Suzanne Rayner

I have a passion for everything that ICSM has to offer: the close knit community, the numerous traditions, the Reynolds and even the medicine. For me, the presidential role is primarily maintaining the balance between all these elements and providing support wherever necessary. To excel at this role, experience is essential. During my year as RAG Chair, I gained valuable leadership and liaison skills, as well as indispensable treasurer experience.

ICSM enjoys a prominent position within IC due to the vigour of our students, which is largely due to our unrivalled clubs and societies. In my time at ICSM I have been involved with a wide variety of clubs and societies, making me aware of areas in which club officers will require the most support. I propose further aid in admin tasks and to continue work towards the paperless finance system.

Ultimately, we are at ICSM for the medicine, therefore it is essential to have an effective feedback system regarding the course and changes. Currently there is an effective feedback of student opinion to the faculty, but feedback from faculty to student is lacking, and this is an area I would like to improve.

It is imperative that the welfare system is effective, as it must be available and incisive when called upon. A pivotal part of this is easy access to understanding and unprejudiced people, which is an important section of the presidential role. In combination with the introduction of the student charter, we must increase awareness of the welfare system for everyday use, not just in time of crisis. The personal tutoring scheme experiences ongoing difficulties due to the inevitable variability, and I will look into introducing consistent clinical tutors, so longstanding associations can be built.

Funding is a continuing problem across the union. In the variable economic climate, future funding is hard to predict and I will endeavour to find other sources, particularly building on increased awareness of our alumni and future support from them. Whilst it is imperative that we retain our distinction from the rest of IC, I will seek to build a strong working relationship with their corresponding faculty, something which is especially important with regards to our funding.

Being ICSMSU President is both a commitment and an honour. It requires an individual with approachability, professionalism and passion to do it justice and I know I am the person to fulfil this role.

David Smith

At ICSM we have something truly special. We are the only faculty with its own identity and a sabbatical President dedicated to the welfare of its students. Having consistently contributed to ICSMSU for the last three years as Education Representative, Social Secretary, Entertainments Chair and a Club Captain, I feel well equipped to take on this role.

These are my priorities:

I would fight to maintain funding from IC Healthcare Trust which is currently under threat, while seeking to develop alternative sources of income, particularly from alumni.


I would support the Academic Officers pushing for important changes (such as increasing formative assessment) and conduct a review of recent curriculum alterations to 5th and final years. If necessary, I will push for changes while seeking to resolve the disparity regarding the PWE week. I would also address the organisational problems of the biomedicine and pharmacology courses.


With the Graduate Medicine Society Chair, I will address housing concerns. I would fight for accommodation provided by Imperial at the proposed new Hammersmith campus and in the short term repeat the Open Day allowing students to meet prospective housemates.


With ULU Medgroup, I would fight for fairer job allocation, looking to change the UKFPO algorithm which disadvantages London students. The system is unfair and I would endeavour to alter it while ensuring that everyone is aware of the latest changes.


The SU must not only cater for one type of student. I would continue to encourage a wider range of events, enabling those who do not drink to participate. Simultaneously, it is vital to continue providing old favourites.


These are the lifeblood of ICSM. I would fight to reverse the trend of cuts to our clubs and societies from ICU, and at the same time encourage growth of self generated income such as from bops and subscription fees.


The Reynolds redevelopment has made it a classier venue, but we must ensure that events maintain a high standard. I have the diplomatic skills required to minimise damage caused by students while convincing those with the power to close it down of its importance to our students.
It would be a huge honour to hold this position and I would work tirelessly to represent you on all fronts and would be dedicated to fulfilling this role to the very best of my ability.