/ Asian Academy for Heritage Management
1st AAHM Field School, Macao, 23 Nov.-6Dec. 2003
Reading List – Day 13
/ / Founded by UNESCO and ICCROM in 2001
/ Asian Academy for Heritage Management
Sustainable Conservation
Barrow, C.J. “Sustainable Development: Concept, Value and Practice” Third World Planning Review, 17(4), (1995): 372.
ConservationEconomy.net: What does a sustainable society look like? Website, Nov 12, 2003.
IUCN- the World Conservation Union, UNEP-United Nations Environment Programme, WWF-World Wide Fund for Nature. Caring for the Earth: A Strategy for Sustainable Living. Gland,. Switzerland: IUCN/UNEP/WWF, 1991.
Pedersen, Arthur. Managing Tourism at World Heritage Sites: A practical Manual for World Heritage Managers. World Heritage Manuals, 1. Paris, UNESCO World Heritage Centre, 2002.
Stenou, Katerina, ed. Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity: a document for the World Summit on Sustainable Development, in Johannesburg, August 26- September 4, 2002. Cultural Diversity Series No. 1. Paris: UNESCO, 2002.
UNESCO Principal Office for Asia And the Pacific. Workshop on Sustainable Tourism Development in World Heritage Sites – Planning for Hue, in Hue, Vietnam, May 3-6, 1995: Final Report, Vol.III Executive Summary and Recommendations. Bangkok: UNESCO, 1995.
UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Division of Sustainable Development. Website, Nov 12, 2003.
World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED). Our Common Future. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987.
Bibliography for Lectures:
Belk, R.W., Wallendorf, M., and Sherry, Jr., J.F. “The Sacred and the Profane in Consumer Behavior: Theodicy on the Odyssey.” Journal of Consumer Research, 16, (June 1989)
Jamison, D.J. “Masks without Meaning: Notes on the Process of Production, Consumption, and Exchange in the Context of First World-Third World Tourism.” Journal of Macromarketing, 19, No.1, June 1999: 8-19.
Kirschenbatt-Gimblett, Barabara. Destination Culture, Tourism, Museums and Heritage. University of California Press, 1998.
Leask, A. and Yeoman, I., eds. Heritage Visitors Attractions, An Operations Management Perspective. Cassell, 1999.
Manning, R.E. and Lime, D.W. “Defining and Managing the Quality of Wilderness Recreation Experiences”. USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-15-VOL-4, (2000)
McKercher, B. and du Cros, H. Cultural Tourism-the Partnership between Tourism and Cultural Heritage Management. Haworth Press, 2002
Robinson, M and Boniface, P., eds. Tourism and Cultural Conflicts. New York: CABI Publishing, 1999.
Rojek, C. and Urry, J.eds. Touring Cultures, Transformations of Travel and Theory, Routledge, 1997.
Other readings:
Bourke, Max, Miles Lewis and Bal Saini, eds.Protecting the Past for the Future. Proceedings of the UNESCO Regional Conference on Historic Places. Canberra: Australian Government Publishing Service, 1983.
Feilden, Bernard and Jukka Jokilheto.Management Guidelines for World Cultural Heritage Sites. Rome: ICCROM, 1993.
Ishizawa, Yoshiaki, Yasushi Kono and Nobuo Endo, eds.Study on the Conservation of Monuments and Sites and Socio-Cultural Development. Japan: Institute of Asian Cultures, 1990.
(Case study of methods of conservation of Prasat Muang Tam, Thailand, and its multiple use for socio-economic development in the region.)
Lao PDR/UNESCO.Champasak Heritage Management Plan. May 2000.
Stovel, Herb. Risk preparedness: A Management Manual for World Cultural Heritage.
/ / Founded by UNESCO and ICCROM in 2001