SSF-2015 CSA information
Sycamore Spring Farm 2015 CSA Membership Application
Applicant Name:______
Mailing Address: ______City/ST/Zip______
Telephone: H______C______Email:______
2015 (May 1-Nov 22) Season selections are listed below. Please check preferences.
______Enclosed is the full amount of $750.00 for one fullmembership share in Sycamore Spring Farm CSA-30wk Program. ($25.00wk) (half/split share-just divide $/wk by 2)
______Enclosed is the full amount of $594.00for one extended membership share inSycamore Spring Farm CSA-22wk Program. (May29-Oct25) ($27.00wk)(half/split share-just divide $/wk by 2)
NOTE** the 22 wk FULL share is the ONLY share that is offered in ourDELIVERY Program.
______Enclosed is the full amount of $270.00 for one full share in the 9week Bountiful Season Program Jul3thru Aug 30 ($30.00wk)(half/split share-just divide $/wk by2)
______Enclosed is the full amount of $240.00 for one full share in the 8 week Autumn Harvest Program Oct 2– Nov 22 ($30.00wk)(half/split share-just divide $/wk by2)
______SPECIAL-Monthly CSA Share. Pick either 1st, 2nd,, 3rd or 4th Friday or Saturday of each month
PLUS size shareincludes BONUS Items each month!. May-thru-Nov=7 pick up dates $245.00
______I would like to purchase an egg share. CSA egg share cost is $4.00doz. (Reg.member $4.50 doz)
Number of ____weeks X number of _____dozen X $4.00= $______
______I would like to purchase a Highland Beef share. Ground Beef ($5.00lb) or Beef Chunks ($5.50lb) or 1 of each ($9.50/2lb).____No/weeksX No/lbs _____X $______=______
______I would like to participate in 6 hour/$25.00 rebate or12hour/$50.00 rebate. Circle one. This is a rebate program for 30 or 22 wk, FULL shareholders ONLY.Please do NOT deduct this amount from your payment.
Please NOTE: You may purchase more than one share or a combination of shares. To guarantee placement, share(s) must be paid in full with this signed agreement. We will keep you informed well in advance of your first pick-up date which will be on a Friday/Saturday/Sundayunless other arrangements have been made. First Pick-up date(s) scheduled for May 2/3/4 2014.The amount of produce received increases as the season & soil warms up. Please select a day and time from the list below that you think would work best for your pick-up. We are flexible for your pick up day/time but shares that have not been picked up by closing time on your pick-up day or as agreed will be forfeited.Change Requests require at least 24 hour notice. Thank You.
_____Friday 2-5pm _____Saturday 8am-noon _____Sunday 8am-2pm
_____Friday 5-8pm _____Saturday noon-2pm SAT/SUNpick-up ends promptly @ 2PM
Please sign, copy and mail this form with payment.Make checks payable to
“Sycamore Spring Farm”~6003 Elmer Derr Rd~FrederickMD21703
This is an agreement to share in the risks and benefits of farming for food. Share costs are not refundable but you may sell, transfer or assign your share to another.
Member Signature______Date: ______
©Sycamore Spring Farm 2000-2015 No reproduction of this document or the information it contains without the express written permission of SSF/NCRollman 1
Sycamore Spring Farm ~ 6003 Elmer Derr Road ~ FrederickMD21703 ~ 301.788.6980