/ Senior Tutor

Scale: Dependant on current TLR

Hours: Full time

Responsible to: Assistant Principal (Head of House)


To lead the team in its responsibility for supporting, promoting and monitoring the personal development and academic progress of each student within the House.


As a member of the Curriculum / House Leadership Team (with Curriculum Leader/Subject Leader/ SLT link)

·  Promote a culture of achievement through the House Team membership

·  Establish clear expectations of student achievement and progress, through effective target setting and monitoring.

·  Help to build, communicate and implement a shared vision within the House Team.

·  By personal example and practice, establish clear expectations and standards for both staff and students in line with the House’s and school’s policies

·  Establish a positive and vibrant House identity, focused upon high expectations, strong identity and positive attitudes.

·  Regularly update the tutors on the individual progress of students within the Team.

·  Lead, as appropriate, Team meetings, assemblies, etc.

·  Contribute to the PM of staff within the Team, in relation to their role as tutor.

·  Establish and support clear House polices, to ensure consistency within and between teams.

·  Ensure that the House’s physical environment promotes and celebrates learning and achievement.

·  Be involved in decision making and policy development across the school.

·  Analyse reporting data at regular intervals throughout the year and produce action plans detailing outcomes of future support for individual pupils within the House.

·  Line Management of House SSA and Cleaner, to include fortnightly, minuted reviews meetings with each for the purposes of CPD and PM.

Staff management

·  Lead the House Team in the delivery of a personal and effective student support and mentoring programme.

·  Provide support and guidance to tutors in the exercise of their mentoring responsibilities.

·  Establish clear and positive expectations and routines of tutors within the Team.

·  Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of roles of the form tutors.

·  Ensure that tutors establish and maintain clear and consistent expectations and practices in line with the Team’s and School’s policies.

·  Support the professional development of tutors and others, through PM, inset, coaching, sharing good practice

·  Contribute to the PM of staff through discussion within the Leadership Team.

·  Update form tutors of changes to school policy.

·  Support tutors in matters of discipline and the maintenance of standards.

·  Monitor all information from form tutors and check that action is taken where necessary, which may include liaison with subject teachers, Student Support Team, and parents.

Student progress

·  Monitor and support the overall progress of students, within the House, from transition to Post 16

·  Ensure that students have a consistent and high quality experience of key transition events eg. induction, KS3-4 progression,

·  Monitor and evaluate the progress of individual students within the House

·  In support of tutors, ensure that they have access to monitoring data affecting students’ progress eg attendance, punctuality, behaviour, achievement

·  Liaise with other schools to arrange student transfers and placements

·  Coordinate, promote and celebrate activities / events within and between the Teams that encourage and recognise achievement.

·  Ensure that the agreed code of discipline is clear to both tutors and pupils and that it is fairly and consistently applied.

·  Know students in the House as well as possible and become accepted as a person to whom they can turn for guidance in addition to their form tutor;

·  Liaise closely with outside agencies such as social services, education welfare, medical support etc.

·  Develop leadership and mentoring among students within the House

Communication with Parents

·  Monitor the effectiveness and quality of communication between the tutors and parents.

·  Ensure that parents are informed of issues affecting the progress of their child.

·  Support and monitor tutors’ communication with parents to ensure that they are engage in their child’s education.

·  Oversee the reporting of progress to parents.

Oversee administrative arrangements affecting student progress

·  Reporting and formal parent consultation

·  Attendance and punctuality

·  Achievement data

·  Behaviour monitoring data

·  House assemblies and achievement events

·  Sampling of students’ work across the curriculum

·  Team events and activities

·  Reporting and recording incidents

·  Reporting House achievement to students and parents

·  Transition of students

Whole School Responsibility for: The Senior Tutor will lead other Senior Tutors / Curriculum Leaders in their specialised area. The responsibility for the delivery by tutor teams will lie with the respective team leader. specific responsibilities will be determined in individual job descriptions.

The postholder has an implicit duty to promote the welfare and safeguarding of all children and young people. The Academy is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share in this commitment. All staff will be subject to an enhanced check with the Disclosure and Barring Service.

The job description is subject to review and may be changed following consultation with the post holder.


·  After each set of reports analyse and produce a smart action plan that is shared with team, AP in the link meeting and SLT via MPE.

·  SSA meeting scheduled. Notes sent to MPE and AP.

·  Cleaner meeting scheduled. Update sent to Lisa

·  Use some ST meetings to focus on key transition points.

·  Six meetings between Student House Leaders and House representative over the course of the year.