U.S. History and Geography

Teacher: Mr. Pelto

Supplies Needed: Large three-ring binder 1 ½” recommended

Supply of loose leaf paper


Textbook: The Americans

Online: www.classzone.com Activation Code: 5034224-10

Grade Composition: Tests/ Quizzes Projects (group & individual)

Homework Participation

Grading Scale:

A+ 97.5 B+ 87.5 C+ 77.5 D+ 67.5

A 93.5 B 83.5 C 73.5 D 63.5

A- 89.5 B- 79.5 C- 69.5 D- 59.5 E 59.4 & Below

Z will be recorded on pinnacle for any assignments that are not handed in.

What will we be studying?

U. S. History will consist of chronological exploration of the history of the United States. We will look at the following ideas: conflicts, social movements and viewing through the eyes of those who were actually there.

Scheduled units for the year are:

Frontier America Industrialization Imperialism World War I Great Depression World War II Cold War Civil Rights Vietnam Social Movements

1.  Student Responsibilities and Classroom Rules:

a.  Students should come to class prepared for the day’s lesson. That means having all materials such as paper, pen, books as well as any assigned work.

b.  Students are expected to show respect for the opinions, rights and property of the teacher and students.

2.  Homework:

a.  Most homework due dates will be 1-2 days after the receipt of the assignment. It is your responsibility to make sure you bring home the necessary materials to complete the work in a timely fashion. (see #4 below)

3.  Make up work:

a.  It is your responsibility to find out what you have missed in the event of an absence.

b.  Class work is always posted in the room and on the class website. It is your responsibility to check to see what you have missed in the event of an absence. If you need explanation of an assignment, you can arrange to meet before or after class for needed instructions. You may also ask a fellow classmate for instructions or any class notes you may have missed.

c.  You will have 3 days after you return from an excused absence to make up a missed test or quiz. Please see me to make arrangements.

d.  Any handouts may be obtained from the tray located on the table next to the television stand.

e.  Planned Absences: Field trips, athletics, musicals, competitions, etc… All assignments are due that day. They will be considered late otherwise. You will not get an extra day to complete the work.

f.  Suspensions: You will not receive daily assignments for credit. I will email assignments so you may keep up. This is district policy. I will only allow tests and projects to be made up for class credit.

g.  Unexcused absence: You will receive a (Z) zero for any work to be turned in or handed out that day.

4.  Late Work:

a.  Late work will be accepted only within one week of the original hand in date. It will be worth 50% max of the total value. In the case of extenuating circumstances, please meet with me to arrange an appropriate schedule.

5.  Classroom Binder:

a.  Your classroom binder is your log of what goes on in the class. (1 ½” recommended)

b.  It is collected once per semester (the day of the midterm/final). It is worth 25 points.

6.  Extra Credit Opportunities:

a.  There will be extra credit opportunities offered each quarter. They will be related to the current lesson.

7.  Participation: Participation is 10% of overall grade.

a.  Students may be called upon at random, so always be prepared and attentive. Participation will be part of your grade.

8.  Class Time:

a.  All students are required to raise their hands when wishing to contribute to class discussions.

b.  As lectures and discussions are taking place, students are to remain in their seats. Please try to wait for a “break in the action” to get up for Kleenex, pencil sharpening, throwing items in the trash, etc. It is disruptive to all people in the room when this is done.

c.  Remain in your seats until the bell rings to dismiss class.

d.  NO Electronic Devices are to be used in the room. They will be confiscated and turned into the office. Put them in your lockers or backpacks.

e.  GP South does not have a clinic to obtain aspirin, etc. If you are feeling ill and are requesting to go home, please see me during class.

f.  NO FOOD IN THE CLASSROOM. Bottled water is the only acceptable liquid. Gum is okay if it is not seen or heard.

9.  Tardy Policy

a.  Your job is to be on time – that means being in your seat, not standing and chatting with classmates, when the bell rings.

b.  Every fourth tardy will result in a detention issued by the administration. Being on time means in your seat when the bell rings.

c.  Detentions will be issued by the office for a minimum of one hour for first offense.