Minutes 12/3/2015
Name / Representing / Present / AbsentCarol Kimbrough, Chair / Faculty / X
Theresa Carbajal / Faculty (COU) / X
LaVerne Cook / Articulation Officer / X
Francisco Corchado / Articulation Specialist / X
Mary Cousineau / Faculty (Nursing/Allied Health) / X
Mary Dominguez / Administration (Student Affairs/Enrollment) / X
Jeanne Hori-Garcia / Faculty (SBS) / X
Jason Hough / Faculty (LA)/ SLO Coordinator / X
Jeff McGrath / PT Faculty (FA) / X
Daniel Ortega / Faculty (PE/Athletics/HED) / X
Celine Pinet / Administration (FA/SBS) / X
Mercedes Quintero / Faculty (COU) / X
Deborah Stephens / Faculty (Library)/Curriculum Specialist / X
Violeta Wenger / Faculty (COU)/Curriculum Specialist / X
Ann Wright / Faculty (MSE) / X
Vacant / (student)
GUESTS: Emily Brandt, Mark DeHart, Steve Ettinger, Marnie Glazier, Peggy Mayfield, Lana McDonnell, Cheryl O’Donnell, Dan Petersen, Jonathan Teraji, Val Rodriguez
SUPPORT STAFF: Ruby Garcia, Belen Gonzales
I. ADOPTION OF AGENDA: (Note the order of the agenda is modified as needed to accommodate presentation schedules or other circumstances related to the logical flow or efficiency of committee actions). Carol Kimbrough welcomed all members and guests. The agenda was adopted by unanimous vote.
MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve of the minutes of 11/19/2015.
a. Change Course Number/Designator
1. AAT-100, Engine Repair, change to AAT-101 (course has not yet been offered)
2. AUT-50, Introduction to Automotive Repair change to AAT-100
MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve consent items.
a. Advanced Automotive Technology, Val Rodriguez, Mark DeHart, Violeta Wenger presented
1. AAT-131, Fuel Systems and Emissions, 4 units
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENG-1A; MAT-121, AAT-130, Engine Performance
Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve course outline.
PCA: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve requisites.
2. AAT-140, Brake Systems, 4 units
Advisory: ENG-253 or ESL-265; MAT-201
Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve course outline
PCA: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve advisory courses.
3. AAT-141, Steering and Suspension Systems, 4 units
Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve course outline.
4. AAT-151, Automatic Transmission, 4 units
Prereq: AAT-120, Electrical and Electronic Systems
Advisory: ENG-253 or ESL 265; MAT-201
Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve course outline.
PCA: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve prerequisite and advisory courses.
b. Business Education, Cheryl O’Donnell
1. BUS-210, Computers for ESL Students, 0.5
Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve course outline.
c. Communication Studies, Jason Hough, Lana McDonnell
1. COM-6, Small Group Communication, 3 units [C-ID COMM 140]
Prereq: Eligibility for ENG-1A
Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve course outline.
PCA: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve requisites
GE: MSP (vote unanimous) to approve inclusion in Hartnell’s GE List: Language and Rationality
2. COM-7, Introduction to Persuasion, 3 units [C-ID COMM 190]
Prereq: Eligibility for ENG-1A
Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve course outline.
PCA: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve requisites.
GE: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve inclusion in Hartnell’s GE List: Language and Rationality
3. COM-9, Oral Interpretation of Literature, 3 units [C-ID COMM-170]
Prereq: Eligibility for ENG-1A
Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve course outline.
PCA: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve requisites.
GE: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve inclusion in Hartnell’s GE List: Language and Rationality
d. Theatre and Cinema, Marnie Glazier, Dan Petersen
Marnie and Dan collaborated together to assure that the parent course (ENG-50) will be identical to the cross-listed course; revisions to ENG-50 are currently in the CurricUNET queue for approval 2/4/16.
