Name(s) ______Date______

Lesson Title ______Period______Grade______/100

The following items should be completed when teaching the lesson. (90 Points)

  1. _____Had a typed lesson plan for the project/activity. (5)
  1. _____Assembled the necessary supplies and equipment for the lesson. (5)
  1. _____Greetedthe children enthusiastically and toldhis/hername. (5)
  1. _____Explained the lesson objective to the high school students and children. (5)
  1. _____Planned different teaching techniques to engage children with visual, auditory,

and hands-on learning styles.

  1. _____Did a warm-up activity and/or showed an example. (5)
  1. _____Asked the children at least four questions to introduce the concept(s).(5)
  1. _____Used technology and/or literature to introduce the concept(s). (5)
  1. _____Explained in detail how to do the project/activity (procedure). (5)
  1. _____Supervisedand kept the children focused on their task. (5)
  1. _____Used positive reinforcement to guide and motivate the children. (5)
  1. _____Took care of any unexpected problems. (5)
  1. _____Checked that each child’s name was written on his/her papers and/or project.

When possible, encouraged each child to write his/her own name. (5)

  1. _____Asked the children a closure questionto review the concepts learned and to

evaluate whether the lesson objective was taught. (5)

  1. _____Provided two follow-up activities with necessary supplies and written

instructions on a white or smart board. (5)

  1. _____Directed the children to put their papers and/or projects in their mailboxes,

backpacks, or lay on the counter. (5)

  1. _____Used modifications and adaptations for older and younger students. (5)
  1. _____Cleaned and put away supplies and equipment. (5)

The children should be encouraged to practicethe following skills: (10 Points)

Language Arts/Musical Skills

_____Use presentation skills _____Practice A, B, C song

_____Show comprehension skills_____Identify alphabet letters

_____Practice rhymingsounds _____Recognize phonetic sounds

_____Dictate &/or write_____Work on musical skills

Math and Science

_____Use rote counting _____Sort and classify items

_____Show one to one correspondence_____Compare and contrast

_____Use rational counting_____Graph or chart data

_____Verbally identify numbers_____Recognize symbols

_____Replicate patterns_____Solvebasic math problems

Fine and Gross Motor Skills

_____Cut with scissors_____Improve ball handling skills

_____Glue, paste, tape, staple_____Play with parachute

_____Write name_____Participate in relays

_____Write alphabet letters or numbers _____Play games

_____ Draw/color using fine motor skills

Preschool to Kindergarten Skills

_____Listen & follow directions_____Use observation skills

_____Share & take turns_____Use problem solving (trial & error)

_____Participate in group activities _____Predict cause & effect

_____Use creativity