RegularMeeting Minutes
Monday, June 01, 2015
Call to Order 7:00p.m.
Board members present: Ron HoldemanChairman, Rick Kazmierczak Vice Chairman,Pamela Moore Trustee.
Employees:Chris Lauch Administrative Assistant,Matt Stout Maintenance Supervisor,
Fiscal Officer: Dawn Wheatley
90-15 Trustee Moore motioned to approve the 05-18-15regular meeting minutes, 2nd by
Trustee Kazmierczak.
Roll Call: Trustee Kazmierczak-Yea, Trustee Holdeman-Yea, Trustee Moore-Yea
91-15 Trustee Moore motioned to approve the expenditures in the amount of $10,652.21 2nd by Trustee Kazmierczak.
Roll Call: Trustee Kazmierczak-Yea, Trustee Holdeman-Yea, Trustee Moore-Yea
Mrs. Sally Wylie asked who Brittney Stultz was on the payment register. She is the person that has cleaned the office for the last couple years. It was explained she is contracted.
· Chris Lauch Administrative Assistant:
§ Legal Opinion designee for Junk Motor. It can be Walt Hallett
or one of the Trustees. Trustee Holdeman said he would do it. Chris will have legal move forward.
Chris gave a list of violations that Walt has moved on in Peaceful Valley and there are more he is working on. Trustee Kazmierczak gave Mr. Brunner his list to take to the Association.
§ Mr. Brunner asked if Walt has a violation for Peaceful Valley Assoc. Chris will check and let him know.
§ Mr. Smith asked about the dog barking and not being treated right. They will have better luck with the dog warden.
§ 505.87 (Grass Violation) There are quite a few violations. Do the Trustees want her to send them out? Yes. Mrs. Wylie asked why the Township would enforce that when the road sides are way over grown. Matt mentioned that the State start date is June 1st. Trustee Holdeman stated that the start date is so the baby animals that were born in the spring have time to mature and move on before the equipment goes through. Chris said Trustee Kazmierczak had mentioned about a friendly reminder postcard first. The Trustees said to just send out the Certified letter since we are in the mowing season now. Mr. Brunner suggested sending a post card in May then after June 1st any violations would get the certified letter. Chris will put a reminder in the Key as a public notice.
§ The court reporter will be at the zoning hearing to record the meeting.
· Matt Stout:
o Road E tile was put in last year but there is a driveway that needs repaired from the project. Allied paving will be out to patch the driveway.
o Twp. cleanup: The ARS bill received next cleanup day we will be using a different method of hauling away the trash.
o Cemetery trees are cut and trimmed stumps removed. The bills should be received soon. Make sure Matt get them for approval before they are paid.
o Swanton Cemetery water line needs to be repaired. The water has been turned off until it is repaired. Maintenance will turn the water in the front to allow some use until it is repaired.
o Chris received phone calls about missing decorations.
o Payroll: Dawn and Matt went over his overtime. The amount came to $8,948.62. A check will be cut this week.
92-15 Trustee Moore motioned to put Matt Stout back on hourly wage at a rate of $23.41 2nd by Trustee Kazmierczak.
Roll Call: Trustee Kazmierczak-Yea, Trustee Holdeman-Yea, Trustee Moore-Yea
o Revisited motion 88-15. Discussed the wording.
93-15 Trustee Moore motioned to withdraw resolution 88-15 2nd by Trustee Holdeman.
Roll Call: Trustee Kazmierczak-Yea, Trustee Holdeman-Yea, Trustee Moore-Yea
· Verified sick time of 72 hours and Vacation time of 120 hours.
· Financial reports were signed by the Trustees.
· FYI:
§ Application change: Chris will redact social security number off of applications and will check into employee record storage.
· OPWC: Put on the June 15th agenda for a resolution for estimate.
§ The list for 2017/2015 Round 30 is as follows
· Harding Dr. joint with the Village of Swanton full reclamation.
· Co. Rd. 1 between roads D and C widen to 19 feet wirh ditch set back or enclosure.
· Co. Rd. 4 between roads H and E repair and resurface
· Co. Rd. 6-3 between roads EF and F repair and resurface
· Trustee Moore is checking to see if Cemetery roads are eligible
· O.R.C. 505.86: Trustee Kazmierczak has inquired about the new fence on Airport Highway. He found out that the property is listed as residential/other. This means that ODOT has no authority. Trustee Kazmierczak has a call into the Supervisor and to the County Auditor to find out how this happened. Trustee Kazmierczak will send out an update after he talks to them tomorrow. He will ask who designated the use.
· Interview criteria: Will keep on agenda and review soon
· New Recorder: Trustee Kazmierczak has it down to 2. They were discussed and the ideal one is $988.00.
94-15 Trustee Moore motioned to purchase a new recorder not to exceed $1,000.00 2nd by Trustee Kazmierczak.
Roll Call: Trustee Kazmierczak-Yea, Trustee Holdeman-Yea, Trustee Moore-Yea
· Mrs. Wylie suggested giving the old recorder to Walt Hallett for when he is out on the job.
· Breakfast on the Farm: It is 9am to 1pm they are expecting at least 2500 people. There are around 250 workers that will start arriving at 6:00am. The Township will be providing a dump truck and driver for trash that is not recycled. John Simon will be driving. We are also letting them use our cones, no parking signs and caution tape as well as safety vest for workers to use. Matt will call OUPS for along the roads side before they post the stakes for the signs.
· Time Warner:Tina has been playing phone tag with Raul. Keep on agenda.
· May 28th on site special meeting at Rainbow Dr. was discussed. Walt is working on the violations.
· Put interviews back on the agenda
· Mrs. Wylie will give the Trustees a list of questions that can and can’t be asked at interviews.
· Give Walt a personal vehicle use sheet from the handbook to fill out.
o Ins was discussed. Dawn will call Mr. Beck regarding liability.
o Trustees will ask Legal opinion on insurance.
· The Trustees agree that having set hours for Walt would be beneficial.
· Trustee Kazmierczak checked at EK Computers for a laptop or tablet for Walt.
· Trustee Kazmierczak will check on what the Zoning inspector in neighboring Townships gets paid.
· Trustee Kazmierczak will put together an email for Walt and have the Trustees review it then send it out. He will also talk to Mr. Haselman.
· Zoning West 1:
o Mrs. Wylie read the article that was in the paper. She mentioned that the Trustees may want to think about their words because it sounded like the Township wants to control peoples land. We know they don’t want to but it does not sound like it in the paper. Trustee Moore mentioned that what they say and what gets printed is not always the same thing. Mrs. Wylie suggested some tips when doing interviews with reporters.
· None
· Trustee Moore:
o Handbook: States that a health screening is to be done yearly as well as the Hep B shot or waiver. They are not being done or turned in. The maintenance Supervisor needs to make sure they are done. Mrs. Wylie suggested they use U.S. Health works. She said they work well with businesses.
o Job description:She made a description for the Trustees and Chris to review and add to.
· Trustee Holdeman: Planning Committee meeting canceled.
· Trustee Kazmierczak:nothing tonight keep his items on agenda
Trustee Holdemanmotioned to adjourn, 2nd by Trustee Kazmierczak.
Adjournment: 9:03p.m.
Swancreek Township Board of Trustees
Attest: Dawn Wheatley, Fiscal Officer Trustee Ron Holdeman, Chairman
Swancreek Township –June 1, 2015
Trustee Rick Kazmierczak, Vice Chairman
Trustee Pamela Moore