Supports for Community Living (SCL) Tip Sheet
SCL programs are only used when all other placement resources, including DCBS foster care, PCP foster care, and PCC residential services are unable to meet the needs of the youth. A diligent search by the Regional Placement Coordinator (RPC) must occur before a SCL placement is considered.
- Referring a child to a SCL program:
- If no appropriate placements are identified after a diligent search and the CRP RPC has recommended a SCL as an appropriate placement option, CRP requestsapproval for a SCL search by Central Office. The Central Office SCL Liaison providesa written request for the Director of Protection and Permanency’s (P&P) approval.
- If a SCL search is approved, CRP will begin contacting SCL programs to locate and arrange placement. CRP, the SCL provider, or the child’s SSW notifies the Central Office SCL Liaison when a SCL placement accepts a child.
- The Central Office SCL Liaison creates an Individual Placement Agreement (IPA) between DCBS and the SCL provider, and negotiates a per diem rate using the Support Spending Plan to be approved by the Director of P&P. Upon approval of the IPA by the Director of P&P, the SRA and SCL agency’s director will review and provide their approval as well. The Central Office SCL Liaison keeps the original IPA and Support Spending Plan in Central Office and distributes copies to the SCL agency, billing clerk, and SSW.
- Any child in OOHC with an IQ of 70 or below should have a MAP-620, Application for SCL Waiver and ICF/MR Services form, completed and approved as soon as possible regardless of the child’s age in order to be added to the SCL Waiver waiting list. This is imperative for the child to have support as an adult. When completing the MAP-620, please fill out the entire form completely, have physician or a QMHP sign and attach documentation regarding the youth’s IQ. This documentation must be official proof of the IQ or documentation that the youth is unable to complete IQ testing. The MAP-620 can be found in the CFC Online Manuals Forms section.
- All DCBS youth placed in SCL programs require monthly visitation by designated cabinet staff.
- During monthly visitation with the youth in a SCL program, the worker completes page 1 of the “SCL Program Visit – Review of Records and Facility Form” which can be found in the CFC Online Manual Forms section. This form was created to guide field and Central Office staff on what to assess during the visit with the youth and/or site visit. Central Office Staff will complete the second page.
- The DPP-340,Notification of Change of Location for Youthwith an Individual Placement Agreement,should be completed by the SCL provider and sent to the SSW and Central Office each time a youth moves, including short-term psychiatric stabilization.
- For additional assistance, the youth and/or caregivers may be provided the Resource Manual for Youth with Disabilities in Foster Care which is a compilation of available programs that can be used by young people with disabilities in foster care.