Survival Skills Syllabus


Goals of class:

To instruct in lifelong mental and physical skills that contribute positively to overall health, physical safety and emotional well-being.

General areas of study:

Outdoor survival, school survival, physical conditioning, and financial awareness.

Main Topics: Survival basics; finding water, making fire, shelter, food.

Orienteering; compass, tracking, GPS?

Survival communication; Morse code, Radio procedure language.

Physical conditioning; body conditioning, strength training

Financial awareness; monthly budget, stock market function, saving $

Time permitting; car maintenance, understanding the weather,

Natural disaster procedure, tying knots, etc..

Classroom Materials:

3 ring binder

Ball point pen and/or pencil


Red pen to correct test

12/24 colored pencils

Flash drive

Other items as class proceeds

Major Learning Activities and Assessment Tools:

Participation: making inferences, observations, individual and group activities

Completing cumulative projects and activities

Test/quizzes and daily assignments

Classroom Rules and Expectations:

1)Follow directions the first time they are given

2)Bring your book, a pen/pencil, red correcting pen, and assignments to class

3)Come to class on time! Tardiness results in demerits

4)Raise your hand to talk. No talking while others are presenting

5)Keep your hands and feet to yourself

6)No gum, food, or pop in class

7)No put-downs

8)No cheating! Anyone caught cheating will receive demerits and a zero on the assignment or test

9)Quiet work time. If you complete your assignment early, find something to do that doesn’t involve disturbing others

10)Finish daily work on time. All late assignments are reduced 50%

Remember: Failure to follow the rules will result in demerits. If your actions continue, you will be sent to SLC, and a phone call will be made home

Attendance Policy:

Absences: Students who are absent are required to bring a parent note to the office

excusing the absence when they return to school. Students will have 2 days for each day they are absent to make up missing work. Write the word ABSENT at the top the work


Students will be given 2 opportunities to be tardy without penalty. 3 or more tardies will result in demerits

Grading Policy:

Your grade is based on the total points you earn by completing homework, projects, tests/quizzes, and by appropriately participating in class


A = 100-93%A- = 92.99-90%B+ = 89.99-87% B = 86.99-83%

B- = 82.99-80%C+ = 79.99-77%C = 76.99-73%

C- = 72.99-70%D+ = 69.99-67%D = 66.99-60%

F = 59.99% - 0


Class work that is not completed by the end of the day becomes homework. However, students who use their class time wisely should not have much homework. Assignments are expected to be turned in on time by the assigned dead line. Students who are missing several assignments will be calling home with the teacher present

Late Work:

When turning in a late homework assignment, students must write the word Late at the top of the assignment as well as have a parent signature in order for the late work to receive a grade in the grade book. All late work will automatically receive a grade no higher than 50%

Absent Work:

When turning is absent work, write the word Absent at the top of the assignment. It is the student’s responsibility to find out what they missed. Students should have a study buddy that they can depend on the pick up missed work. Absent work must be turned in to the teacher within a timely manner.

Now that you have read and understand these policies please print and sign your name below:

Student name (Print) ______

Student Signature ______

Parent or Guardian name (Print) ______

Parent or Guardian signature ______

Parent or Guardian e-mail ______

Phone number where parent/guardian can be reached please include area code


This is worth 10 points ______