1. TAC-50, Introduction to Film: History up to the 1960s, 3 units
Advisory: ENG-253; X-list ENG-50
Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve course outline
PCA: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve ENG-253 (or eligibility for ENG-101 or ESL-101) as an advisory.
2. TAC-56, Introduction to Media Aesthetics and Contemporary Cinematic Arts, 3 units Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve course outline. [C-ID FTVE 105]
a. Agriculture, Steve Triano, Susan Pheasant, Mark DeHart
1. Agriculture Business – AS Degree and Certificate (Revised)
AS Degree Modifications: added ABT-49, ABT-54, BUS-53, and BUS-50 to required major courses; added ABT-80, ECO-5 and removed ABT-54 from restricted major electives.
Certificate Modifications: added ABT-49, ABT-54, BUS-53 and BUS-50 to required major courses; added ABT-80, ABT-160, ECO-5 and removed ABT-49, ABT-51 and ABT-54 from restricted major electives.
Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve revisions to the AS Degree and Certificate.
2. Agriculture Production, AS Degree and Certificate (Revised)
Modifications, AS Degree: added BUS-43 and BUS-50 to required major courses; added ABT-66, -67, -80, -81, -82, -83, -91, -95, -101, -102, -103, -104, -105, -130 and AIT-71 and AIT-75 to restricted major electives.
Certificate modifications: added BUS-43 and BUS-50 to required major courses; added ABT-66, -67, -80, -81, -82, -83, -91, -95, -101, -102, -103, -104, -105, -130 and AIT-71 and AIT-75 to restricted major electives.
Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve revisions to the AS Degree and Certificate.
3. Horticultural Technician, AS Degree and Certificate (New)
The AS Degree and Certificate are primarily composed of currently existing courses.
Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve the AS Degree and Certificate program in Horticultural Technician.
4. Small Farm Operation and Management, AS Degree and Certificate (New)
The AS Degree and Certificate are primarily composed of currently existing courses.
Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve the AS Degree and Certificate program in Small Farm Operation and Management.
5. Sustainable Crop Management, AS Degree and Certificate (New)
The AS Degree and Certificate are primarily composed of currently existing courses.
Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve the AS Degree and Certificate program in Sustainable Crop Management.
6. Food Safety, AS Degree and Certificate (New)
The AS Degree and Certificate are primarily composed of currently existing courses.
Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve the AS Degree and Certificate program in Food Safety
b. Theatre Arts, Marnie Glazier
1. AA Degree, Theatre Arts (Revised)
Modifications: adds the following areas of emphasis to the Associate Degree in Theatre Arts: 1) Acting; 2) Design/Technical Theatre & Production; 3) Film & Cinema; 4) Applied Theatre; removes COM-1 and ENG-17 from AA degree; includes 14 theatre-specific courses in the required major courses plus approximately 17 theatre-specific courses to support the areas of emphasis.
Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve revisions to the Theatre Arts AA Degree and areas of emphasis.
c. Digital Arts, Jerri Nemiro
1. Digital Arts AA Degree and Certificate (Revised)
Modifications: program description, specialized electives for Graphic Design (add ART-78), Digital Photography/Video (remove ART-70); add ART-70 to required major courses (degree & certificate); add ART-78 to restricted major electives (degree & certificate).
Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve revisions to the AA Degree and Certificate program in Digital Arts.
d. Automotive Technology, Val Rodriguez
1. Advanced Automotive Technology, AS Degree
This degree is a revision of the existing Automotive Technology Degree program.
Modifications: removes AUT-50, -51, -71, -73, -81, -82, -83, -86, -103, and 110; adds AAT-100, -101, -110, -120, -121, -130, -140, -141, -150, -151, and BUS-43
Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve revisions to the AS Degree in Advanced Automotive Technology.
VI. TWO READING ITEMS – ACTION TAKEN (due to catalog deadlines)
a. Advanced Automotive Technology, Val Rodriguez
1. AAT-150, Manual Transmission and Drive Train, 4 units
Advisory: Eng-253 or ESL-265; MAT-201; AAT-101, Engine Repair
Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) consider approval with one reading.
Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve course outline.
Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve advisory courses.
b. Sociology, Hortencia Jimenez
1. AA-T Sociology, Program Revisions
Modifications: Add SOC-20 (C-ID SOCI 140) to restricted major electives (List A); add Soc-15 and SOC-30 to restricted major electives (List B)
Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve program revisions with one reading.
Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve program revisions.
a. Computer Science & Information Systems, Pam Wiese
1. CSS-4, Introduction to Scientific Programming, 4 units
Prereq: MAT-3A
Modifications: prereq, description, objectives, content, MOE, MOI (remove DE/Hybrid option), materials, assignments, [SLOs]
Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve modifications to CSS-4
PCA: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve prerequisite course.
b. Library Instruction, Deborah Stephens, Peggy Mayfield
1. LIB-7, Information Competency in the arts and Humanities, 1 unit
Advisory: DE/Hybrid advisory; ENG-1A
Modifications: advisory, title, description, objectives, content, MOI (DE/Hybrid), MOE, materials, assignments, [SLOs]
Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve course revisions.
DE/Hybrid: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve DE addendum.
c. Music, Steve Ettinger
1. MUS-1A, Music Appreciation – Historical Perspective, 3 units
Modifications: content, materials, assignments, not eligible for audit, [SLOs]
Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve course revisions.
2. MUS-7, Jazz Appreciation, 3 units
Modifications: content, materials, assignments
Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve course revisions.
d. Respiratory Care Practitioner, Tanya Ho
1. RCP-80, Advanced Life Support, 1.5 units
Prereq: RCP-70, -71 and -72
Modifications: requisites, objectives, content, MOI, MOE, materials, assignments, min quals/disciplines, [SLOs]
Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve course revisions.
Prereq: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve requisite courses.
e. Spanish, Janet Flores
1. SPA-2, Elementary Spanish, 5 units
Prereq: SPA-1X, SPA-1S or SPA-1 or (other)
Modifications: description, objectives, content, MOE, materials, assignments, not eligible for audit, [SLOs]
Motion: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve course revisions.
Prereq: MSP (vote: unanimous) to approve requisite courses.
a. This was the last meeting to meet deadline for approvals for the 2016-17 catalog. New courses and/or programs needing Chancellor’s Office approval are subject to timelines determined by the Chancellor’s Office (see “b” below), however.
b. Curriculum Timelines for Approval: timelines were attached to the support documents on the Committee website (“Curriculum Timelines”). Those courses and programs approved by the Committee by this meeting (December) will be submitted to the Board of Trustees for ratification (12/8). Those needing Chancellor’s Office approval will be forwarded after Board approval; if the Chancellor’s Office approves the course or program by March 1, the course or program should be able to be offered by the following summer and fall term (and should appear in the following academic year’s catalog). If there is no Chancellor’s approval by March 1st, the course or program will not be offered until the following academic year’s spring term after CCCCO approval.
Courses submitted to the Committee during the months of January through May and approved by the Board by May can be offered the following spring term with CCCCO approval. The cutoff for CCCCO approval is October 1; if there is no CCCCO approval by this date offering the course will be delayed until the following (fall/summer) term after CCCCO approval. (See table below).
c. ***Thanks to all committee members for your work throughout the semester!***
a. Next meeting date: 2/4/2016
All Curriculum Approved / Sent to BOT / With CCCCO approval, the course can be offered: / Cutoff for CCCCO Approval:September – December 2015 / Sent to BOT by December 2015 / Following Summer and Fall term 2016 / March 1, 2016
January – May 2016 / Send to BOT by May 2016 / Following Spring term 2017 / October 1, 2016
2 / *MOI, methods of instruction; MOE, methods of evaluation; tch, total contact hours; wch, weekly contact hours