SUPPORT the WBAI Justice & Unity Campaign

WHY SHOULD YOU JOIN WBAI by August 31, 2007?

So you can vote in the very important upcoming elections for the Local Station Board. A struggle against racism has been underway at WBAI/Pacifica Radio. Strong progressive people must be on the Board to stand up for the strong programming WBAI offers -- particularly around the concerns and fight-backs of African-American, Latino, Asian/Pacific Islander, Arab, Indigenous, and immigrant communities. Support those who are fighting for Pacifica to live up to its mission of airing the voices of the disenfranchised:

Vote For Anti-Racist Justice and Unity Board Candidates

If you donate $25 or more by AUGUST 31, 2007, you become a WBAI member with the right to vote in October’s election for the Local Station Board. Call 212-209-2800 or pledge online via credit card at Can’t do that? Well, you can apply which, if granted, will give you voting membership. Call (212) 209-2919 to have a form sent to you, or visit

The WBAI Justice & Unity Campaign stands for maintaining and expanding WBAI's progressive, activist, anti-racist programming and for advancing affirmative action throughout the Pacifica Network. Its members currently hold 10 of the 18 listener seats on the board, and another 3 of 6 staff board members are allies. However, other board members seek to reverse the gains of recent years in incorporating hard-hitting educational and activist programming on working class issues, particularly programs by and for communities of color -- and some have mounted aggressive efforts to fire the progressive Program Director, Bernard White.

WBAI Justice & Unity Campaign members currently on the Local Station Board:

·  Nia Bediako (Chair, WBAI Programming Committee; Treasurer, block assn. in Harlem)

·  Marian Borenstein (Treasurer, Black Radical Congress-NYC)

·  Tibby Brooks (organizer, NY Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Coalition; Palestine solidarity activist)

·  Omowale Clay (member, December 12th Movement; a key organizer of National Rally for Reparations and Black participation in intl. conferences on racism & women's right

·  Lisa Davis (activist on reparations and police brutality; chair, Tri-state Support "Like It Is" Coalition; member, Millions More Movement, NJ).

·  Sara Flounders (co-director, Intl. Action Center; author; resistance organizer for many mass mobilizations vs. U.S. wars)

·  Cheryl Ife Griffin (progressive attorney; board member, Bed-Sty Community Legal Services Corp.)

·  Ray Laforest (labor and Haitian community organizer)

·  Father Lawrence Lucas (author, lecturer, Black liberation theologian, chaplain on Rikers Island, Harlem activist)

·  Berta Silva (Chicana/Latina community activist; labor organizer with 1199/SEIU)

Past Justice & Unity Board member: Michael Tarif Warren (attorney for victims of police brutality)


The WBAI Justice & Unity Campaign supports:

* active board role in off-air fundraising * grassroots programming by and for underrepresented communities

* anti-racist training * diversity assessments of staff, programs, & committees

* strong affirmative action policies * a progressive, activist-oriented station manager

* fair management evaluations * staff and union roles in station decision-making

* respect for union contracts


Some Endorsers of the 2006 Justice & Unity board slate:

ACT UP/NY December 12th Movement ProLibertad (Puerto Rican

Al-Awda (Palestine Right to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Coalition Polit. Pris. Freedom Cmpn.)

Return Coalition.) - NY Haiti Support Network Queers for Peace & Justice

Asia Pacific Action IFCO Venezuelan Alberto Lovera

BAYAN USA (progressive International Action Center Bolivarian Circle

Filipino alliance) Jersey City Peace Movement Juan Gonzalez, journalist

For full platform and complete list of endorsers see our website below.

WBAI JUSTICE AND UNITY CAMPAIGN * (212) 591-2111 * * email: