Supplier Order Management Portal User Guide
Table of Contents
Topic Page
Getting Started ………………………………………………………………………….3
Logging In ………………………………………………………………………….3
General Navigation ………………………………………………………………...4
Profile ……………...……………...……………...……………...……………....…6
Administrative Activities ……………………………………………………...…….7
Add new User ……………...……………...……………...……………...….…..…7
Working with Users ……………...……………...……………...…………….…...8
Removing Users ……………...……………...……………...……………...…..…9
PO Inquiry …………………………………………………………………………..….10
Exporting PO’s list ……...……………...…………………………………………12
PO Inquiry Actionable Navigation……………...……………...……………...…..13
PO Acknowledgement …………………………………………………………………15
Adding comments to the PO……………………………………………….…….16
Price changes………………………………………………………………….….17
Splitting a PO line quantity……………………………………………………...19
Date changes…………………………………………………………………..….21
Ship from location changes………………………………………………………22
Acknowledging an Amway PO revision…………………………………………24
Revising a PO…………………………………………………………………….24
Acknowledging cancelled PO line(s) ……………………………………………25
Adding Miscellaneous charges to a PO……………………………………….….26
Indirect Purchase Orders……………………………………………………...….29
Indirect materials – MRO (Maintenance Repair & Operations), & Services
Transportation ………………………………………………………………………….30
Domestic USA collect freight term PO’s
Create Shipment Request (TL/LTL) …………………………………………..…30
Ship notification (less than 150 lbs) …………………………………………..…36
Creating an Invoice …………………………………………………………….….38
Invoice/Payment Inquiry …………………………………………………….……42
Freight Terms …………………………………………………………………….…….43
Getting Started:
Go to the Amway Supplier Portal ( and select the Supplier Order Management Portal link on the right hand side. The direct URL for the Amway Supplier Order Management Portal is
The Supplier Portal Administrator will also be provided with the link to the Amway Supplier Order Management Portal along with their login (User ID) and Password by the Integration Center. The Supplier Administrator will be responsible for adding users within their organization to access the Amway Supplier Order Management Portal.
Enter your User ID and Password provided by your administrator in the fields provided, click LOGIN. User ID is NOT case sensitive, but the password IS case sensitive.
If you forgot your password, select the forget password link. You will be prompted to enter your User ID and your password will be sent to the email that was provided when your account was setup. The Supplier Administrator on the account can also change the User IDs, passwords and emails for other users on the account (see Work with Users Help Section).
General Navigation:
Once you are logged in, you will see the Homepage. The homepage (see below) will provide you with daily tasks that require action which are listed under My Daily Tasks.
On the Homepage, also are the Terms & Conditions to reference and specific requirements for shipping raw materials to ABG or to our Nutrilite facilities. Select the links to view the requirement documents.
Supplier Analytics is another tool that is available to use off the homepage. Registered Suppliers may access analytical reporting and supplier dashboard metrics through Supplier Analytics.
From the Homepage, navigation options are to either select one of the Daily Tasks or select a link from the Top Link Navigation located across the top of the screen.
NOTE: Depending on your role, your security in the portal may be different. Therefore, you may not see all of the Top Links shown in this screen shot due to access (See Profile Help Section).
Navigating through the Portal using the Breadcrumb trail
To navigate away from the homepage, you can continue to use either the Top Links to navigate back to the Home page or to other screens. Do not use the Back Button in the browser as it may not refresh data properly. Either use the top link navigation or use the breadcrumb trail (shown below) to go back to a previous screen.
The ABG Integration Center will set up your company profile for the Supplier Administrator using the Customer Service contact information. The supplier can select Profile (see below) and change their information including the date format from US format to International Format (US – mm/dd/yyyy & Int’l – dd/mm/yyyy).
*If no Date Format is selected, the US format will be defaulted.
Supplier Administrator Activities:
Click on the Admin menu option (located across the top of the screen – see screenshot below)
The Integration center will provide you with a User ID and password to initially log in. Supplier should change their password with the first log in that is an alpha numeric combination.
The Supplier administrator can add users to manage all or portions of the portal process via security roles (Hover over Admin with the mouse to display dropdown menu).
