Support Sequence for Vulnerable Pupils

Level / Parents/Carers / Pupil / Class Teacher / Additional School Support / Possible Agency Involvement / RESOURCES

Initial Cause for Concern



/ Informal chat / Private meeting with class teacher.
School based target sheet (e.g. smiley faces) is explained
Tracking behaviour sheet to refer to behaviours
Incentives are clarified. / Reflect upon classroom practice & provision
Use Checklist for Positive Classroom Context & Checklist for Inclusive Teaching
Arrange a meeting with the pupil as soon as possible after the event
Check other sources for further information – SENCO
Record / begin Chronology of Action.
Arrange discrete support based upon pupil’s perception of difficulties.
Begin Target Sheet to identify times / triggers – use this as part of reflection process with pupil at the end of each day.
Use incentives that are part of normal classroom procedure. / SENCO provides relevant information for class teacher. (E.g. Identified Need Grid)
Keyworker offers appropriate support
e.g check in/out circles
Inclusion /SENCo or
LBP may assess need e.g. poor attendance/specifics
Consideration for a Nurture placement / Pupil Welfare Officer may be notified

Responds positively to intervention

Receive ‘good news’ letter informing them of their child’s achievement / Meeting with class teacher
. / Use the Target sheets during a meeting to demonstrate the pupil’s achievements.
Agree upon whether or not the pupil requires their targets to keep ‘on track’.
Celebrate the success – letter home/star of the week/special in-class activity/Revoe Reward.
File CoA and inform SENCO of progress
Level / Parents/Carers / Pupil / Class Teacher / Additional School Support / Possible Agency Involvement / RESOURCES

Continuing cause for concern

SCHOOL ACTION / 2.1 / Invited to attend meeting with CT
Telephone call
Letter/text / Informed of planned meeting / Arrange meeting with parents/carers.
Ensure evidence of action on individual Support Sequence for Vulnerable Pupils – completed
Inform AMW/JS of pupil moving to Level 2.
Begin Provision Map - to include Behaviour Target/s / SENCO tracks against existing Provision Map
Places pupil on SEN Register
AMW/JS alerted to pupil’s increased support requirements.
Keyworkerinitiates ‘smiley chart’
2.2 / Meet with CT to discuss child’s needs contribute /agree to Provision Map.
Inform school to additional needs if requiring outside agency support/
changes in home circumstances / Participate in
meeting/ contribute/
agree provision
map. / Explain smiley chart as behaviour tracking system.
Complete Provision Map with input from pupil and parent.
Agree nature of school/home contact ALSO set review date. (4 -6weeks)
Update COA
Share smiley chart & target/s with all involved, clarifying role re-completion of smiley chart facilitating appropriate differentiation of tasks etc.
Agreed strategies must be consistently used.
Include Individual Support Plan as part of Daily record
Provision Map file should be accessible in every class/planning diary to ensure use as working documents. / AMW/JSmay become involved if outside agency support is recommended.
Requests for support/assessment may be sent by AMW/JS or member of staff with responsibility for activating outside agency involvement
Level / Parents/Carers / Pupil / Class Teacher / Additional School Support / Possible Agency Involvement / RESOURCES

Responds positively to intervention

Attend review meeting with CT.
Participate in contributing to/agreeing new target/s if appropriate. Receive feedback re. outside agency involvement, if appropriate / Participate in review meeting
Contribute to changes on Provision Map / Lead review meeting with parents/carers.
Celebrate progress.
Agree upon level of support / fresh target/s required to maintain progress.
Update Chronology of Action. / AMW/JS will be informed if outside agencies are involved / May attend review, if appropriate – to feedback information directly to parent/carer.
Level / Parents/Carers / Pupil / Class Teacher / Additional School Support / Possible Agency Involvement / RESOURCES

Does not respond positively to interventions

SCHOOL ACTION / 3.1 / Receive reminder of review date from CT
Telephone call
Letter/text / Participate in completion of Behaviour Checklist if appropriate / Collate pupil information –
Chronology of Action
Provision Map
smiley chart
Complete Behaviour Checklist
Meet withAMW/JS, prior to the review, to discuss/analyse the information in order to identify antecedents (triggers) or patterns in the pupil’s behaviour.
Agree upon possible action or adjustments to the level of support required to effectively manage the behaviour.
Update COA. / AMW/JS alerted to decline in behaviour
AMW/JS supports CT – advises on appropriate targets and clarifies level of teacher support available, if necessary.
3.2 / Attend review meeting with CT.
Describe current behaviour at home / sanctions & strategies used. / Participate in meeting
Report back to parent
Suggest how best you may be supported
Contribute to P.M. / Lead review meeting with parents/carers.
Describe reasons for continuing concern using COA/smiley chart to demonstrate changes in behaviour / frequency of incidents etc.
Use the Provision Map to show what the school has done to support their child.
Ask how the pupil has been at home and if there are further ways that school can provide support.
Complete Provision Map No.2.
Clarify consequences if behaviour improves / does not improve.
Increase level of contact with parents.
Set review date.
Update COA / AMW/JS may become involved if outside agency support is requested.
Other agencies may
receive requests for

