/ Tungsten Parts Wyoming / Pg. 1 of 9
Doc Number: PR-100-051 / Rev: 0


Listed beloware explanations of each Tungsten Parts Wyoming, Inc.(TPW) Supplemental Purchasingrequirements. When indicated, these requirements become the Seller’sobligation and complianceis required to satisfythe purchaseorder.

Q01A Seller’s Quality Control System

  1. Theseller shallprovide and maintain asystem that complies withISO 9001/2015, "Monitoring and measuring resources" and “Documented information” Compliancewith theprovisions of this clausein no wayrelieves the sellerof the final responsibilityto furnish acceptablesupplies orservicesas specified herein. This system shall be subject to auditbyTPWrepresentatives.
  2. A QualityAssuranceSystem reviewedand approvedin writingbyTPW QualityAssurance.

Q02A TPW Inspection

Items to bedelivered under this PurchaseOrderrequireinspection orsurveillanceby TPWQualityRepresentative by Seller to include Seller’s facility/plant. TPW inspectionof product or technical data must be approved prior to shipment, if required unlessnotified bythe TPWrepresentative. TheSeller shallnotifyTPW PurchasingDepartment when theproduct is/willbereadyforinspection. Inspection does not relievethe Sellerfrom the responsibilityforcompliancewith all requirements of this purchaseorder. Evidence of TPW inspection must accompanyor beshown on allshipping documents. TPWreserves the right forfinal acceptance at his facility. It is required that the items and or data submitted for TPW inspection shallhave been previouslyaccepted bySeller’s inspection.

All supplies, includingraw material, components,intermediate assembliesand end products shallbesubjectto inspection and test byTPW Quality Assurancerepresentativeat all times and places, includingthe period ofmanufacture. Duringperformanceof this order, Seller’s QualityControlorInspection system and manufacturingprocessesaresubject to review, verification and analysisbyTPW QualityAssurancerepresentative.

Q03A CertificateofCompliance/Conformance

A statement signed byanauthorized representative ofthe Seller, includingtitle, shallaccompanyeach shipment, certifying that items beingdelivered areinfull compliancewith thePurchaseOrder, drawings andspecifications traceableto the PurchaseOrder,and objective evidenceto that effect can bemadeavailableto the customer upon request. The Seller’s Certification of Compliance/Conformance shallconstitute arepresentation bythe Seller that:

A.Materials used arethosewhich havebeen specified byTPW and that items delivered were produced from materialswhich the Sellerhason file, reports of chemical or physicalanalysis, and anyobjective evidenceof conformance as such materials to be applicable specifications.

B.Processes used in thefabrication ofitems delivered werein compliancewith applicable specificationsas referred to or furnished with thePurchaseOrder.

C.TheSeller has compliedwith specifications on allotherrequirements applicable to theitems delivered.

D.Records constitutingobjective evidenceof theinspections performed in the courseof manufacturing,preservation, packaging and packingof said articles shallberetained bytheSeller foraminimum ofsevenyears aftercompletion ofthe PurchaseOrder unless otherwise stipulated in the PurchaseOrder,and shall be made availableforreview byTPW on request for a minimum of seven years.

E.Seller shall, at his expense, obtain certifications from his material and process supplieror furnish certifications forprocesses performed in-house. Certification willbe construed to mean that the Supplier has allrequired certifications on file andavailable.

Theminimum requirements of aCertification ofCompliance/Conformance are as follows:

1. Date

2. PurchaseOrder Number

3. Seller’s Name

4. Lot Size (as required)

5. SampleSize(as required)

6. Signatureand Title

7. Lot,Batch orotherIdentificationInformation(as required)

8. MustAccompanyShipment of Parts

Q04A Certified MaterialTestReport

For thosematerials identified, aCertified MaterialTest Report is required. Thismaybe in addition to (as stated in the PurchaseOrder)Certificate ofCompliance/Conformance and differs in thatactualtest data must besupplied. Test results containingactual data mustbe adequate to determine compliancewith allapplicable requirementsof the identified material specifications.

