SWAT Review questions for chapters 28-45 of Chains

  1. Where is Madam Lockton and Isabel when New York is invaded by the British? At church
  2. When Madam Lockton sends Isabel out during the invasion for celebratory food such as turtles for turtle soup, this allows Isabel to hatch what plan? She is going to try to run and join the British
  3. “Walking down Broadway, I was a fish swimming in the wrong direction” (175) is an example of what type of figurative language? Metaphor
  4. What useful information does Isabel give Captain Campbell in the hopes that he will keep her and put her to work? Where Washington’s headquarters was located in the city.
  5. Why won’t Captain Campbell accept Isabel’s service? She belongs to a tory/loyalist mistress
  6. Name two changes that occur after the British invade New York for the Locktons and Isabel.

-soldiers move into their home -Isabel is the only servant left -Becky leave

7. What possession of Ruth’s does Isabel keep with her in chapters 28-29? Her doll

  1. Give two examples of how Isable’s living conditions changed when she was sent to Lady Seymour’s house. –she ate 3 meals a day, -she was given a room
  2. The music at Unami plays in the morning so that students who are ______about the hallways know it is time to get to homeroom. A. bedridden B. milling C. caterwauling.
  3. In Mrs. Wingerter’s classroom, gum is considered to be a ______item for the seventh graders. A. contraband B. calendula C. sundry
  1. What is the biblical allusion to being set free that the grandfather at the Tea Water Pump uses? Crossing the River Jordan
  2. How did Isabel rescue Lady Seymour? She pulled her out of her burning house.
  3. Why didn’t the alarm bells ring when New York City caught on fire? The bells were melted down to make bullets.
  4. Although the cafeteria food isn’t the best cuisine, it certainly isn’t the ______that the soldiers during the Revolutionary War for food. A. amiss B. vagabond C. hardtack
  5. What is the name of the school teacher who was hung because he was thought to be involved in setting the fire and was discovered by the British as a patriot spy? Nathan Hale
  6. Describe Lady’s Seymour’s condition after the fire. The left side of her body wouldn’t function
  7. What color does Anderson use to describe the way New York looks after the fire? Gray
  8. What name is given to the new burned out section of the city? Canvastown
  1. Who is Isabel describing when she says, “He was toward the end of the line[..] his head bent forward his face invisible. A bloody bandage was tied above his right knee and it looked painful to step with his right foot” (204). Curzon after he was captured
  2. What event is Madam Lockton celebrating in chapter 34? The capture of fort Washington
  1. Madam Lockton does all of the following to prepare for her dinner party except: rubbed her face with cream to make it white and wrinkle free, glue mouse fur to her eyebrows, or paint her lips a deep purple color. (Paint her lips)
  1. Who said, “What if the rebels decide the turnabout is fair play? We need to care for them so that they do not harm our British captives” (211). Lady Seymour
  1. “The stars said not a word” (213) is an example of what? Personification
  1. What lie does Isabel tell in order to see Curzon at the prison? She says he’s her brother
  2. Where was Curzon shot? In the leg
  3. Compare Curzon’s experience as a prisoner vs. the Rebel officers’ treatment. The officers are allowed out on parole and can walk the streets. They can eat normal food and are well fed.
  1. What kind of food is Isabel bringing to Curzon? Scraps
  1. What ailment does Lady Seymour have that causes her doctor to bleed her as a method of treatment? A fever
  2. Another word for a greeting is a… salutation
  1. What strange gift is Isabel given by the shop owner at Rivington’s? a book
  1. What holiday begins Chapter 37? Christmas
  1. Isabel volunteers to go to the Tea Water Pump in order to do what? Visit the jail
  2. Isabel agrees to talk to Captain Morse if what 3 things happens? Curzon is seen by a doctor, is given a blanket and food
  3. How do most of the fights between Madam Lockton and Mr. Lockton end? With Madam Lockton getting hit/hurt by Mr. Lockton
  1. What was the name of the book the man at Rivington’s gives to Isbael? Common sense by Thomas Paine.
  1. How does Isabel deal with the difficult parts of the book? She re-reads and attacks each sentence

36. “My mouth gaped open like that of a fish breathing its last (p. 251).” What form of figurative language is used in this quote?


37. A person who doesn’t have a place to call home and wanders the street seeking the kindness of others to get by is called a…vagabond.

38. True or False-Lady Seymour continues to decline in health because she has epilepsy.

-False—most likely she is having strokes.

39. Isabel wishes she could be hired out to earn money to pay for her freedom. She could clean the cells, sew, or scrub tables. What stands in the way of this being a real possibility?

-Madam Lockton

40. Lady Seymour apologizes to Isabel for not doing something when she first met Isabel and Ruth. Why did Isabel have a problem with this apology?

-Lady Seymour apologized for not insisting that Isabel and Ruth come to work in her home/that she should have bought the girls from the Locktons. Isabel is still insulted though because Lady Seymour doesn’t understand that owning a human is wrong.

41. Jane Drinkwater, the biggest gossip in New York, told Madam Lockton about Isabel’s talk with a rebel officer. Madam Lockton beats Isabel with a riding crop in order to find out what happened. What does Isabel do to protect the information she was asked to deliver?

-She throws the note into the fire.

42. Where has Ruth been for the majority of the book?

-She was in Charleston at another home the Locktons owned because Madam. Lockton could not find anyone to buy Ruth.

43. What did Isabel steal before she ran away from the Locktons’ home?

-An official pass that she forged, money, and food.

44. What were Lady Seymour’s last words to Isabel?


45. How does Isabel manage to rescue Curzon from prison?

-She claims she has permission to be hired out to clean the cells. She tells the soldier Curzon is dead and she will dump him in a pit for trash and bodies. She uses the wheelbarrow to haul him out.

46. Grandfather and Isabel’s references to the River Jordan mentioned in the bible are examples of which type of figurative language? -allusion

47. Which forms of transportation must Isabel and Curzon use to escape New York? -walking and a stolen boat

48. The repeated use of bees and related items such as honey and wings in the book is an example of a ______. -motif

49. Name two ways a motif is different from a symbol.

-mentioned mush more frequently than a symbol (bees vs. chains) and the motif’s usage can contribute to development of a theme for the book.

50. True or False-A primary theme of the book is that “A human life only matters based on the color of your skin.” -False

51. What two things did Madam Lockton do to Isabel in order to punish her for speaking to a rebel officer? -beat her with a riding crop and locked her in the potato bin in the basement

52. Why did Sarah say her child being named George would be good on either side of the ocean?

George Washington/King George III—One of them will win/end the war.