The Alternative Solution

Swine Influenza (Flu) or any kind of cold and flu

Swine Flu website last updated April 28, 2009 11:00 AM ET

U.S. Human Cases of Swine Flu Infection
(As of April 27, 2009 1:00 PM ET)
State / # of laboratory
confirmed cases
California / 10 cases
Kansas / 2 cases
New York City / 45 cases
Ohio / 1 case
Texas / 6 cases
TOTAL COUNT / 64 cases

The human swine flu outbreak continues to grow in the United States and internationally. Today, CDC reports additional cases of confirmed swine influenza and a number of hospitalizations of swine flu patients. Internationally, the situation is more serious too, with additional countries reporting confirmed cases of swine flu. In response to the intensifying outbreak, the World Health Organization raised the worldwide pandemic alert level to Phase 4. A Phase 4 alert is characterized by confirmed person-to-person spread of a new influenza virus able to cause “community-level” outbreaks.” The increase in the pandemic alert phase indicates that the likelihood of a pandemic has increased.

International Human Cases of Swine Flu Infection
World Health Organization

Also as of 26 April, the Government of Mexico has reported 18 laboratory confirmed cases of swine influenza A/H1N1. Investigation is continuing to clarify the spread and severity of the disease in Mexico. Suspect clinical cases have been reported in 19 of the country's 32 states.

WHO and the Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN) are sending experts to Mexico to work with health authorities. WHO and its partners are actively investigating reports of suspect cases in other Member States as they occur, and are supporting field epidemiology activities, laboratory diagnosis and clinical management


On Saturday, 25 April, upon the advice of the Emergency Committee called under the rules of the International Health Regulations, the Director-General declared this event a Public Health Emergency of International Concern.

Dangerous Side Effects of Vaccinations: Their dangers to the young and the elderly, let alone an adult, are well documented. Serious side effects besides developing serious flu like symptoms has more than proven this is not only not effective it can cause extreme problems and even death in those with already compromised immune systems. Children, elderly let alone an adult of middle age are in a dangerous and compromised situation not just from the flu but from the vaccines used to prevent and the treatments.

The difficulties for those with pre-existing conditions in using vaccines and the ineffectiveness of antibiotics due to over use has caused an epidemic in mutated viruses. In the Bible in the book of Revelations speaks to the dangers of Pharmacia; the Lord’s instructions in using herbs of the field to heal our bodies is written as well. We must educate and provide herbal alternative products now!! This recent Pandemic, that have been predicted, will wipe out the vulnerable and cause a ripple effect of havoc in our societies that are globally already starting to play out in a frightening way

Vaccinations - Deception and Tragedy
"At the present time there are growing public and professional concerns about the safety of currently mandated childhood vaccine programs, as reflected in by a series of annual Congressional hearings in Washington DC that have taken place since 1999, sponsored by the U.S. House Government Reform Committee under the chairmanship of Congressman Dan Burton. At an annual conference of the AmericanCollege for the Advancement of Medicine during April 2001, with several hundred physicians in attendance, when one of the speakers asked how many in attendance had concerns about the safety of current childhood vaccines, a large majority raised their hands. The Autism Research Institute of San Diego is now widely known as an active support group for families with autistic children and is one of the more active organizations in this field. Its founding director, Bernard Rimland, Ph.D., has provided the statistics that, in their experience, from 50 to 60% of parents with autistic children believe that their children were damaged by vaccines. In our own office we have seen many autistic children in recent years, and our own experience has been very similar, many parents reporting that deterioration of their children took place following vaccines." Dr. Buttram

Flu Vaccine Facts -- Flu Shot Left Canadian Executive Paralyzed

Most Americans Surprised, Concerned that 90 Percent of Flu Shots Contain the Toxin Mercury. In 1999, government agencies called for the removal of Thimerosal, the mercury-based preservative in most vaccines. Then, in 2001, the AmericanAcademy of Pediatrics stated that, “mercury in all of its forms is toxic to the fetus and children, and efforts should be made to reduce exposure to the extent possible to pregnant women and children as well as the general population.

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Vaccine manufacturers have paid out nearly $2B in damages to parents in America whose children were harmed by one of the childhood jabs such as the MMR (measles-mumps-rubella) or DPT (diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus). In all, around 2,000 families have received compensation payments that have averaged $850,000 each. There are a further 700 claims that are going through the pipeline. None of the claims is for autism as medical researchers say they have failed to find a link between the disease and the MMR vaccine, despite the initial findings made by Dr Andrew Wakefield. Instead they are for a wide spectrum of physical and mental conditions that are likely to have been caused by one of the vaccinations. Around 7,000 parents have filed a claim of an adverse reaction with America's Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP). To win an award, the claimant must prove a causal link to a vaccine. As the medical establishment has refused to recognize any link to autism, the VICP has so far rejected 300 claims for this outright. (Source: New England Journal ofMedicine, 2007;

July 10, 2008 - 12 Babies Die During Vaccine Trials in Argentina At least 12 infants who were part of a clinical study to test a pneumonia vaccine have died in Argentina over the course of the past year. The study was sponsored by GlaxoSmithKline, and uses children from poor families. According to the Argentine Federation of Health Professionals, the families are "pressured and forced into signing consent forms”.