Thetest report shallcontain thefollowing:

1. Name andaddress of supplier

2. PurchaseOrder Number

3.Identification ofmaterialbyspecifications, revisions, amendment and date, togetherwith type,grade, size etc.

4. Lot/Batch NumberIdentification(as required)

5. Quantityof material represented bytest results

6. Test results identified byreferenceto the applicable requirements

7. Quantitytested, samplesize and specimen type asapplicable

8.Date, signatureand titleof authorized representativeof the contractor that is attestingto the accuracyof thetest reportcontent

Q05A Inspection/Test Report

Seller shallsubmitwith each shipment an inspection report for thedelivered end items or assemblies (identified bypart number, part description and serial number,if applicable,) listingthose characteristics specifiedand:

A. Actual values found duringtest or inspection

B. An inspection verification data sheet summarizing theinspections and tests performed. Included must be:

1. PurchaseOrder Number

2. Lot Size (as applicable)

3. Lot/Batch NumberIdentification(as applicable)

4. InspectionLeveland/orSeverity

5. SampleSize

6. QuantityTested

7. Number Defectiveineach Group/Sub-Group

TheSeller’s QualityAssuranceRepresentative shallsign allreports.

Q06A CriticalCharacteristics

All Critical Characteristics, inspections or test listed willbe100%inspected byTPWupon receipt from oursuppliers. Allnonconformingmaterial identified byTPWwill be returned to thesupplierfor replacements. It is requiredthat the supplier verifytheseitems by100%inspection also.

Q07A Calibration

In order to furnish the materials or services required bythePurchaseOrder, the Seller shallmaintain a calibration system that meets the Calibration Systemrequirements:

Identification of inspection of gages, measuring devices, production equipment which is periodically inspected and recalibrated at established intervals, a master card file or similar documented method to provide accuracy and precision for gage tolerances and wear limits recorded in master card file system. ThePurchaseOrder certificates ofaccuracyor test reports to accompany deliverable items must certifytraceabilityto standards maintained bythe National Instituteof Standards and Test (NIST.)

Q08A AgeControl

TheSeller shallhaveaneffectivesystem of agecontrol which must include amethod ofidentifyingtheageof such items and provisions forthe rotation of stock. Seller shallidentifyeach delivered item, packageor container oflimited shelf lifematerial with thedate ofcureor manufacture, expiration date in addition to normal identification requirements of name, partor codenumber, type,etc. This identification shallberecorded onquality records for whichthe material used with.

Q09A DeviationfromDrawing/Specification

A report mustbesubmitted to the TPW QualityAssuranceDepartment

that adequatelydescribesdiscrepancies and includes a completeassessmentof theroot cause. Acceptanceof theDiscrepancy information must beaccepted byTPWQualityAssurancepriorto production.

Q10A Report ofDiscrepancy forTPWMaterialReview

TheSeller shallnotifyTPW andrequest material reviewaction for any

deviationfromspecifications orother PurchaseOrderrequirements. The notification must bebytelephone and e-mail, provided that a documented Discrepancy Report is submitted priorto deliveryof material. Thereport must adequatelydescribealldiscrepancies and includeacomplete assessment ofcause and correctiveaction taken to precluderecurrence. Thereport shallbesubmitted to TPW Purchasing Department, whowillarrangefor appropriate material review actions. Thereport maybepresented on Seller’s standard documentation format.

A copyof thereport will be returned to theSeller,showingmaterial reviewactions taken. Seller shallnot ship reportedlydiscrepant materials without TPWauthorization.

Seller shallreferencetheSeller or TPW report number on all shippingdocuments accompanyingthe discrepantmaterial, and allparts covered bythe report shallbesegregated and distinctlyidentified.

Q11A Lot NumberControl

TheSupplier is required to establish and maintain alotnumbering control system that

complies with TPW requirements. Lot number identification shallbe clearlyidentified on all:

1. Manufacturingand/or processingdocumentation

2. All product packaging and packingcontainers

3. And on allshippingandcertification documents.

Product failingto meet theidentification and traceabilityrequirements shall be rejected byTPW,and returnedto thesupplier at thesupplier’sexpense.

