EBSN and EEN working toward a similar goal: create new business opportunities for innovative SMEs
The Enterprise Europe Network brings together business support organisations from across 47 countries. They are connected through powerful databases and know Europe inside out. What's more?They have been working together for years, some even for decades. The network is made of 570 business support organisations in the EU and beyond. So it’s well placed to help companies find suppliers, distributors, trustworthy export partners and ways to source and sell technologies.
The main objective of the cooperation between partners of the European Business Support Network(EBSN) and the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) is to use synergies to bring together products, services, technologies and research ideas of the branches energy, food industry and maritime technology from the Baltic Sea Region and to arrange trans-national linkages to support business cooperation.
For this purpose it was established – in each region of the Baltic Supply and North Sea Supply Connect projects – cooperation between theproject partner (BDO) and the corresponding EEN local office.
The cooperation between EEN and ESBN started already in summer 2011. In this way EBSN is a pioneer in this approach, as the European Commission in its Communication Paper from November 2011 suggested at a first time a strong cooperation between local EEN offices and other regional organisations supporting business.
Company Songs and whispers (Bremen
With the support of the WFB and its partner in Latvia, we could win a new cooperation partner in Riga. Together with ArtPlatform (Riga, Latvia) we developed the idea of running a multinational and moving “SONGS & WHISPERS” – FESTIVAL taking place in several like Bristol, Brussels, Paris, London, Bremen and Riga!
Company MWF Ltd. (Ventspils
Thank you for the event in Bremen! It was really useful and finally I was in Bremen! :)
What's also great- all partners what I met gave me a lot of new information relating to furniture industry. Manuel Dresmann is now preparing co-coperation proposals and Susanne from Go Arch is interested to integrate our products into her developed interior.
Company SkyPromo (Ventspils
We got our fist contract in Germany after participating in the matchmaking event organized by EBSN in Bremen.
Pantio (Ventspils )
With the support of the EBSN partners we have done very good contacts in Bremen. At this moment we are discussing the possibility of producing in Germany.
Dino Anlagen- und Mashinenbau e.K. (Bremen
The WFB (as memeber of EBSN) put us in contact with potential customers in the Netherlands and Estonia.
IMDS Service B.V. (Groningen
KvK with the support of Swedish and German partners provided us with helpfully information about the market at their countries.
Sommeroffice B.V. (Groningen
KvK helped us by the search of new Scandinavian suppliers. A promising contact to a Swedish company has been done.
Part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund and European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument)