Geometry A
Syllabus for Geometry 2017-2018
Mrs. Robbins
Class Goal:
Our goal is to be prepared for the Geometry TNReady Assessments that will be administered in April, while enrolled in Geometry B, and more importantly to gain problem solving skills and mathematical knowledge needed for real-life!
Topics Include:
• Points, Lines, and Planes • Distance Formula • Midpoint Formula • Naming & Classifying Angles • Angle Relationships: adjacent, vertical, complementary, supplementary, linear pair • Translating Expressions • Perpendicular Lines • Angle Bisectors • Constructions • Inductive Reasoning & Conjectures • Compound Statements & Truth Tables • Conditional Statements • Inverse, Converse, and Contrapositive • Biconditional Statements • Venn Diagrams • Algebraic Proofs • Properties, Postulates, and Definitions • Segment Proofs • Angle Proofs Parallel Lines, Parallel Planes, Skew Lines • Lines and Angle Relationships: corresponding, alternate interior, alternate exterior, corresponding, and consecutive interior • Proving Lines are Parallel (Converses) • Slope Review/Writing Linear Equations Review • Parallel and Perpendicular Lines on the Coordinate Plane • Determine if lines are parallel, perpendicular, or neither • Write linear equations that are parallel or perpendicular to a given line, passing through a certain point • Classifying Triangles by Sides and Angles • Angles of Triangles • Triangle Sum Theorem • Exterior Angle Theorem • Triangle Congruence: SSS and SAS • Triangle Congruence: ASA and AAS • Right Triangle Congruence: HL • Mixed Review of Triangle Congruence • Corresponding Parts of Congruent Triangles are Congruent (CPCTC)
Textbook: None
9-weeks Grading Scale:
Grades will be standards-based and calculated as follows:
Mastery/Unit Assessments: 80%
Class/Homework: 20%
Mastery assessments will be small and will assess individual skills. Grades on mastery assessments will be given on a scale from 1 to 5. Grades on report cards will be correlated to the standard 0 to 100 scale.
5 / Exceeding grade level standard / 1004 / Showing mastery of grade level standard and producing quality work / 90
3 / Progressing toward grade level standard, but mastery has not yet been reached. / 80
2 / Beginning to develop grade level standard. Not yet able to produce required grade level work independently / 70
1 / Showing little to no understanding of grade level standard / 60
(Scores may also be given in increments of 0.5)
We do not take up class/homework on a daily basis. All assignments for each set of skills are expected to be completed by the day the skills are tested. We will only collect all assignments on the day of the test/quiz, at which time students will receive one grade for the entire set of assignments. The grade students receive on class/homework will be based on their effort on the set of assignments. (Yes, students will still receive feedback from Mrs. Robbins during class each day as to how they are performing on the skills.)
Most assignments should be able to be completed in class with very little left to complete outside of class. All class/homework will be kept in the student’s 3-ring binder until a formal assessment is given over the material.
Tests and quizzes may be re-taken for partial credit upon request of the student - before or after school
Attendance and Make-up Work:
Attendance in class should be on top of your priority list. If a student comes class, we can teach them! Missing just one day will place any student in a “catch-up” situation. There is a designated spot in the classroom where students can pick up any work missed.
3-Ring Binder:
Each student will keep class notes, class/homework, graphic organizers, foldables, and reference sheets in an organized 3-ring binder. This must be brought each day, as we will add to and refer to items in the binder often.
We will begin each class with a problem or question that you are expected to begin solving or answering by the time the bell rings. It will be on the screen daily. You will receive a special packet each nine weeks to write your bell-ringers in. All you have to do is write it down and make a good attempt to answer or solve the bell-ringer. These will be checked for completion at the end of each grading period for a TEST grade.
Student Materials:
▪3-Ring Binder
▪Pencils – ALL assignments, tests, and quizzes must be done in pencil.
▪Notebook Paper
▪Graphing Calculator –TI 84 Plus is highly recommended. I have some in my classroom that students may use, but they may not be taken home. Also, I do not always have enough for an entire class.
▪Expo Markers – We use individual whiteboards in class often.
Contact Information:
Email Mrs. Robbins -
(Email is the best method of contact)
School phone number - 865- 435-7216
Please sign and return to Mrs. Robbins
I have read the policies and information outlined in the Geometry A syllabus and shared this information with my parent(s) and/or guardian.
(student NAME please print)
(student signature)(Date)
(parent or guardian signature)(Date)