The vaccine trial is still ongoing despite the denunciations.

We must be calm and pro-active …..NOW IS THE TIME.


The Alternative Solution

Prevention and the body that heals itself

It is widely accepted that foods do alter the structure and function of the human body. Herbs are natural food medicines in that respect. In this sense, the offerings in this book are intended as an addition to the diet for that purpose. They can and do alter the structure and function of the body favorably and if a disease goes away then a person has been benefited by a change of diet. The concept of letting the foods we eat be our true medicines has been around for a long time, and proclaimed by many prominent practitioners, and what better way to do it. Regular drug medicines are concentrates, fractionates and synthetics. Many times they are made from plants to begin with but they are altered and the so-called active principle is isolated and removed and concentrated. This creates an unnatural condition where man has tried to improve on nature by forcing the body to do something it wasn't meant to do. This is not the way to build health naturally. When you remove a substance from a plant in that manner you no longer have the other parts of the plant that act as controls to see to it that harmful side effects don't take place and that the natural medicine is absorbed at just the right rate.



Mankind was meant to be healthy. The human body isdesigned by the Creator to be a dynamic, self-maintainingorganism which can grow stronger through use. A person is

not sick because there are too many organs in the body, or alack or radiation, or a deficiency of drugs in the blood stream.

Health results from eating right and living properly.

Herbs areplant food substances intended for your use as"natural medicines ".

Discover your road to health.


Pure Herbs, Ltd

since 1976 over 30 years of Service

Not all herbal tinctures are made at this ratio and potency.

Buy only the best and be assured of results.


The Powerful Herbal Combination for:

Flu Prevention ~Accelerate Healing


Well respected cleaner that will stop flu viruses in their tracks.

Read the dynamics of this powerful combination;

used by the USA top herbalist’s

such as the famous Amish herbalist Solomon Wickey.


highly potent viral, bacterial fighter; found to be useful in those whom have HIV


a potent blood cleaner, touted in it’s use in cancer’s and more…


Lastly but not least, the historical use by monks when the plague broke out and by accident brewed olive leaves in hopes of staving off hunger and low and behold their charges began to heal and their village spared being wiped out.

©2011 All Rights Reserved


C.C.E.-W ~ Pure Herbs, Ltd

(Cleansing Corrective Extract)


Code: 4CCE-W

Price: $40.50four ounce

Code 1CCE-W

1 ounce $13.50

The first mainline defense against influenza

Cleans blood, bowel, nerves and repairs them. It is a life extender. C.C.E.-W is an antibiotic, a poison antidote, and an outright corrective for numerous common and many baffling types of conditions. Its antibiotic activity is excellent. Poison antidote for bee stings and insects. Take internally and apply externally, as needed. For severe itching conditions, such as chicken pox, paint C.C. E.-W on the areas with a Q-Tip or Cotton Bud to relieve the torment. Also, take for allergic reactions.

For emergencies, or in a crisis condition, ½ ounce (1 standard measure Tablespoonful) can be taken at once. If flu is threatening, take 1 Tbl. to prevent it or if it is in full progress, take 1 Tbl. full every four hours, while awake, until the symptoms go away and stay away and get through the flu in record time. It would be unusual to have to take C.C. E.-W more than 3 times in one day. Many times, in the early stages of a flu, 1 Tbl. will just wipe it out.

If needed to counteract a persistent threat, take 1 Tbl., or more, until the flu no longer threatens. If a baby or small child objects to the taste, or if the person is bedridden and cannot take by mouth, then rub in sufficient quantity to cover the entire abdomen instead of taking internally. Please Note: you will clean out large quantities of solid and liquid wastes, rapidly, which are the cause of the flu. Every time you flush these wastes away you can see what was tormenting the body and causing the flu. C.C.E.-W is also an excellent daily regimen to keep the body clean and avoid many kinds of problems. C.C.E.-W is normally taken daily, such as each night, as part of a bowel maintenance program. Take (mercifully in juice) each evening in sufficient quantity to produce at least 2, and preferably 3, bowel movements per day. This may not be a "civilized" idea, but is a good health idea and "good habit". In so called primitive societies, where there are an abundance of natural foods and fiber, there are (on an average) 3 bowel movements per 24 hrs. In these societies, they simply do not have many of the "dis-eases" we suffer from in modern "civilized society": the hemorrhoids, the skin conditions, hypertension, the allergies, the etc., etc., etc.. They don't even have names for them. The concept here is, when you put something into the body, then you should evacuate something so the wastes do not back up and cause a breeding ground for putrefaction and "dis-eases". By observation of healthy functioning systems, such as with a new born baby (unpolluted by junk food), if you feed the baby, then be prepared to diaper at the same time, or if you feed the dog (unless you feed him the same kind of food you are eating) then you must be prepared to walk the dog. If there are 3 meals per day then we want 3 bowel movements per day. Then, most of the hysterectomies, prostate operations, yeast miseries, bowel cancers, eczema, psoriasis, parasite problems and fully 1/3 of all the "dis-eases" listed in medical books can be avoided. Remember here, the time honored wisdom: "Miseries missed are blessings received too".