Add New User:
User Authorization Type: Use the drop down to select the security role for the user.
Customer Service Role: Access to all except Admin Screens
Accounts Receivable Role: Invoicing and PO Inquiry screens
Customer Service PO Role: PO Inquiry & Acknowledgement
Customer Service PO & Transportation Role: PO Inquiry, PO Acknowledgement & Transportation screens.
Transportation Role: (US Domestic) Transportation screens only.
Supplier Administrator Role: All access to all screens.
User ID: Assign a user ID for the individual to log into the portal.
Password: Assign a password that is a combination of alpha numeric character
Confirm Password: Re-key the password entered in the previous field
Name: Name of the User
Email: Email address of the User
Phone: Optional field
Click Add User to submit.
Work with Users:
Click on the Edit button to modify a current user
Click Save User to update the record
Click on the Remove button to remove an individual’s access
Click OK is you wish to remove this individual
PO Inquiry:
Select the PO’s menu option from the top of the screen.
Under the PO Inquiry section you can search for a particular purchase order by keying in a PO Number, Amway item number, Supplier item number, Supplier order number, status and/or an order date range of when the PO was issued. All fields must be typed in exactly.
Supplier ID is the Supplier Vendor # which is a 6 or 7 digit number assigned to every supplier.
Status includes Purchase orders in various statuses that can be inquired on. Descriptions of the status are:
§ PO’s to Acknowledge – PO’s that are ready to be acknowledge by the supplier. These can be new or Amway revised PO’s.
§ Acknowledged –PO’s that have been acknowledged by the Suppliers. PO’s can continue to be revised.
§ Awaiting Shipment – PO’s are in need of a shipment request
§ Planned for Pick Up –For Collect OP/OU orders that are scheduled by JDA for pickup through the Amway Domestic Logistics
§ Invoiced –Purchase Orders are able to be invoiced by the supplier. **See note for Invoicing below.
Non Received Completed POs –Purchase orders that are complete but are not received (Indirect OI & OS order types only).
§ Received PO’s –Purchase Orders shipments have been received at the Amway ship to location
§ Blanket Orders - OB order types, blanket orders and/or Completed Blanket orders
§ Shipment Request - Purchase Orders that have been added to a Shipment Request for Collect Orders only
§ Shipping Info - Shipment Requests for PO’s have been sent to Transport for routing
§ Cancelled - Purchase Orders that have been cancelled by Amway buying staff, need to be acknowledged by the Supplier.
§ Shipment Arrived – Shipments have arrived at Amway ship to location but have not yet been received
§ Supplier Management Shipment – For orders less than 150lbs that Supplier should be managing shipment through FedEx ground.
*You cannot take action in the Inquiry view screens, including searching by the statuses above.
All purchase orders will be listed by order date (newest to oldest).
Below is a description of all of the columns found in the PO inquiry screen:
Order Number: Buying Company’s Purchase Order Number
Order Type: Buying Company’s Order Type
Line #: Line Number on the Buying Company’s
Purchase Order
Bus Unit Name: Buying Company’s Name
(Access Business Group LLC, Gurwitch,
Amway, etc.)
Supplier #: Buyer’s internal number assigned to a supplier
Supplier Name: Name of supplier
Order Date: Date the original order was added
Ordered By: Planner email address
Ship to: Name of the ship to/deliver to location
Status: Current Status of the purchaser order
View: Drill down option to view order details
Print: Print selected purchase order
Click on the blue “view” link on the order line to view the purchase order line details. In the PO line detail, Amway request (Promise & Ship Available) dates are displayed along with some shipping information. PO inquiry detail retains all the information transacted upon for the PO lines (forms, comments, etc.)
Go back to the PO Inquiry, either by selecting the View PO breadcrumb link OR by selecting PO’s at the top of the page.
View the Print option next to any PO to view a pdf hard copy which can be printed out at any time (showing the current status of all the PO lines) and will include a copy of our terms and conditions of purchase.
Exporting PO detail list to Excel (.CSV)
You can export the list of all the PO’s (or Filtered POs) in the PO Inquiry by selecting the Excel Download Symbol (). This download will pull all of PO details including all lines.
