Sustainability Related Careers

Read: Green Jobs and CTEat

Pick one of the following careers and prepare and present a PowerPoint presentation to your classmates.Discuss the job requirements, education, work environment, and personal characteristics required to enter this field.

Environmental Scientist
Environmental scientists develop research and studies related to the protection of the environment.

Environmental Conservationist
Environmental conservationists are concerned with conservation as it applies strictly to the environment and environmental repercussions.

Environmental Engineer
Using the principles of biology and chemistry, environmental engineers develop solutions to environmental problems. They are involved in water and air pollution control, recycling, waste disposal, and public health issues

Groundskeepers are responsible for the maintenance of lawns, gardens, trees, and care of landscaping.
Groundwater Geologist
Geologists and geophysicists, also known as geological scientists or geoscientists, study the physical aspects and history of the earth.

Hazardous Waste Removal Worker
Hazardous materials removal workers identify, remove, package, transport, and dispose of various hazardous materials, including asbestos, lead, and radioactive and nuclear materials.

Hydroponics Grower
Hydroponics growers utilize alternative forms of media to grow plants, primarily fruits and vegetables.
Irrigation Engineer
Irrigation engineers manage irrigated areas to insure adequate soaking and prevent waste of water.
Landscape Architect
Landscape architects design residential areas, public parks, college campuses, shopping centers, golf courses, parkways, and industrial park areas.
Landscapers plan and execute small-scale landscaping operations and maintain grounds and landscape of private and business residences.
Limnologists study the structure and function of inland water ecosystems.

Marine Biologist
Marine biologists study water-inhabiting plants and animals and the environmental conditions affecting them.

Microbiologists study microscopic forms of life, such as algae, bacteria, viruses, protozoa, fungi and rickettsiae.
Natural Resources Scientist
Natural resources scientists study scientific principles and applications associated with conservation and the use of natural resources, including wildlife, soil and trees.

Nursery Operator
Nursery operators control and manage nursery production, including the growing of trees, shrubs and plants, and other managerial details, such as labor and cost efficiency.
Organic Chemist
Organic chemists study the composition of all carbon-based living matter.
Outdoor Recreation Specialist
Outdoor recreation specialists organize and conduct programs related to outdoor activities, including parks programs, orienteering, and mountain climbing.
Park Manager
Park managers plan, direct, and coordinate the operation, recreation programming, maintenance, and security of national and state parks.
Park Ranger
Park rangers enforce laws and regulations in national, state, and local parks; they maintain parks and ensure the safety of park visitors.

Resource Economist
Resource economists study the ways society distributes scarce resources, such as land, labor, raw materials and machinery, to produce goods and services.

Soil Conservationist
Plans and develops coordinated practices for soil erosion control, moisture conservation, and sound land use.
Soil Scientist
Soil scientists study soil characteristics, map soil types, and investigate responses of soils to known management practices.
Statisticians collect and interpret data, ensuring its validity and usefulness to the end user.
Tree Farmer
Tree farmers plant, prune, spray, fertilize, brace, transplant, and remove trees on highways, streets, parks, and home grounds.
Tree Surgeon
Tree surgeons prune and treat ornamental and shade trees and shrubs in yards and parks to improve their appearance, health, and value.
Urban and Regional Planners
Planners develop long-term and short-term plans to use land for the growth and revitalization of urban, suburban, and rural communities, while helping local officials make decisions concerning social, economic, and environmental problems.

Waste Management Specialist
Waste management specialists operate and maintain the equipment that is associated with the distribution of digested sludge.
Water and Liquid Waste Treatment Plant Operators
Water treatment plant and system operators treat water so that it is safe to drink. Liquid waste treatment plant and system operators, also known as wastewater treatment plant and system operators, remove harmful pollutants from domestic and industrial liquid waste so that it is safe to return to the environment.
Water Quality Specialist
Water quality specialists test and determine the quality of water for consumption by humans, animals, or use on crops; they identify sources of pollution and methods for correction.
Water Resources Manager
Water resources managers control and develop programs related to the conservation and proper use of water.