Syllabus for IMP 1 (2010-2011) – Period 8

Teacher: Dwight Koch, Room: D207


Phone Extension: 41818

General Information:

Welcome to IMP 1 for the school year 2010-2011. Please feel free to contact me with any concerns and questions as they come up. Email is generally the best way to communicate with me. I will make every effort to respond to you within 24 hours of receiving your message. Additionally I will have office hours on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursdays from 2:40 to 3:15 of each week. I will be available to both students (for extra help)and parents. If these times don’t work, I can also meet before school, during lunch, and/or during my planning periods. Please contact me to make an appointment if you need to speak with me.

Course Description:

A very general description of this course is identified on the DSA Math Web Page. Specifically we will cover 5 units in this course. The first unit, Patterns, introduces students to the methods of IMP and focuses on Functions, Reasoning, and Problem Solving. The second unit is The Game of Pig, with the main emphasis here on the topics of Probability and Expected Value. The third unit in the book is The Overland Trail, which studies the mathematical ideas of Variables, Graphs, Linear Functions, and Equations. The fourth unit is called The Pit and the Pendulum, its’ primary topics include Standard Deviation and Curve Fitting. The final unit in the book is Shadows, where topics of Similar Triangles, Proportional Reasoning and Fundamentals of Trigonometry are discussed. In terms of sequencing of units for the year, we will cover Unit 1, Unit 3, and the first half of Unit 2 the first semester and finish Unit 2, cover Unit 4 and 5 the second semester.

Grading Criteria:

  • 35%: from assigned homework and Problems of the Week (POWs)
  • 25%: from classroom work activities and participation (a bi weekly student self evaluation will principally comprise this score)
  • 10%: Quizzes given during the unit (about 2-3 per unit)
  • 20%: Unit Assessments
  • 10%: Final Semester Assessment

For much of the “big work” I assess (POWs and Take Home Evaluations) students will need to complete and turn in a Self Evaluation Sheet. All of these Sheets as well as schedules will be posted on my DSA Website. I will give students a copy of these documents in class, but if they misplace them, they need to generate another one themselves.

From these Categories, letter grades will be assigned according to the following percentages:

Scale: 90 and aboveA (90-92 A-)

80-89B (87-89 B+; 80-82 B-)

70-79C (77-79 C+; 70-72 B-)

60-69D (67-69 D+; 60-62 D-)

Below 60F

Detailed Explanation of Work Requirements:

Schedule: Each week I will produce and post a schedule of the upcoming weeks activities and assignments (including due dates). A hard copy of the schedule will be given weekly to each student, a copy will be posted on the classroom wall, and the schedule will be posted on my Web Site.

Homework: All homework will be worth 10 points:

  • All work turned in on or before the due date will receive the full points earned. The policy for late work is as follows: for work turned in 1-4 days late a 25% reduction in the students score will occur, for work turned in 1 week late a 50% penalty of the students score will occur. Work that is turned in over 1 week past the due date will receive no credit. Students may receive extensions on any assignment provided they email me in advance with a reason they need the extension and also a reasonable date they will turn in the assignment.
  • If a student is absent they have 2 days (for each day absent) to make up the work, per district guidelines. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the teacher or look at the Website to find out about any missed assignments.
  • Class time will be provided to complete (or at least start most of homework). Students should look at the work carefully during this time and ask questions as necessary. If students use their class time wisely, little of the work will need to be brought home.

Problem of the Week (POW): This big work is assigned such that a POW is due approximately every 2-3 weeks. All POWs will be worth 25 points according to Self Evaluation Rubric that each student is required to complete and submit with the POW. Self Evaluations are posted on my Website.

  • Same late policy as the homework.
  • Since this is a “big work” where the due date is given at least 2 weeks in advance, if student is absent on the due date, they must turn in the POW the first day they return to school.
  • Generally class time will be provided to at least start most these problems. Students should look at the work carefully during this time and ask questions as necessary.
  • With the approval of the teacher, all scored POWs may be redone and resubmitted for extra points. The work must show improvement in effort, thinking, and written communication to get additional credit.

Participation: The score for this part of the student’s grade comes from work assigned and completed in class (classwork), the taking and management of notes, and their ability to follow the class norms (attendance, tardies, behavior, etc.). Students will complete a “Participation Self Evaluation” approximately every 2 weeks. This Self Evaluation is posted on my Website. If a student is having “issues” in this class, I may ask them to bring this document home with them, share it with their parents/guardian and return it to me with a signature and comments as applicable.

Quizzes and Assessments: There will be 2-3 short quizzes administered each unit (the points for this work are variable). There will minimally be an end of unit assessment for each unit and sometimes there may be a take home component to the assessment. There will also be a final semester exam each semester covering any topic that was introduced during the semester. This assessment is worth 10% of the student’s final semester grade.

Materials Needed for Class every day (Please see Supply List on my Web Page):

Daily: Text Book, Lined Paper, Graph Paper, Pencil, Spiral Notebook (for note taking) TI83+ or TI84+ Calculator

Occasionally: Ruler, Protractor, and Colored Pencils

Additional Classroom Materials (donated to classroom for extra credit points): 3 x 5 notecards, lined paper, graph paper, colored pencils, expo (white board markers), tape (duct, masking, and “scotch” tape), copy paper

Class Records:

  • Assignments will be posted on my Website(schedule) and on Infinite Campus. In the event a student is absent they should check the site to ensure they can get all required assignments in on time.
  • It is the student’s responsibility to get information on any missed work when absent.
  • Grades will be updated continuously in IC.

In Class Procedures:

  • Students are welcome to eat and drink in the classroom provided they clean up after themselves and the food doesn’t become a distraction.
  • Cell phones are not to be used at all in class.IPods can only be used during designated work times or during assessments and cannot be shared.The first time a student violates this policy, I will take the device away from them for the period, the second offense will result in me taking the device for the day, any further problems will result in me taking the device away and a parent or guardian will need to come and get the device from me during my office hours.
  • Class norms regarding effective teams, communication and listening will be established by students and followed for each class.
  • Minor discipline problems including excessive tardies, class disruptions and off task behavior that interferes with the offender’s and other student’s opportunities to learn will be handled on a case by case basis in the following manner. The Participation Self Evaluation will document these issues:

1.(1st offense) Talk to the student(s) involved.

2. (2nd -3rd offense) E-mail to the parent

3.Repeated offenses may be handled with referral and/or parent conference.

  • Severe discipline problems such as bullying, extreme disruption and/or behavior that interfere with the learning process for more than just the offender will be dealt with immediately by referral and possible removal from class via short term suspension if necessary.


  • If a student is absent, it is his/her responsibility to see me or contact me for notes. An excellent method of getting information that was missed due to an absence is for the student to contact a peer and get the information from them.
  • Students have two days to make up work for each day they are absent. If an absence is planned students should go to the Website to get the assignment and turn it in on time if possible.
  • I do offer outside tutoring by appointment for students who have given every effort in class, maintained good attendance and need supplemental instruction. Tutoring is in no way a substitute for attending class.

Please e-mail to confirm that you have read and understand this information (include the student’s name). Feel free to include questions you have.

Thank you

Dwight Koch

Mathematics and Science

Denver School of the Arts