Q12A DispositionofNon-Conforming MaterialandCorrectiveActionRequest

TPWreserves theright to refuse acceptanceand/or payment for any

supplies orservicesfound to be non-conforming(either bythe supplier orbyTPW upon receipt,) upon discoveryof defects at TPW, TPW QualityAssuranceshallissuea CorrectiveAction Request (CAR) to be addressedand completed bythe supplier, and returned to TPWQualityAssuranceforreview andapproval, prior to shipment.

Ifthe Supplierfails to provide its interim response within the allotted fifteen (15) days from issuanceof theCAR, or if an unacceptableresponse or no responseis received to the CAR, thematterwillbedeemedamaterial breach of theOrder. Supplier’s non- responsiveness to aCAR willhave an adverseimpact on theSupplier.

Q13A Sub-tierFlowdown

TPWrequires that allpurchaseorder requirementsareto beflowed down

to all sub-tier suppliers and the applicable requirements in the purchasing documents, includingkeycharacteristics whererequired.

Q14A Fraudulent/CounterfeitPart andMaterialAvoidance, MitigationandDisposition

a. GuaranteeofProduct Source(s)– The seller shallensurethat onlynew and

authentic materials areused in products and materials delivered to Tungsten Parts Wyoming, Inc. Theseller mayonlypurchaseparts ormaterials directlyfrom Original Component Manufacturers (OCM); OCM authorized (franchised) distributors, or authorized aftermarket manufacturers. Useof productthatwas not provided bythesesources isnot authorized unlessfirst approved in writing by TPW. Theseller must present compellingsupport for its request (e.g., OCM documentation that authenticates supplychain traceabilityof theparts to theOCM), and includein its requestallactions to ensuretheparts thus procured are authentic/conformingparts.

b. Supply ChainTraceability

"Theseller shallmaintain amethod ofitem supplychain traceabilitythat ensures

trackingof thesupplychain back to themanufacturer ofallparts includedin assemblies and subassemblies beingdelivered percontract. This supplychain traceabilitymethod shallclearlyidentifythe nameand location of allof thesupply chain intermediaries from themanufacturer to thedirect sourceof theproduct forthe seller and shallincludethemanufacturer's batch identification for theitem(s) such as date codes, lotcodes, serializations, or other batchidentifications

c. Test andInspection Requirements

"When specificallyinstructed byTPWthesellershallestablish and implement test

and inspection activities necessaryto assuretheauthenticityof purchasedproduct, in accordanceto therequirements established bythecustomer, including:

-Supplychain traceabilityand documentation verification,

-Visual examination

Testsand inspections shallbeperformed inaccordancewith defined accept/reject criteriaprovided or approved byTPW. Theseller shallprepare and provide to TPW records evidencingtests and inspections performedand conformanceof theproduct to specified acceptance criteria.

Testsand inspections shallbeperformed byqualified concerningtypes and means oftest methodologyforpartsfraud and suspect counterfeitingand how to conduct effectiveproduct authentication.

d. CertificateofConformance

Theseller shallsupplyfullsupplychain traceabilityincludingcopiesof part

Manufacturer Certificates of Conformance(C ofC).

TheManufacturer and theseller ofits products shallcomplete aCertificateof

Conformance(C ofC) and full supplychain traceabilityfor allparts.

1. TheC of C supplied bythe Manufacturer shallbe copied and passed through to the end customer. Theseller’s certificateshallalso accompanyeach shipment of product to the end customer.In no caseshallthe manufacturer's certificatebe altered or show signs of alteration.

