Transport Accident Commission (TAC)
Information Sheet
Supported Leisure Options
Supported leisure options are an organised calendar of supported activities designed to give TAC clients an opportunity to participate in community-based social or recreation activities.
If you are keen to take part in a sport or pursue an interest, but need some support to do so, then this option could work for you.
Most clubs, groups, or activities are for a mix of people, not just TAC clients. They offer people the opportunity to meet others and participate in something rewarding or fun that everyone has a shared interest in. Some successful and popular options that are already up and running include indoor rock climbing, woodwork, kayaking and creative arts.
Supported leisure options provide a genuine alternative to having to rely on attendant care support, or support from family members. Support is provided at the venue running the activity.
A local agency in each region develops the calendar of activities and ensures that clubs or facilities are welcoming and have suitably trained staff available during the scheduled activities.
Activities are held in local community facilities, including Neighbourhood Houses, Sporting Centres, Living and Learning Centres, TAFEs and clubs such as a sailing, angling or bowls clubs.
Supported leisure options are for people who want to get out and about more, meet new people and have fun, enjoy rewarding leisure activities and who require some support to do these things.
People who do not require support to participate in the community are also invited to participate in the activities, along with other members of the general public.
Supported leisure options offer people the chance to have fun, meet people and pursue their interests. Benefits include:
· Opportunities to pursue specific interests and improve skills with expert coaching or instruction
· Opportunities to meet, and share activities with, others with similar interests
· Opportunities to develop skills to a higher level (eg. competitive tennis or golf, art exhibition, music or drama performance)
· A chance to get involved in other activities available at the various community facilities
· Opportunities to get involved and take on voluntary roles such as assisting with organisation, administration or marketing of activities.
· Activities are initially made available on a ‘come and try’ basis, where you may attend with a familiar carer for up to four weeks
· Shared transportation is organised for those unable to access the venue independently
· You may choose any number of activities from the calendar of activities, and change activities as you wish
· As a leisure option offers a genuine alternative to attendant care for recreation and/or community access, it is expected that the leisure option will replace some of your attendant care service in meeting your needs for community access and recreation
· If your needs or circumstances change and you decide to withdraw from a leisure option your support needs and TAC’s funding of attendant care, or like responses, will be reviewed and your services adjusted accordingly
· Like all other club members or activity participants you will need to pay for costs associated with the activity, eg. hire of bowling shoes and lane hire for ten-pin bowling. In accordance with your claim and the Transport Accident Act 1986 the costs of the support and, where needed, transport will be met by the TAC.
Contact us
8.30am to 5.30pm, Monday to Friday
1300 654 329 (local call)
1800 332 556 (toll-free outside the Melbourne metropolitan area)
60 Brougham Street
Geelong VIC 3220
Mailing address
PO Box 742
Geelong VIC 3220