Sycamore Sports Boosters
General Board Meeting
March 12, 2017
Sycamore High School cafeteria
Executive Board Attendees:
Jim Winters, Susan Mizgalski, Lisa Miller, Tori Klaassens, Chauncey Carrick
General Board Attendees:
Jil Cottone, Michele Zibrun, Laura Herrmann, Doug Stice, Sheri Prutton, Chris Miller, Eric Menzer, Tim Schlosser
Total Attendees: 16
The meeting was called to order at 7:02 PM by President Susan Mizgalski
Secretary Report: Tori Klaassens - January 2017General Boardmeeting minutes approved: February and March 2017 minutes to be voted on for approval at April 9th general meeting.
Treasurer Report:Report presented by Lisa Miller – February income was $2,500 with expenses being $21,000. March income was over $3,000 and the expenses were $1,200. Motion to approve Treasurer report by Tim Schlosser and 2nd by Sheri Prutton.
Business Report –
Concessions: Sheri Prutton – It was suggested that we start getting involved in the bigger weekend events. Sheri is looking for some new menu item ideas. Things that are easy. We will need to invest in some food appliances this year. The first thing on the list is to replace the broken popcorn machine. Michele Zibrun said the sign up genius for volunteers is making the volunteer process a lot smoother.
Spirit Wear: No Report
Marketing: We are still looking for volunteers to manage social media
Grant Projects:
Softball Dugouts – We are still researching costs for dugouts for the sophomore softball field. We have budgeted $10,000 for the project but as of now the cost is $15,000. Chauncey is still working on getting those costs down.
Multi-PurposeScoreboard: Jim Winters – Dave Coovert and Jim Winters traveled to Omaha to view the scoreboard. It’s very technologically advanced. The current cost for the board is $138,000. The electrical estimate is $25,000 and steel beam supports are $7,000. The total cost of the project is $180,000. There is a huge advertising potential to re-coup cost of scoreboard as well as create a large permanent revenue stream. Over the next month or 2 the project committee will start approaching larger area businesses to get a feel for advertising interest. Sponsorship levels are currently being created. The technology is run from an IPad. There is a $2,500 per yr. cost for updating of technology. The proposed placement is the northeast end of the field inside the track.
Special Events /Projects –
FLOTG 2017: Jil Cottone –The event date is 4/29/17. We will continue the trivia night format this year. Tickets are currently on sale. We will have a taco bar this year and will be continuing the draw down. Not many volunteers are still needed.
Spartan Open: Presented by Doug Stice – The event date is 6/23/17. Committee has been set up and is meeting regularly.
Athletic Directors Report:Chauncey Carrick
Co-op Swim team- Riley Loce qualified for state in 2 events
Co-op Gymnastics – took 2nd at state
Boys Bowling – qualified for state
Dance Team – qualified for day 2 at state
Girls Basketball – advanced to sectionals
Boys Basketball – advanced to sectionals
Jack Mizgalski qualified for the state 3 point competition
We are hosting Baseball sectional this year and still have 3 track events coming up this season.
General Board Nominees:
Jim Dumont, Lisa Miller, Dave Coovert, Fran Gottfried, Cindy Kozumplik, Tori Klaassens, Todd Burns, Michele Zibrun, Laura Herrmann, Susan Mizgalski, Marlon Wiegmann, Doug Stice, Eric Menzer, Tim Schlosser, Sheri Prutton, Chris Miller, Jil Cottone, Michelle Loptien
Open Comments:Cindy Kozumplik asked for clarification of what the $70,000 booster budget is spent on. She was given a list of current booster purchases. Chauncey Carrick also clarified that the sports participation fees goes to pay for transportation, coaches, and referee fees and the Sports Boosters organization covers a majority of the uniforms and equipment costs.
Next General Board Meeting: Sunday April 9th @ 7pm. General board members will be elected and nominations for executive board will be taken. Executive board will be elected at May meeting.
Meeting Adjourned 8:32pm