Purpose of job:

To care for and offer support to adults with learning disabilities and/or mental health issues in a residential setting according to statutory requirements, and the principles of Rudolf Steiner within the field of Social Therapy.

Practitioners should be open to, and willing to learn about, this way of working.

The Relief Support Worker will be required to work shifts when/if required as cover for Garvald Glenesk staff being absent from their work. There are no guaranteed weekly hours for this post.

Responsible to: The Service Manager or Depute Manager.

General tasks:

i)  Promote the well-being and personal development of the residents, provide personal care and offer emotional support.

ii)  Develop an approach arising out of the impulse of social therapy to enable residents to work towards their greater independence and to foster opportunities for residents to become members of their local community by making use of local resources.

iii)  Contribute to the implementation of personal care plans for individual residents from a person-centred perspective.

iv)  Be aware of current issues relating to the residents’ health and well being by means of a verbal handover from outgoing staff and by reading daily records and communications.

v)  If on a night shift, maintain a constant awareness of the needs of residents throughout the night.

vi)  Attend staff meetings when requested to do so.

vii)  Follow the organisation’s policies and procedures.

Practical support tasks:

i)  Facilitate personal care and promote self-care in all areas of a resident’s home life, including resident’s own room; hygiene; organising laundry and household cleaning/tidying, etc.

ii)  Work alongside the residents in meal planning and preparation, e.g. shopping, ordering, considering diets, preparing, cooking, serving and clearing up.

iii)  Assist residents in the buying and maintenance of clothes.

iv)  Administer basic first aid. When required, order and assist with or administer conventional, homeopathic and anthroposophical medicine.

v)  Provide sleep-in cover as required and in accordance with the needs of the service and the operation of the rotas.

vi)  Assist residents to organise and, in some instances, accompany residents to various activities and on holidays.

vii)  Facilitate residents in managing their financial affairs at whatever level is appropriate.

viii)  Assist with the upkeep of the house/s in a manner which is conducive to the needs of all occupants of the household/s.

ix)  If on a night shift, respond to any identified needs during the night, whether physical, emotional or practical.

x)  Whilst on duty take responsibility for the conduct and well-being of visitors.

Administrative tasks:

i)  Record information of a practical, social, financial and health & safety nature with due regard for confidentiality and the organisation’s open access policy, to maintain residents’ individual care records.

ii)  Maintain communication with relatives and carers and relevant others on all appropriate issues.

iii)  Prepare for, attend and report back from meetings.

Domestic tasks:

i) Carry out domestic tasks as stated on the Daily Tasks Sheet or Night Shift Duties Sheet, including laundry and ironing, kitchen and bathroom hygiene and general cleaning of communal areas, and any additional listed duties.

Cultural activities:

i)  Assist residents to participate in the celebration of the Christian/spiritual festivals within the yearly cycle of the seasons, if they wish to do so.

ii)  Assist in any cultural and social events organised by the organisation, eg garden parties, musical events, plays and conferences etc.

iii)  Enable residents to attend religious services of their choice.

iv)  Foster opportunities for the development of social therapy.

v)  Foster opportunities for residents to participate in activities such as arts, crafts and music.


i)  Participate in internal and external training in both statutory and social therapy fields.

ii)  Participate in regular supervision and appraisals as specified in the organisation’s policy on supervision and appraisal

Other responsibilities:

i)  In addition to day-to-day duties, you may be required to carry out, as designated, responsibility for a particular area of work, such as fire safety, food ordering, petty cash, medication, or any other appropriate task.

ii)  To maintain professional contact at all times with the following colleagues: Practitioners and Support Workers, including Relief Support Workers, Service Manager, Depute Manager, Business Manager, Fundraiser, Gardener, Garvald Glenesk Management Council, outside professionals connected with the support of the residents, e.g. social workers, health service professionals, representatives of Viewpoint Housing Association, tradespeople who may have business with the organisation, staff of Columcille Eskbank and other Day Services, members of other Garvald communities, Community representatives, Trade Union representatives, Advocates, visiting students, and others.

iii)  To abide by Health & Safety procedures and in particular, to observe fire safety procedures.

iv)  To undertake any other duties appropriate to the post.

Experience/qualifications/criminal record disclosure:

Experience of working with people with learning disabilities, mental health issues and autism, and an understanding of the principles of community care.

You are expected to meet the qualification requirements set out by the SSSC for the purposes of registration.

You are required to be registered with and checked by the Protection of Vulnerable Groups (PVG) scheme.

Garvald Glenesk aims to be an equal opportunities employer.

This job description is a general guide and may be subject to changes in the light of experience and the changing needs of the organisation and its residents.

Garvald Glenesk Support Worker and Relief Support Worker (Day and Night shift) Job Description (November 2012)