksha
- Ancient methods of Roga and Rogi Pariksha (Trividha, Sadvidha etc.)
- Nidan Panchak in relevance to Roga Pariksha
- Ashtasthana Pariksha and its relevance with general scheme of examination
- Methods of srotas pariskha
- Current methods of Systemic examination
- Ancient methods of Roga and Rogi bala pariksha (Dahsavidha Pariksha and other methods)
- Assessment of Roga bala by Vikrititah pariksha
- Methods of designing a case record proforma in view of Ayurvedic concepts
- Assessment of Sadhyasadhyata by ancient and current technologies
Course code FAVV 09: Recent advances in laboratory techniques (4 credits) (Max. marks- 100). This paper is elective for the candidates. The mode of examination will be theory only. The evaluation and coordination for this paper shall be done by the supervisor concerned.
Course content (100 marks theory)
- Introduction to ancient laboratory practices
- Ancient methods of Rakta Pariksha and contemporary methods of blood examination
- Ancient methods of Kapha Pariksha and contemporary methods of sputum examination
- Ancient methods of Mutra Pariksha and contemporary methods of urine examination
- Ancient methods of Purisha Pariskha and contemporary methods of stool examination
- Relevance of Taila Bindu Pariskha of Mutra in prognosis of diseases
- Relevance of Jalanimajjana Purisha Pariksha in ascertaining Sama Purisha
- Ancient methods of Retas Pariskha and contemporary methods of semen analysis
- Good laboratory practices
- Laboratory safety and disciplines
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