Syllabus for STA 2014 Fall 2007
Instructor: Paul Rowe()Office: 51-3133
Phone: 620-3716Website:
Room: 15-1303Time: MW10-10:50
CRN: 80303-80306Office hours:MW11-12
Textbook: Fundamentals of Statistics (second edition)TR 2-4
By SullivanOr by appointment
Your grade will be computed fromFriday breakout sections
Final exam30%80305Kinser1010-1357
Grades will be based on the following scale:
A = 100-93%, A- = 92-90%, B+=89-87%, B = 86–83%, B- = 82–80%, C= 79–70%,
D = 69-60%, F = below 60%
Your homework assignments, will be collected weekly on Friday at the beginning of class. These will be from the material discussed on Monday and Wednesdays classes. Selected exercises from the assignment will be graded on a 20 point scale. Exercises from the text will be posted on my website. No late homework will be accepted. Homework should be neat and multiple page assignments should be stapled at the top of the page.
There will be weekly quizzes every Friday that will be graded on a 10 point scale. They will reflect the material that has just been collected as homework. We’ll take about 15 minutes after a review of the material discussed that week. The lowest quiz grade will be dropped and the average of the remaining scores will constitute your quiz grade. No makeup quizzes will be given.
You’ll have two full period examinations and a comprehensive final. You are expected to be present for all tests. If an emergency arises and you are unable to take the test you must notify me of this by phone (620-3716) or email () before the test to make arrangements to take a make-up. Only bona fide, documented excuses will be allowed. For any unexcused missed tests you will receive a grade of “0”. Tentative dates are ?????????
Books and Calculators: A TI-83 graphing calculator is required for this course. Each class you’ll need to bring your calculator, and text book so you can follow along with the in class demonstrations.
Pease feel free to ask questions in class and come to the office (51-3133) for help during office hours.
Important Dates:
Last day to withdraw:November 9th (Friday)
Tentative test dates: Oct. 1, Nov. 5. Final: December 12th (Wednesday) 9-10:50
School Holidays: Sept. 3, Nov. 12, Nov. 22-24
General Education Outcomes:
STA 2014 is designed to satisfy the following criteria from the Central Student Outcomes of General Education:
- II. D. 1. Students should be able to demonstrate general knowledge of the breadth, power, and development of major areas of mathematics.
We reach this goal by devoting about one half of the course to probability and inferential statistics. This portion of the course includes the concepts needed to understand the topics, the skills needed to apply the concepts, and a discussion of the scope of these concepts.
- II. D. 2. Students should be able to demonstrate proficiency in solving problems using mathematical concepts and quantitative reasoning.
We reach this goal by finding relationships between variables by doing regression analysis, constructing estimators, calculating probabilities, and performing tests of hypotheses. The acquired techniques will be applied to solve various types of word problems from a variety of disciplines.