The save and/or open the excel spreadsheet will be in a .csv file format. It may be necessary to resave the file as an excel format (.xls) to avoid compatibility issues.
Note: Some of the columns in the download contain the codes and not the descriptions; you can view the descriptions of these codes in the PO Inquiry by selecting the view link to view the PO line detail.
Purchase Order Actionable Navigation:
There are 2 ways to take action on PO activities.
1. Supplier Notification email – use link in email that communicated which PO action is needed. You will be prompted to log in, and then be directed straight to the PO that was selected in the email.
Example Email:
2. Log in directly via the URL
a. From the Home page view the My Daily Tasks section. The first link is titled Acknowledge PO’s (#). If the number in the parenthesis is populated after any of the links, this means you have PO’s to take action on for that particular task.
These links will toggle to the specific list of PO lines that require that action
b. Select the PO link in the Top link navigation.
In The PO Inquiry, utilize the Radio Buttons at the top of the page, to view PO lines requiring any of the following actions: Acknowledge PO’s, Acknowledge Cancelled PO’s, Revise PO, Create Invoice.
PO Acknowledgement:
Follow the Purchase Order Actionable Navigation steps to display PO’s that are ready to be acknowledged.
Select the Acknowledge link on the right side of the screen for the PO you would like to acknowledge.
The PO line detail will then open up and show all lines that are available to be acknowledge.
Select the PO line(s) that you would like to acknowledge by selecting the box next to the line number.
Once a box is selected, some fields that were muted out are now in black font and are able to be modified. If a field remains muted out, this means the field is unable to be modified.
See the next sections on how to modify fields.
If the Price needs to be changed, you can request a price change through the Price Change Request form Link. See Price Change Help section
*If quantity is to be continually adjusted, on numerous PO’s, please contact your buyer to discuss purchase quantities.
Adding comments to a PO
You are able to add comments to a PO in any of the PO detail screens: Inquiry, Acknowledgement or the Revise screen. Comments then can be seen by the Amway Buying & Planning staff. Comments will continue to stay with the PO line permanently. In PO inquiry mode, all comments are able to be viewed, at any time.
If no other changes are made to a PO line, the comments can still be used to communicate to the Amway Planner and buyer.
Note: If the PO line has been shipped or invoiced and an important communication must be sent to Amway, a separate email/phone call should be sent.
Type in your comments then select the ADD COMMENT button, the comments added will now display, with the current date and time in the top Comment window. Once the comments are in the top section, they are able to be viewed by Amway personnel and will be communicated to them via daily acknowledgement reports.
PO line Price/Unit Cost Changes:
All price changes need to be approved by the Procurement Buying Team, requests can be submitted via a Price change request form. Once the form is submitted, the request for a new price/UOM will be emailed to the buying team for review/approval. An approved price change will be communicated via a PO Revision.
The link to open a price change form is under the Unit Cost field in either the Acknowledgement or Revise PO screen.
Fill out all required & applicable fields, Unit Cost effective date and reason for unit cost change MUST be filled out for the change to be reviewed. Supplier may also add comments to justify the price change to the buying staff.
NOTE: Proposing a unit cost change does not obligate ABG/Gurwitch to accept the proposed change. The ABG/Gurwitch buyer will respond to the proposed change. If the price change is for more than the Purchase Order amount, contact your buyer directly.
Price Change Form EXAMPLE
Once the form is submitted, the following Pop up window will display communicating that the request form will be emailed to the buying team for review/approval. Approved changes will be communicated via PO revision.
Splitting Quantity on a Purchase Order Line:
It is important that you split a line first independently of any other line item changes.
If you cannot make the whole shipment on the same day or have shipments coming from/to multiple locations (collect freight terms only), you’ll need to split the line into a new line. Once the new line is added, you should then go back and make any other necessary changes (date, ship from, add comments, etc).via the Acknowledgement screen.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Only one shipment against a PO line is allowed. If multiple shipments need to be made, the PO line must be split to add a new line(s) with the new quantity and date. If during A pick up request or actual shipping, the full acknowledged quantity will not be sent, Split lines must be executed, for these PO lines. Navigate back to the PO inquiry screen and select the Revise a PO action screen to split the quantity.