Support Sequence for Vulnerable Pupils

Level / Parents/Carers / Pupil / Class Teacher / Additional School Support / Possible Agency Involvement / RESOURCES

Does not respond positively to interventions - continued

SCHOOL ACTION / 3.3 / Continue Daily Record using revised targets
CONSIDER CYCLE REVIEW OR MOVE TO SCHOOL ACTION PLUS / AMW/JS may arrange additional support from Learning Mentor
e.g small group work to be organised with ELSA/Why Try/anger management
JS/AMW will observe pupil & evaluate level of provision / Consider seeking general (verbal) advice from -
School Nurse?
Social Services?
Family Liaison Worker?
Family tracking
Responds positively to interventions
Attend review meeting No.2
Participate in agreeing new target/s if appropriate.
Receive feedback re. outside agency involvement / Participate in review meeting No.2
Contribute to changes on Provision Map. / Lead review meeting No2 with parents/carers.
Celebrate progress.
Agree upon level of support / fresh target/s required to maintain progress.
Update Chronology of Action. / May attend review, if appropriate – to feedback information directly to parent/carer
Level / Parents/Carers / Pupil / Class Teacher / Additional School Support / Possible Agency Involvement / RESOURCES
Does not respond positively to interventions
SCHOOL ACTION + / 4.1 / Receive reminder of date for review No. 2
Provide consent for CAF/PSP / Informed of planned meeting / Before review No.2, collate & analyse pupil information.
Write succinct evaluation
Copy report to JS/AMW
Discuss need to broaden support levels with JS/AMW.
Discuss whether a CAF/PSP should be initiated
Discuss planning/provision options with JS/AMW / JS/AMW Lead alerted to decline in behaviour
JS/AMW supports CT and authorises appropriate agency involvement.
CAF/PSP collation begins
Learning Mentor/Keyworker contribute to review No.2 / EWIST– consider request for support
Education Psychology Service- consider
4.2 / Attend review meeting No. 2
Agree new targets, parental contribution and sign CAF/ PSP document
Meet relevant staff & professionals / Participate in meeting.
Agree targets and sign CAF/PSP. / Attend review No. 2 / JS/AMW is responsible for arranging & leading CAF/PSP
JS/AMW take on role as Lead Professional for CAF/PSP / EWIST Case
Coordinator takes on role as Lead Professional for CAF
School Nurse,
Social Services,
Family Liaison Worker - may attend PSP meeting
Level / Parents/Carers / Pupil / Class Teacher / Additional School Support / Other Agency Involvement / RESOURCES
Does not respond positively to interventions - continued
SCHOOL ACTION + / 4.3 / Increased regular contact with CT following review No 2 / PSP
Parental agreement signed / Alerted to increased need to monitor his/her progress
Reminded of positive & negative consequences
Pupil signs PSP / Maintain daily contact with parents/carers
Adjust Daily Record Targets in keeping with agreed changes following review meeting No 2 / PSP
Clarify agreed strategies with pupil and support staff
Update Chronology of Action / Parent/carer, CT and SENCO (Provision Map updated) with copy of PSP / Educational Psychologist involvement
Level / Parents/Carers / Pupil / Class Teacher / Additional School Support / Possible Agency Involvement / RESOURCES
Responds positively to interventions
Attend review meeting
Participate in agreeing new targets if appropriate
Receive feedback from outside agencies
Celebrate successes / Participate in review meeting
Contribute to changes on Provision map
Celebrate successes / Attend review meeting
Agree continued level of support needed to ensure that progress is maintained
Adjust Daily Record in keeping with updated Provision Map / PSP No 2?
Update Chronology of Action
Celebrate success within class / school context / JS/AMW leads review meeting – completes PSP No 2?
All information passed onto relevant staff
Learning Mentor/Keyworker sustains level of success through 1-1 or small group work