Swift Current Minor Hockey Association

Monthly Meeting Minutes –Jan 05th 2015

Railway Health Centre

1.Call to Order

Cheyenne Arntsen called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm.

2.Roll Call/Regrets

Present: Cheyenne Arntsen, Greg Hurrell, Roland Tancowny, Dave Smith, Nola Smith, Eric Bloom, Kyle McIntyre, Gerald Johnson,Norm Tonnies,Jim Dekowny, Bruce Reid, Brian Christianson, Darwin Knelsen, Jason Silzer, Larry Empey, Shauna & Wade Lacher, Angele Beaulac

Regrets:KevynKristmanson & Aaron Bakus

3. Agenda

Motion to accept the agenda as presented made byJim Dekowny. 2nd by Jason Silzer. Carried

4.Minutes – Dec 01st 2014.

Motion to accept the minutes from previous meeting as presentedmade byKyle McIntyre. Seconded by Gerald Johnson. Carried.

  1. Old Business

Update of SCMHA Committee to meet with City Community Services regarding ice allocations and other issues affecting minor hockey. Nola has been in touch with them and a date to set up a meeting is in the works. Will inform the committee when the meeting is scheduled.

  1. New Business :

a)An executive meeting was held on Dec 09th 2014 to discuss issues brought forward to the Discipline/Risk Management board member. A Bantam AA Raider player acted inappropriately and after meetings with the coaches and parents, the player was released from the team. There were issues with players/parents/coacheson Atom/ Pee Wee teams and this was handled by Norm Tonnies and Brian Christianson. The one player has since quit hockey for the best interest of himself and the team. There were issues brought forward regarding Atom coaches not acting in the best interest with our mission & vision statements and they were spoken to by Cheyenne and are being supervised by the board.

b)Notice of motion to accept Kent Woods, Kyle McIntyre & Rej Stringer as co-coaches of the Novice Carded team was made. Seconded. Carried.

c)Carded team applications will be made on line on Jan 10th 2015. Atom & Novice Co-ed as well as Female Atom & Novice teams.

d)Review of the K Motel Midget AA Hurricanes mid- term budget and they have requested half of the sponsorship money. Motion made ,seconded . Carried. Cheque issued.

  1. Correspondence

SHA 2015 High Performance 1 Clinic Saskatoon-Regina June 2015 for anyone wanting to coach at the Bantam AA and Midget AAA level and Jr Hockey levels. Swift Current Minor Hockey will pay for the clinics and per diem to cover the cost of these clinics for coaches attending as this is a mandatory clinic.

Received email from the City of Swift Current community calendar program. If we wish we can advertise events on the calendar following the directions provided.

8.Financial Report

Eric Bloom presented his financial report and made a motion to accept it as presented. Seconded . Carried

  1. Reports

Registration – Angele Beaulac

Nothing to report-No concerns

Risk Management/Progressive Discipline – Norm Tonnies

See above under new business regarding executive meeting as well as getting the police checks and affidavits in. He will have a list compiled and pass it on to the division heads by mid - January.

Equipment Director – Darwin Knelsen

Nothing to report.

Referee Liaison Report -KevynKristmanson( Not Present)

Nothing to report

Initiation – Gerald Johnson

Gerald dealt with siblings of Initiation players on the ice during practices.

Jan 16th/30th will be Timbit Scrimmages during Bronco games.

Tournament is full-18 teams.

Novice – Kyle McIntyre

Most teams have participated in at least one day out of town tournament and several teams have had their overnight tournament.

Significant range of abilities on each team

Sunday games amongst the 6 teams began the week prior to Christmas and will continue until season ends.

Novice girl’s teams have opted out of our ice rotation as of January 4th.

Novice tournament planning committee has had one committee meeting (Jan 04th 2015) work teams have been assigned.

Second SC Bronco Novice Shootout will occur January 10th during the first intermission of the Bronco game.

Atom -Aaron Bakus- Not present

Atom tournament is full and will be held Feb 20-22nd, 2015. All team fees have been paid. Two players in the division have left Minor hockey.

PeeWee – Jim Dekowny

Pee WEE AA Broncos won their home tournament on Dec 12-15th

Pee Wee A provincial team is picked and includes 2 goalies-6 defence-9 forwards.

House Tournament is full(12 teams)

Weather policy for SCMHA- Not discussed

Bantam – Wade Lacher

Provincial team roster is in and team has practiced a few times.

One player released from the Kabos Bantam AA Raider and one player, JaedonLittle, has been picked up to replace him.

Midget – Roland Tancowny

K Motel budget approval. They start Provincial series vs Yorkton on Thursday Jan 08th in Swift Current.

League teams No concerns. Tournament went well past weekend.

Jr. Female – Shauna Lacher


Number of teams: 1 of 12

Head Coach:Ray Van Wormer, Assistants :Fraser Kochan, Blair Simpson, Brent Gatzke, Michael Olfert.

Tournament :Covered in Gerald Johnsons report.


Number of teams: 2 teams of 14

Head Coaches:Brent Siemens(Stars) and Rej Stringer (Flames)

Assistants:Stars: Davyn Longmore, Darryk Noble, Wade Brown. Flames: Fraser Kochan, Travis Gardner Brent Gatzke.

Tournament is full. Registration forms have been sent out. Waiting for cheques to come.

Motion to accept Brent Siemens as head coach for Novice carded team. Seconded. Carried.


Number of teams:1 team of 11 + 1 team of 10

Head Coaches: Wade LacherThunder) & Dan Runcie(Lightning)

Assistants: Thunder-Robert Geissler, Brett Goddard,Lightning: Darryk Noble, Ray Van Wormer, Wade Brown.

Tournament is full-Registrations forms have been sent, waiting for cheques to come.

Pee Wee

Number of Teams: 1 team of 12

Head Coach: Brad Carlson

Assistants: Jeff Knight, Jason Steinley, Marlin Olfert,

Tournament is full. Jan 10-12th 2015.

Sr. Female – Dave Smith

Midget AAA Wildcats

The Wildcats are 18 games into their regular season play. The team is sitting 4th place in the SFMAAAHL with a 10-7-0-1 record. The team went 1-0-3 in the Mac’s Tournament in a very tough pool and missed out in the semi- final round.

Midget AA Titans

Team is competing well and is currently 7-5-3 record in the SSFHL.

Midget A Avalanche

Numbers have fallen into place and the team sits 7th in their league with a 2-10-1 record. Dexter Wilson and Mike Dudley are confirmed to coach the provincial team.

Bantam A Colts

The Colts are enjoying early success and are currently in 4thnd place in the SSFHL with a 6-5-2 record. Warren Hope is confirmed as the Provincial Coach.

Legionnaires-Larry Empey

Discipline/Concerns: Nothing to report

Past-President – Bruce Reid

Nothing to report.

President – Cheyenne Arntsen

Nothing to report

  1. Next Meeting

Our next meeting will be onFeb 09th 2015, 7:00 pm at the Railway Health Centre.

11.Meeting adjournment