Supplementary Table 1.MNI coordinates of brain areas that showed differences between MSG+ and MSG+ broth conditions during decisionsthat involved self-regulation(p<0.005, k=10).
MSG+ > MSG-Brain Areas / MNI coordinates / Cluster size (mm3)
Brain Areas / MNI coordinates / Cluster size (mm3)
Cerebellum, posterior lobe / 24, -70, -34 / 141
Cerebellum, anterior lobe / -9, -64, -31 / 58
Precuneus / 3, -58, 38 / 47
Fusiform gyrus / -27, -31, -22 / 20
Mid Cingulate Cortex / 3, -34, 41 / 19
Lingual Gyrus / -3, -76, -7 / 16
Supramarginal Gyrus / 51, -34, 44 / 14
Superior Occipital Gyrus / -24, -79, 26 / 10
Angular Gyrus / 39, -61, 35 / 10
Supplementary Table 2. MNI coordinates of brain areas that showed an increase in activation related to scores of the food images on the basis of “Health” (Health run, collapsed data across baseline sessions) (p<0.005, k=10).
Brain Areas / MNI coordinates / Cluster size (mm3)Lingual Gyrus / 15, -67, -4 / 304
Amygdala / 36, -4, -16 / 49
Anterior Cingulate Cortex / 9, 32, 41 / 33
Precuneus / -9, -49, 50 / 29
Middle Temporal Gyrus / 57, -7, -4 / 18
Mid Cingulate Cortex / 0, 5, 38 / 14
Inferior Frontal Gyrus / -39, 29, 8 / 13
Middle Temporal Gyrus / 57, -7, -4 / 12
Medial Frontal Gyrus / -3, 41, 23 / 11
Inferior Parietal Lobe / -57, -46, 38 / 11
Brainstem / -15, -16, -7 / 11
Rolandic Operculum / 42, -22, 17 / 10
Supplementary Table 3. MNI coordinates of brain areas that showed an increase in activation associated with higher ratings of the food images on the basis of “Taste” (Taste run, collapsed data across baseline sessions).
p<0.005, k=10Brain Areas / MNI coordinates / Cluster size (mm3)
p<0.05, k=10
Brain Areas / MNI coordinates / Cluster size (mm3)
Insular Cortex / -33, 8, 11 / 10
Supplementary Table 4. MNI coordinates of brain areas that showed an increase in activation during choice, overall (collapsed data across sessions) (p<0.0005, FDR k=50), shown for quality purposes
Brain Areas / MNI coordinates / Cluster size (mm3)Cerebellum-Fusiform Gyrus / 12, -76, -4 / 596
Postcentral-Precentral Gyrus / -21, -61, 44 / 331
Thalamus-Midbrain / 9, -25, -13 / 216
Cerebellum-Fusiform Gyrus / -21, -73, -19 / 156
Lingual Gyrus / -3, -85, -7 / 113
Precuneus / 30, -67, 32 / 71
MidCingulate Gyrus / -6,-14, 38 / 53