Metal Shear Safe Work Procedure
Page 1 of 1 / WSHMS-02C-SWP-091
Division: /



Analysis By:


Kildonan-East Staff



/ Mar/05/2008
Department: / Kildonan-East Collegiate /




/ Hourly

Job Title:


Electrical / Electronics

/ Approved By: /

JSA Number:

/ EE1

Job Title:

/ Metal Shear EE1 / Job Performed By: /

Teacher and or students

Required Personal Protective Equipment: CSA approved safety glasses, closed toe shoes in Electrical and Electronics shops, leather gloves if handling (large) sheets of fiberglass/copper or sheets with sharp edges.Use hearing protection per RETSD policy.

GENERAL NOTES: No lighters, matches or cell phones allowed in shop area. Long necklaces and or bracelets are to be removed. Long hair should be tied back. Strings hanging from pullovers/sweaters should be removed or tucked inside pullover/sweater. Hoods from pullovers/sweaters should be tucked inside pullover/sweater or removed.

Job Safety Analysis:

Step / Description / Hazard / Controls
1 / Metal Shear; Lift shear handle up,when working with a large or awkward sheet of fiberglass/ copper ask for assistance from a co-worker. / Repetitive motion
Muscle strain
Cuts to hands and fingers / Take breaks
Ask for assistance when moving a large or awkward sheet of fiberglass/copper.
Wear leather gloves when moving sheet\s of fiberglass/copper with sharp edges.
2 / Insert material to be cut. Only 1 sheet of material at a time. / Pinched skin
Sharp material causing cuts to hands and or fingers / Wear leather gloves
3 / Hold onto fibreglass/copper sheet and place on intake tray, watch placement of hands/fingers and lower the shear handle, this will lower the cutting blade. / Pay attention to hand and finger placement blade can cause loss of appendages.
Sharp edges causing cuts to hands and fingers. / Pay attention do not get distracted, watch placement of hands and fingers.
Wear leather gloves to avoid cuts to hands and fingers.
Never use the Metal Shear if guard is removed.
4 / Remove cut fibreglass/copper sheet. / Pinched skin
Cuts to hands and or fingers / Wear leather gloves to avoid cuts to hands and fingers while removing cut material.
5 / Lift handle and remove waste material. / Repetitive motion
Muscle strain
Cuts to hands and or fingers / Take breaks and ask for assistance if material is large and or awkward.
Wear leather gloves or use hand broom to remove scraps or waste material.





Approval Signature:Date:

Page 1 of 1 Print Date: Mar/05/2008