Susitna Community Council Meeting Minutes

Upper Susitna Seniors Center, Thursday October 3rd, 2013

  1. A quorum was established: Robert, Vonda, Mark, Bill, Bronn & Justin.
  2. The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm.
  3. The Pledge of Allegiance 7:05 pm
  4. Minutes and Treasures Report: Checking $1406.15, Savings $42.66. Justin, Bill 2nds.
  5. Approval of meeting agenda: Justin moves, Bill 2nds.
  6. Persons to be Heard:

1.) Jessica Smith-CRW Engineering Rebecca Campbell Eric & Robert DOT Project Mgr & Engineer Parks Highway Crossing Design Federally Funded-Requested comments. Construction 2015 combine with 91-99 rebuild.

2.)Kandy Moore-Parks Highway Crossing alternatives, letter to DOT

3.) Candidate Forum-Robert Coleman, Trevor Walter, Bronn Salmon. Alternates Justin Koles, Bill Stearns.

VII. Correspondence

a.)MSB Approval of Grant

b.)Kandy Moore-Letter on crossing alternatives.


a.)State DOT letter on pavement patch.

VIII. Committee and Governmental Reports

  1. Road Service Areas (15 & 29)-No report
  2. Borough Assembly- Vern not present.
  3. Bylaws Committee-No meeting.
  4. Grant Expenditure Committee-Agreement signed & returned to MSB 10/02/13. Letters to go out.
  5. Trails Committee-Trevor not present
  6. Ways & Means- No meeting.
  7. Election Committee: Robert, Trevor, & Bronn are running for full seats, Bill & Justin are running for Alternate seats, and there is an open seat that needs to be appointed.

IX. Old Business

a. IRS 501 (c)(3): Letter to be sent to Senators

a. Revenue Sharing Grants: Waiting on funds.

b. Yoder Rd. Bridge Area: Robert will contact Vern re: bank re-enforcement.

X. New Business




XI. Board Member Announcements:

XII. Announcements -- Donations are welcome of up to $50 per calendar year to help defray administrative costs of carrying out council business.

Mat Su aging resource Center to schedule meeting.

Winter Tourism Summit at Twister Creek Tomorrow.

XIII. Adjournment- 7:25p.m

Susitna Community Council

Serving the Upper Susitna Valley

HC 89 Box 8575, Talkeetna, AK 99676