NOTE: There are many types of cleansing corrective combinations around. This is one of the most common and best.

COMBINATION: Aloe, Angelica, Camphor, Carline Thistle, Manna, Myrrh, Rhubarb Root, Saffron, Senna,

Theriac, Zedoary. 6

DOSE: 10 to 80 drops each evening. For more involved conditions, up to 1 Tbl., as necessary, to obtain desired activity, for as long as necessary. If you need it, you need it. For a complete bowel maintenance program, take 4 to 6 capsules of Psyllium and 4 to 6 capsules of Alfalfa. Psyllium acts as a lubricating, internal exercising bulk and the Alfalfa as a deodorizing "scrub brush". Be sure to take a large glass of water with the Psyllium so it can do its job and so it does not gum up. For all other uses: use as given above.

Blood Purifier –W~ Pure Herbs, Ltd

NOTE: B.P.-W has a companion formula known as B.C.-W (Blood Cleaner)

Code: 4BP-W

four ounce $40.50

Code 1BP-W $13.50 one ounce

From page 698 of Nutritional Healing: “Blood is composed of four components: plasma, the watery, colorless liquid in which the other components float; red blood cells; white blood cells; and platelets. If any of the functions of these components is impaired, the consequences can have a direct bearing on your health.” “There are several ways in which the functions carried out by the blood may be hampered.

First, hundreds of chemicals - ranging from gases such as carbon monoxide to toxic metals such as lead to natural substances such as fat - can find their way into the blood and impair its function. These foreign substances enter the body through the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, and the surfaces with which we come in contact through our skin. Because these substances act on the blood in different ways, the adverse effects they produce may vary widely.”

Second, the performance of the blood may be hampered by a lack of specific nutrients.

Finally, genetics can play a role in creating blood disorders. Blood purification techniques can act in two ways. Some help draw foreign substances out of the body, while others provide important nutrients to help restore the blood’s normal structure and maximize its performance.

B.P.-W (Blood Purifier) - The combination effect of some herbal combinations is comparable to beautiful music played with all the necessary elements of harmony, rhythm and melody. The herbs blend and support each other and become much more than each separately. Such a combination is B.P.-W. Here the combined attention is to provide the strength to clean and normalize the blood stream. It cleans out anything touched by the blood, whether it be cancerous cells, tumors, yeasts and other types of fungus, germs, virus organisms, floating trash, irritating acid crystals, urea and heavy metals. B.P.-W also provides nourishment for the red and white blood cells as well as the bone marrow. B.P.-W can be taken with confidence to provide a generous supply of organic iron and rejuvenating materials.

NOTE: B.P.-W has a companion formula known as B.C.-W (Blood Cleaner). It is a matter of practitioners choice as to which is chosen for cleaning. Both are excellent blood cleaners. B.P.-W leans a little more toward also getting glandular areas to give up their poisons, whereas B.C.-W leans a little more toward also getting the organs to give up their poisons, but both will do a fine job of cleaning. In the process, many dis-eases just can't stay in the body.

COMBINATION: Peach Leaf, Stillingia, Red Clover, Bee Pollen, Greasewood (Chaparral), Buckthorn, Inkberry (PokeRoot), Prickly Ash.

DOSE: 40 drops, 3 times per day. More can be taken, if needed, once accustomed to its effects. Take with a good bowel program to produce at least 2, and preferably 3, bowel movements per day. This handles the increased evacuation of poisons and prevents "sick feeling" when cleaning the blood.


OLIVE LEAF~ Pure Herbs, Ltd

Code Olive Leaf

4 ounce $30.75 1 ounce $10.25


Defeats harmful microorganisms, antibiotic, virus and bacteria and many types of fungal parasite problems, energy, repair of heart and circulatory problems, normalizes blood pressure, colds and flu, fatigue and muscles soreness, strengthens the immune system's scavenging ability.

Discovered by monks during a malaria outbreak, the olive leaf was brewed as a tea and they noticed that people were getting well. Their town over came the plague where others died.


BODILY INFLUENCES: The Olive Leaf in liquid extract form is renowned for defeating harmful microorganisms. As an antibiotic, it proceeds with equal ability against virus and bacteria and many types of fungal parasite problems. The Olive Leaf possesses the ability to disrupt the virus when it tries to reproduce and stops it in its tracks. Users also report other categories of improvement, including increased energy with repair of heart and circulatory problems, and normalized blood pressure. Freedom from recurrence of colds and flu with fatigue and muscles soreness, demonstrate Olive Leafs role in strengthening the immune system's scavenging ability.