2. Theseller shall retaincopies ofcertificateswith thelotrecords untilthelotis completelyshipped.

3. Theseller shall retain the product and shipmenttraceabilityforaperiodconsistent with the contract requirements.

A Manufacturer’s C of C should includethe following:

1. Manufacturer name and address

2. Manufacturerand/or buyer’s full part number and part description.

3. Batch identification for theitem(s)such as datecodes, lotcodes, serializations, or otherbatch identifications.

4. Signatureor stamp with titleof seller'sauthorized personnel signingthe certificate."

Q15A Audits: Internal /External

Suppliers shallconduct appropriate internal and external audits. Qualityauditingshall

applyto all operations and processes thateffect quality, includingactivitiesranging from purchasingto materials processingat component suppliers throughend item assembly, packaging,and testing. Qualityauditors shall assess operationsand processes, with diligence, from an independent customer perspective, andwith sufficient authorityand freedom to tenaciouslyrequirepotential technical concerns to be adequatelyaddressedand brought to closurewith appropriate follow-through. The suppliershalldocument the conduct andresults ofallaudits on an internal report which shallbemaintained on file.

Records of audits shall beprovided to TPWfor review as/ifrequired.

All suppliers shallaccommodateTPW suppliermanagementor qualityaudits.

Q16A Sub-tierSupplierControl

TheSeller shallensurethat theirsub-tier suppliersarecapable of attainingand

maintainingaqualitysystem acceptableto TPW forthe supplies and services covered bythis purchaseorder. Theproduct qualityprogram of the seller shallcontain necessaryprovisions for surveillanceof thesub-tier supplierproduct qualityactivities to assuresatisfactory performance.

Q17A Chemical Analysis(CofA)

Supplyalaboratorycertificate ofactual chemicalanalysisand mechanicalor physical propertytest results as specified bythegoverning material specification with each shipment.

Q18A RecordRetention and Storage

Qualityrecords pertinentto processes, components or end item assemblylots shall be retained for sevenyears after acceptanceof the associatedend item lots. This includes qualityrecords for allcomponents and assemblies containedin the end item assemblylot.

Qualityrecords includeproduction plans, processand work instructions, operating procedures, etc. Therecords shallbereadilyretrievable andstoredin an environment that prevents damage, deterioration, orloss. Records maybestored in an electronicformat.

Q19A SampleParts

When samples arespecified on thepurchaseorder, materials other than drawingmay

bespecifiedas wellas finish requirements maybeomitted. Specificinstructions, quantity, andcharacteristic determination shallbemadein writingbyTPW and the Supplier. Thesesamplesmaybeused for CMM, machining, finish or other aspects of the part manufacturingprocess validation.

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/ Tungsten Parts Wyoming / Pg. 1 of 9
Doc Number: PR-100-051 / Rev: 0

Q20A SupplierPart / Process Approval

ProcessApproval submittal is required priorto shipment of product. Thefollowingrequirementsshallbe completed bythesupplier and submitted to TPW forreview, retention andapproval. Theoriginal data packageis to beretained bythe supplier inaccordancewith thepurchaseorder. Product shall not be shipped prior to Process approval. Anymodifications to theserequirements shall be specifiedwithin the PurchaseOrder.Requiredelement shallbefollows:

1. Inspection,usingthe same unit ofmeasurementas specified in the technical datapackage, and Test Results completed and submitted per requirements.

2. Process Flow diagrams generated to include allmanufacturing, inspection and special process operations.

3. A)Process Control Plan completedforKey, Critical, or MajorCharacteristics as identified bytheTechnical Data Package, or byTPWwith the PurchaseOrder.

B) Process CapabilityStudies and GageRR on measuringinstruments shall be completed and submitted for theseidentifiedcharacteristics.

4. WorkInstructions for allinternal manufacturing

5. QualityAssuranceplans forpart verification

6. Qualityassuranceplans for control, monitoring,and verification ofSub-tier processes

AfterProduction Process is approved by TPW, theprocess is considered “Frozen”and shallnot varywithoutarequest for changesubmitted to andapproved byTPWin advanceofanychange. Resubmission is required aftera24 month lapsein production, orin the event of process change.

