Swinderby Parish Council.

Monday 7th March 2016,


Present:- Chairman, Cllr Ketteringham. Vice Chairman Cllr Crozier.

Cllrs. Hodgson, Carter, Lloyd and Clark.

Clerk/RFO Lesley Piper

LCC Councillor absent

NKDC Councillor Mrs Wells.

Police –0

Public 3

Public Forum—where any parishioners are welcome to speak on any parish matters of concern. After this any parishioners are welcome to stop for the rest of the meeting, but may only speak with the permission of the chairman.

Bloombridge/Produce World site.

Concerns were raised by a parishioner. It was agreed that this would be discussed at the Annual Parish Meeting on May 23rd, with everyone given time to voice their opinions. (45 mins)

To encourage open discussion Bloombridge / Produce World would not be formally invited.

It was also suggested that a Village Group could be formed to liaise with Produce World/Bloombridge

Retrospective Planning Permission.

Concerns were raised as to the retrospective planning permission given to the helicopter hangar in the area. The Parish Council totally agrees and has put in a complaint to NKDC.

“To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011, and consider any requests for dispensation in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests or any other interests as outlined in the Council’s Code of Conduct.”

None declared.

Minutes of the last meeting

Agreed without alteration or amendment.

Prop. Cllr Hodgson, sec. Cllr Clark

Matters that councillors brought to this meeting from the previous meeting.

·  Cllr Clark-written request from a parishioner to contact another parishioner to ask her to trim back tree overgrowth to make the footway safe for pedestrians. Cllr Ketteringham has been to see the lady concerned and she has agreed to trim back the trees.

·  Cllr Carter-a letter has been received from Collingham U3A requesting publication of their organisation in Swinderby and on the P.C. website.

·  Collingham U3A’s details and website link is now on Swinderby Parish Council’s website.

·  Cllr Hodgson-the Village Hall are planning a Queens Birthday Tea Party for all residents and wondered if the Parish Council could contribute to the costs? This idea was warmly accepted. Once a letter is received by the clerk from the organisers requesting a donation the Parish Council agreed to put this onto the agenda for another meeting for a decision to be made.

·  Cllr Carter wants the Parish Council to consider part funding the purchase of a new grit bin to go outside the school. The School Finance meeting has not yet taken place.

Council received progress reports on the following

a.  Positioning and installation of the boundary posts on the High Street Play Area. –Cllr Ketteringham-Charles Wright will complete this task as soon as there is drier weather and before the area gets too overgrown.

b.  Cllr Crozier -Speed Safety signs.-no further progress.

c.  Cllr Crozier - village entrance signs. The design was agreed. Subject to final figures being received the order for 6 signs will be placed with Select-equip. An inspection of the existing metal posts is required asap

d.  Formulation of a Strategic Plan-Cllr Lloyd- brainstorming session. Cllr Lloyd will type up all the suggestions given by councillors and e-mail to all between meetings.

e.  Cllr Crozier -highways matters. Very little to report. A meeting between LCC Highways, Cllrs Ketteringham and Crozier has been requested for 13th April.

f.  Review of Standing Orders –Cllrs Ketteringham.-no further progress.

Cllr Wells left the meeting at 9.00pm

Police/criminal activity in Swinderby Area

Apologies received from PCSO Sarah Lingard.

Report on crime/activity, within the area during the last month sent by e-mail to the clerk. Just one theft of a vehicle later found abandoned in the village.

Parking outside the Primary School, High Street.

Discussion on how getting a School Safety Zone could be achieved. Cllr Carter will bring this to the attention of the next School Governors meeting in order to obtain their full support for the task.

Financial Matters.

Cheques s/o signed/agreed at this meeting

Village Hall £19.15

PAYE £35.60

Lesley Piper (s/o) £190

LALC subs £256.10

LALC training £8

Amenity cutting grant has been paid

Planning applications/decisions


Erection of dwelling and car port

Land to the rear of 30 High Street.

Comments-there should be no vehicles or delivery of building materials on or through the High Street Play Area at any time.


Erection of steel framed open sided livestock building.

Ling Moor Farm, Morton Road.

In full agreement.


Erection of new classrooms, sensory rooms and office.

The Old Vicarage. Kisimul School

Concerns have been raised by parishioners and councillors about the extent of the new car-parking facility. There is a high volume of traffic arriving and departing on an already dangerous corner with limited visibility. The Parish Council is concerned that the planned expansion will increase traffic levels and present a greater hazard to road users, adult and child pedestrians-particularly at school start/finish times.


Single storey rear extension to 34 Station Road.

Prior notification only.

No comment or objection to make.


Render to exterior wall and replacement of roof tiles. (re-submission of 15/0896/LBC

The Cottage, 12 High Street, Swinderby.

Listed building consent granted.


Erection of hay barn

Oakhill equestrian centre, Eagle Road

Permission granted.


Erection of new stable block

Oakhill equestrian centre, Eagle Road

Permission granted

Cllr Hodgson left the meeting at 10.00pm

Matters that councillors wish to be brought to the next or subsequent meetings.

No decisions may be made under this section but councillors may wish to use this to flag up issues they wish to be raised in the future.

Produce World - information from Cllr Ketteringham

Proposed development of housing estate on brownfield site-Produce World/Bloombridge. This is now looking as if it may be a large estate of possibly 100+ houses. (speculation)

Cllr Ketteringham is attending a meeting at NKDC Sleaford with District Councillors, Bloombridge and NKDC Planning Dept on Thursday 10th March.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 10.10pm

Date of next meeting. Monday April 4th 7.00 pm AGM,

7.30 pm Monthly meeting.