Supplemental Pay Forms – Faculty

Salary Supplements Not Requiring Prior Approval


There are some salary supplements that do not require prior approval. Salary supplements that do not require prior approval fall into this category due to policies and procedures established by the Provost Office. These policies and procedures have been outlined in memorandums and the Faculty Handbook.


Salary supplements that do not require prior approvalinclude:

1)the blanket approvals which are intended for faculty members only with the exception of Continuing Studies who pay staff for teaching continuing education courses

2)summer supplemental pay as part of an employment contract (Initiated in the Office of Finance and Administration)

a.Contractual summer supplemental pay

  1. payments of guaranteed summer salary either in a month or months specified in an appointment letter or requested by the faculty member over a specified period of time

b.Summer supplemental pay that serves as a backstop to external funding efforts

  1. backstop to the NIH cap
  2. If a faculty member has applied for external funding and has been denied funding, documentation showing the proposal and denial must be submitted to the Office of Finance and Administration. The backstop summer supplemental pay cannot exceed the amount requested in the proposal nor can it exceed 1/9th, if a 9-month faculty member (1/10th if a 10-month faculty member or 1/11th if an 11-month faculty member)

3)supplemental pay for the reimbursement of tuition as a part of an employment contract (Initiated in the Office of Finance and Administration)

a.These payments are customarily outlined in an incoming faculty member’s employment contract.

b.Traditionally, Arts & Sciences has provided a tuition stipend for a maximum of eight semesters. The tuition stipend is equal to the lesser of 1) three quarters of Duke's one-semester tuition or 2) the semester's tuition bill for the faculty member’s child. It is no longer available once the faculty member qualifies for Duke's tuition benefit after five years of continuous service. The taxable tuition stipend would be processed after we receive an invoice showing payment.

4)summer supplemental pay from external grant funds for faculty members (Initiated in Departments)

a.Such payments cannot exceed 1/9th, if a 9-month faculty member (1/10th if a 10-month faculty member or 1/11th if an 11-month faculty member) in a month and they cannot exceed 3/9ths, if a 9-month faculty member (2/10ths, if a 10-month faculty member or 1/11th, if an 11-month faculty member) within a fiscal year.

b.Due to the complexity of tracking these payments, a mechanism was developed in FY08/09 to track these payments in the Office of Finance and Administration. This tool is still under development, but the goal is that this tool will ultimately help track those commitments that extend for several years and/or include commitments for 8/9ths or more over a span of time.

5)supplemental pay that serves as the only source of payment (i.e. serves as the base salary) – (Initiated in Departments)

This section will provide the procedures that should be followed when initiating a Supplemental iForm which does not require prior approval and is not a part of a list (Continuing Studies only).


  • From the HR homepage, select forms (the last item on the menu bar found just above the ‘Training’ tab) or select managers and iForms within the first topic, Manager Forms
  • If you selected forms, select iForms within the box titled ‘Manage Forms’
  • When prompted, enter your NetID and Password
  • Select the ‘Staff’ tab if the incumbent is in your department. If the incumbent is not in your department, you may still initiate a salary supplement by selecting the incumbent on the Employee Search tab, once you have discussed this payment with the home department. (See Salary Supplements – Initiating a Supplemental Payment iForm – Incumbent is not in your Department)
  • Enter the DUID or the last name or a portion of the last name and an asterisk (i.e. Benf*) and click ‘enter’ or the ‘Search’ button
  • Confirm the incumbent’s name and select the icon, ‘create an iForm for this employee’, under iForm.
  • Select ‘Supplemental Pay’
  • Select the ‘Reason for Payment’ on the Supplemental Pay iForm
  • Enter the Start Month of the payment
  • Enter the number of payments. A ‘1’ should be entered for a single payment. For payments that span for more than one month, the appropriate number should be entered and the Service Begin date and Service End date should be representative of this number
  • Enter the Service Begin date and the Service End date. These dates should represent the dates that the effort was performed. If these dates are not within the period indicated by the Start Month, an explanation should be included in the comments section explaining why they are different. For example, if the Start Month is June 2009, but the Service Begin date is 1/1/2009 and the Service End date is 4/30/2009 or any dates other than a Service Begin date of 6/1/2009 and a Service End date of 6/30/2009, an explanation should be included in the ‘Comments’ section.
  • Enter a Company Code of ‘0010’ or select ‘0010’ from the dropdown list
  • Enter a Cost Center or WBS Element. If the Cost Center is your departmental 151 code, the payment should be a part of your approved budget. If it isn’t, stop and seek approval by completing the ‘Request for Supplemental Payment Form’ even if the payment falls into one of the six categories listed above.
  • Enter the Service Category. Scroll to the bottom of the following site to view possible G/L accounts - ‘University – Faculty/Staff Payroll G/L Account Selection’
  • Enter the amount of the payment
  • Enter text supporting the supplemental payment(s) in the ‘Supplement Details’ section. The text in this field will be stored in SAP.
  • Add comments in the ‘Comments’ section. Comments in this section will not be stored in SAP. The iForm will be the only place where you will be able to view this detail.
  • Click on ‘Check’ to edit the iForm prior to submission.
  • Click on ‘Submit’ to submit the iForm

Note: For additional details associated with Supplemental iForms, see the PDF download, Supplemental Payments, on the Duke@Work homepage