Q21A Sampling Plans

At aminimum wherethepurchaseorderrequiresaspecificsamplingplan,the plan

specified on the purchaseorder shallbefollowed.Wherethere is no requirement to

useaspecificsamplingplan and the supplier wishes to usesamplingto accept product in placeof 100%inspection that complies to (ANSIASQZ1.4) standard.If thelotin question has defects regardless of the accept/reject number listed Seller must notify TPW in writing. Anysamplingplan that meets the aboverequirements maybeused. Statisticallyvalid plans areavailable as existingindustry standard (e.g.,ANSIASQZ1.4)Seller’s samplingplans mustbesubmitted to TPW QualityAssuranceprior to the start ofmanufacturingfor approval.

Q22A SupplierChangeNotification

Supplier ChangeNotification Process Supplier shalldocument aprocessfornotifying

Buyer of intended oractual changes described in thefollowing requirements.

1. Changein QualityManagement Representative

Supplier shallpromptlynotifyBuyer and ofintended oractual changes in themanagement representative with assigned responsibilityandauthorityforits qualitymanagement system.

2. Changein QualityManagement System

Supplier shallpromptlynotifyof intended or actual major changeto its qualitymanagement system that mayaffect the conformityof itsgoods or services. Each changeto Supplier’s qualitymanagement system is subject to reviewbyBuyer. Supplier shallinclude, as part ofwritten notification of changeto its quality management system, alist of changed proceduresidentified byrevision level, a description of theintentof the changes and asigned statement that compliancewith Buyer’s qualitysystemapproval has not been diminished.

3. Changein Manufacturing Line,Facility Location or Process

Supplier shallpromptlynotifyBuyer in writingof intended or actual changeto themanufacturingprocess that mayaffect the qualityof deliveredgoods or services. This includes changes to Supplier’sand Supplier’s subcontractorsmanufacturingfacilitylocation for thecontractedgoods or services, equipment, or processesforwhich the product was qualified. Supplier shall promptlynotifyBuyer in writing of change to its qualitycontrol process that mayaffect theinspection verification ofconformity. Notification shalldocument effect of changeto inspection with respect to fit,form, reliability, function, conformityof theSupplier’sgoods or services. Eachchangeto Supplier’s qualitycontrol system is subject to review byBuyer andQuality Assurance.

Q23A TPWSupplierAssessments

TPWreserves the rightto performanassessment(s) of theSupplier’s QMSand/ or

processesrelatingto thefulfillment ofOrder requirements; and the Supplier shall provide allreasonable support for anysuchassessment.

Anysuch assessment(s)mayinclude, but arenot limited to, thefollowing:

•On time delivery

•TheSupplier’s abilitytomeet theOrder requirements

• TheSupplier’s identification of anycritical items,includingkeycharacteristics

and specificactions to betaken,

• Identification ofrisks (e.g., new technology, shortdeliverytime frame, etc.)

• Key vendor’s yearly self-assessment evaluation

Q24A Commercialoffthe Shelf(COTS) Item

Definition: The commercial item definition is broad. Commercial items include any

item of atype customarilyused bythegeneral public, or bynongovernmental entities, for purposes other thangovernmental purposes that has beensold, leased, orlicensed, or offered forsale, lease, orlicenseto thegeneral public(seeFAR 2.101). Also included in the commercial item definition is anyitem that has evolved from acommercial item as described herein, throughtechnical or performance advances, even if it is notyet available in the commercial marketplace, as longas itwillbe available in time to satisfy the Government’srequirements. CommerciallyAvailable Off-the-Shelf(COTS) items aredefined atFAR 2.101and are asubset ofcommercial items.

This definition taken from theOfficeof theSecretaryof DefenseAcquisition, TechnologyandLog– CommercialItem Handbook (version 2.0)


  1. Iftherearedefined dimensions,color orotherspecifications on thedrawing and/or technical datapackage(TDP) theymustbewithin tolerancebeforethe product will be accepted byTPW.

2.Certificate ofAnalysiswill berequired:

3.Certificate ofConformancewillberequired

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