Syllabus and Course Description

World Geography

Diana Morey

World Geography is a survey course covering the study of the earth’s surface and the processes that shape it. It includes the study of how people have adapted to and altered the places in which they live and the spread of cultures, political systems, and economic systems.

Grading policy will follow the district policy. Test/Projects 60%; Quiz (including notebook and map quizzes) 25%; Daily work 15%

Students will be given numerous opportunities in a variety of ways to achieve a passing grade. These include but are not limited to: re-teach/re-test and replacing failing grades with corrected work.

You may access your student’s grades by completing the information on the district website –Home Access Center (HAC). Contact the office for information on registering for HAC. Grades will be posted weekly usually on Wednesdays.

Response to Intervention:

Students who are not passing Student Expectation Assessments each 3 weeks will be assigned to World Geography RTI tutorials on Thursday during home room. Students need to make arrangements with their teacher regarding attendance and assignments. Students may re-tale tests after attending tutorials.

Tutorialswill be offered in room 202:

Mornings by appointment

Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday afternoons 3:30

Thursday is my Duty day; there will be no tutorials on those days. If there is a problem, students may consult with me about setting up a Thursday tutorial.

Missing work is expected to be completed in a timely manner. Assignments given before an absence are due on the day the student returns. Assignments missed during an absence will be given a due date equal to the length of the absence plus one day.Late work will be accepted within a five day period with a maximum grade of 70. No late work will be accepted after 5 days.

Please call/email and make an appointment. 659-3577(ext 202)or . Email is the most efficient way to contact me, I will respond during my conference, after school or at the latest the next morning.

Syllabus:(Subject to change)

First Quarter (9 weeks) - Units 1 and 2, Basics of Geography/Physical Geography/Forces Shaping the Earth; Regional Studies/Physical Geography of the World

Second Quarter (9 Weeks) – Units 3 and 4, History/Government & Citizenship; Economics, Science, Technology and Society

Third Quarter (9 Weeks) – Units 5 and 6, Introduction to World Culture; In-Depth Look into World Cultures

Fourth Quarter (9 Weeks) – Unit 7, Political Geography

Course Objectives:

1)Student will become more aware of how political, economic, and social processes shape cultural patterns and characteristics in various places and regions

2)Students will understand patterns and characteristics of major landforms, climates, and ecosystems of the earth and the process that shape them.

3)Students will improve critical thinking and map/graph skills

4)Students will practice TAKS skills

Class Expectations:

1)Students will observe all rules in the Central Freshman Campus Code of Conduct. Students are required and parents are advised to read andunderstand the Code of Conduct including dress code and cell phone policy. The Code of Conduct is available online or you may pick up a hard copy from the front office. Parent and Student must sign and return the form provided to the school stating they have read and understand the code of conduct.

2)Students will come to class prepared to work. Including the materials necessary for the day’s work.

3)Students will treat all members of the class and items in the classroom with respect.

4)Students will arrive to class on time, be in their seat and working priorto the tardy bell.

5)Students will follow instructions.

I am looking forward to a great year with your student. Your student will be successful in this class if they follow the class expectations and turn in work in a timely manner. Please keep this syllabus for your records and cut off the signature section and return to school.

Students are expected to bring the following supplies to class:

  1. #2 Pencils and map pencils (25 colors). A pencil bag is strongly suggested
  2. Hand pencil sharpener (for map colors)
  3. 1 box of tissue
  4. 5 subject spiral
  5. Glue sticks (2)
  6. positive attitude


World GeographyConference 9:45 – 10:30 AMCentral Freshman Campus659-3576 ext 202 (leave voice mail)

Cut Here

Return this portion to class with signatures.

I have received the World Geography syllabus. I have read and understand the syllabus and expectations for World Geography. Cut on the line above and return this bottom portion to class.





______Date______Parent Email

(Please print clearly) Email is the fastest and easiest way to contact me

*Please contact me if for any reason you are unable to acquire supplies for class. I can help.

In order to keep in touch with your student’s teacher it is imperative that you keep your contact information up to date. I will contact you via email first and I tend to use the email address that is entered in the system. Please check your email regularly, I want to work with you to help your student have a successful freshman year in high school.