Braidwood Primary School

August/September Newsletter

Our School Values

Trust Happiness Friendship Respect Responsibility

Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome back to our new school year and our first newsletter of this session. I hope you all had a lovely holiday. It is great to welcome our new P1 pupils and their families to our school, and also a number of new pupils to other classes. It’s a very special time and we are delighted to share it with them.

Dates for your Diary

If parents and carers are invited along to a school event, it will state ‘Parents invited’ next to the event.

Friday 1st Sept – Rights of the Child Play

Monday 4th Sept – Rookie Rockstars in school all week

Wednesday 13th Sept – Rookie Rockstars Performance 6.30pm (parents invited – ticket info to follow)

Thursday 21st Sept – SSPCA workshops in school

Friday 22nd Sept – Holiday

Monday 25th Sept – Holiday

Friday 29th Sept – Ham and Jam Choir Festival (some pupils attending)

Curriculum News

As you may be aware we recently spent time creating our school vision and values statement. This is the basis for all the work that goes on in our school and is at the heart of our curriculum. Thanks for your input and help in creating it alongside our pupils and staff. Our shared vision is below, and our values at the top of the page.

Our Vision

‘To provide a happy, safe and fun environment where everyone is valued and shows respect for each other in our learning family. Pupils are proud of who they are and develop their own talents.

We remove barriers to the learning adventure, enabling us to have a ‘can do’ attitude and be the best we can be.’

School captains and House Groups

We are excited to say that we are starting School captains and Houses in Braidwood! The pupils are delighted to have these opportunities to take on leadership roles and work together as a House team.


We are always keen to update our ways of communicating with parents and carers and will very soon will start to use the ‘mySchoolApp’ as a means of communicating with you. More information will follow regarding this, but I am confident it will allow for effective and efficient communication between school and home. Many thanks to the parent council for funding this. Look out for more info soon!

Rookie Rockstars

The rockstars are coming! On 4th September the Rookie Rockstars will be spending the week in Braidwood Primary delivering an exciting variety of songs and activities based on anti bullying and growth mindset. The pupils will then be showing off their Rockstar performances on Wednesday 13th September in the evening at school. More information will follow.

Health Promotion, Playground Safety

A polite reminder the car park is for staff and visitors only. It is not a drop off area. The safety of pupils is paramount and I thank you for your support in this matter. Please also note that pupils are supervised in the playground from 8.45am.

Wet Weather

On days when the weather is particular wet, pupils come into the building via the infant door, or senior end door from 8.45am. They are then supervised in the gym hall by support staff until 9am.

School Uniform

All our pupils are back after the summer looking incredibly smart in their school uniforms! Thank you for your help in making this happen.

We are very proud of the high standards of our uniform and appreciate your support in making sure your children wear their uniform everyday. Our uniform consists of grey trousers/skirt/pinafore, red jumper, white polo shirt/white shirt and tie, and black school shoes.

Best wishes,

Gwen Sinclair

Head Teacher

Paperless Communication

We would appreciate it if you could please provide us with your email address. This will allow us to send you the newsletter electronically and reduce our paper use! Please return this slip to school.

Many thanks.

Pupil Name ______Class ______

Parent/Carer Name ______

Email address ______

Be the best you can be!