Syllabus for Computer Applications I
Mrs. Ingle-Room 302
Purpose of the Course:This course is designed to help students master advanced skills in the areas of word processing, database management, spreadsheet, telecommunications, desktop publishing, and presentation applications. Emphasis is on data communications, Internet and e-mail, as well as skill development in the integration of software applications, ethical issues pertaining to information systems, and information technologies careers. Communication skills and critical thinking are reinforced through software applications.
Attendance/Tardy Policy:Students are expected to be present and on time for all class meetings. You are on time if you are in your seat when the tardy bell rings. Students who are absent have three (3) days to make it up in the LearningCenter or computer lab.
Notebooks: Students need a three-ring loose-leaf notebook to hold
handouts, study guides and printed assignments.
EOC:At the end of this course students will take a mandatory end-of-course test, which will cover everything that has been studied this semester. The end-of-course test counts 25% of your semester grade.
Testing:Students are expected to be present on test day. Each test will cover one objective or unit. Students who are absent for a test have three days to make it up in the LearningCenter.
Grading Policy:Pop Quizzes count 2 times
Objective Tests count 4 times.
Unit Tests count 8 times.
Grading Scale:A=92.5-100
F=69.4 or below
Writing Components:Throughout the course students will be required to write in a variety of formats and for a variety of purposes. Regardless of the length, format, or purpose of the writing assignment, the goal of the writing component of this course is to assist you in clarifying your thinking and to effectively communicate the results of that process.
Academic Integrity:Students are expected to rely on their own knowledge when taking tests and completing independent assignments. Cheating in any form is unacceptable and will result in an F on any particular assignment.
Unit Titles and Objective Statements
Objective One:Understand tools and methods used to obtain information from the Internet.
Objective Two:Remember components of electronic communications and rules of online safety.
Objective Three:Understand documents and publications used in business.
Objective Four:Understand spreadsheets, charts, and graphs used in business.
Objective Five:Understand databases used in business.
Objective Six:Apply procedures to use presentation software in business.
Summary:Students getting credit for this course will have shown some degree of success in the mastery of the above objectives.