Sustainable Future Audit

Sustainable Future Audit




  1. To what extent are your Mission and Vision statements widely known and embraced by the Community?
/ __ Strongly Embraced ___ Accepted ___ Minimally known
___ We need to put work into this area
  1. What are the core values that inspire you and your Community?

  1. When you think of Planning for Sustainability, what are your top 3 prioritiesrelated to moving forward as a Community?

  1. To what extent does your action plan frame how your top priorities will be accomplished?
/ Our action plan is:
___ Comprehensive ___Acceptable ___ Needs attention
___ We don’t have an action plan.
  1. We operate from a balanced budgetbased on…
/ ___ operational incomeand over-all expenses
___ drawing from reserved funds
___ counting on bequests and or our annual fund
___ taking out loans
___ knowing we need to sell property in the near future
___ including assumed earnings from investments
___ we don’t have a balanced budget
  1. To what extent are you fully funded for retirement?

  1. To what extent have you allocated funds to continue your mission and legacy? (training, board development, etc.)

  1. What are your greatest funding needs?

  1. What are your greatest funding sources?

  1. When was the last time your Community conducted a capital campaign? For what purpose? Amount raised?

  1. To what extent does your planned giving program support your mission and Community?
/ __ We raise about ______annually.
__ We are struggling in this area.
__ We don’t have a planned giving program.
  1. In what ways does the use of your properties/facilities contribute to financial sustainability or are they a liability?

  1. Are your sponsored ministries self-sustainable?
/ __ yes, they operate without financial assistance from the community
__ no, they are financially subsidized by the community
__ yes, however, they rely on substantial annual fundraising
  1. Do you have outstanding debt?
/ __ yes, we are paying it down at $______per year and will have it paid off by______
___no, we do not have outstanding debt.
  1. What are the challenges you face in providing for assisted living or skilled care needs of your Sisters?
/ __ We have a licensedfacility for skilled care.
__ We provide for assisted living at the cost of______.
__We provide for skilled care in a non-licensed facility—not eligible for government reimbursement—at the cost of _____.
__ This is an area where we need to focus and probably make some changes.
  1. Based on your current financial situation and projections for the future, for how many years will you be financially sustainable?

  1. What are the major changes on the horizon for you and your Community?

  1. How is the past honored in your Community?

  1. What are your current strengths as a Community?
Your greatest challenges? / Strengths / Challenges
  1. Where in your Community do you see the need for addressing and healing past hurts?

  1. What is remaining the same or continuing to grow stronger in your Community?

  1. What are your top 2-3 dreams for your Community’s sustainable future?

  1. To what extent as a Community are change and loss integrated into your liturgical and spiritual lives?
/ _As a Community we are very aware that living out the Paschal Mystery is an infinite source of helping us deal with change and loss.
_Our charism engages us in the spirituality of change
_We try to deal with change and loss in our unique prayerful and healthy ways
_We could use more insights into how as a Community to deal with change and loss.
  1. What are you doing to support your current ministry and Community leaders?

  1. What kind of a succession plan do you have for ministry and Community non-elected leaders?

  1. How are you developing non-vowed people to carry on the legacy of the Sisters when they are no longer available?

  1. What need do you have for identifying new leaders in the next few years to create a sustainable future?

  1. What are the current communication challenges in your organization?

  1. To what extent do you use electronic communication?
/ __ Our website is up to date
__ We use Facebook and Linked In
__ We could enhance our social media and electronic presence
__ Other
  1. When conflicts arise, what approaches do you take to manage them?

  1. Whatdo you do to promote dialogue and deeper shared understanding?

  1. To what extent do your employment policies include just salaries and benefits, performance appraisals and opportunities for continual growth?
/ Our policies are:
___ comprehensive, fair and consistently implemented
___ adequate
___ need attention
___ we do not have formal policies
  1. How are annual goals and action plans set? Who is involved? Who “owns” them?

  1. To what extent is team building part of your Community culture?
/ Team building is
___ deeply ingrained in our culture
___ used by our leadership team
___ not really part of our culture
___ other
  1. To what extent do you collaborate with groups outside your Community to accomplish your mission and leave a sustainable vibrant legacy?
/ ___ We collaborate with the following to accomplish our mission:
___ We could do more in this area by…
___ We do little collaboration with other groups to accomplish our mission
___ Other
  1. What is your most pressingchallenge at this time related to being a Community that is sustainable?

  1. Where might you need outside assistance to continue to be or grow to be a Sustainable Community?

  1. On a scale of 1-5 with 5 being the most sustainable, how would your rank your Community?

  1. What are the first three most important steps you can take to increase sustainability or become more sustainable?

For assistance in using this Audit or for follow-up services, please contact

The Reid Group

Seattle, WA | Milwaukee, WI | Sarasota, FL

206-432-3565 | Fax: 206-432-3569 | 800-916-3472 |
