Supplemental Materials

Help to Perpetuate Traditional Gender Roles: Benevolent Sexism Increases Engagement in Dependency-Oriented Cross-Gender Helping

by N. Shnabel et al., 2015, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology

Introduction screen

Hello and thank you for agreeing to participate in the study!

This study is conducted as part of two seminars conducted at the School of Psychological Sciences. The study is completely anonymous. All your answers will remain confidential and used for research purposes only.

The study is not long; you will probably need about ten minutes to complete it. It is important that you complete it at one time without any interruptions, through a computer only (the questionnaire is not supported by Smart-phones). If you are not sure that you can complete it without any interruption right now, please enter the study at another time.

Screen 1

As part of the study, you will be asked to complete an experiment and a survey. The experiment examines memory, and the survey right after it examines attitudes. Specifically, the memory experiment examines how a distraction of a few minutes affects memory. Therefore, at the beginning of the experiment you will be presented with sentences and asked to memorize them. After this, you will be asked to complete the second study, which includes a short survey about interpersonal relations and social policy. After the survey, you will get back to the memory experiment, and we will test your memory of the sentences that you memorized earlier on.

Note! For the research to succeed you are required to learn the sentences by heart, without writing them down on a paper. Do not be concerns about your performance – remember that there are no "passed" or "failed" scores in the memory test, and no "right" or "wrong" answers in the survey. Therefore, all you have to do is to follow the instructions.

Before we begin, please fill out the following demographic information for statistical purposes:

Your gender:

m  Male

m  Female

Your age (please type in integer numbers): ______

Your mother tongue:

m  Hebrew

m  Arabic

m  Russian

m  Else: ______

What do you major field of study or occupation?


Screen 2

Study 1: Memorizing in preparation for a memory test.

You will now be presented with six sentences that reflect common beliefs among the Israeli public. There is no need to memorize the order of the sentences (i.e., which one appeared first, last, etc.) – all you have to remember is their content. There is no time limitation, please take all the time you need to make sure that you remember the content of the sentences well.

[Experimental condition]

Women should be cherished and protected by men

Women have a way of caring that men are not capable of in the same way

Women, compared to men, tend to have a superior moral sensibility

No matter how accomplished he is, a man is not truly complete as a person unless he has the love of a woman

Secretly, most women yearn for a man whose arms they can find protection and security in

Many women would like a man who conquers their heart

[Control condition]

Tea is healthier than coffee

Biking is better for the environment than driving a car

People are more depressed during the winter than during the summer

Nowadays, computers consume less energy than twenty years ago

The color green has a stronger stress-reducing effect than the color red

People are happier in the weekend than during the week

Screen 3

Study 2: Survey about interpersonal relations and social policies.

[Male Participants – cross/same gender type of interaction condition]

Below are several scenarios that describe a situation in which a woman/man you are acquainted with has problems doing a particular task. For each scenario there are three courses of action: the first is not to intervene and let her/him handle the difficulty by herself/himself; the second is to provide her/him with tools for independent coping with the difficulty by explaining to her/him how to approach the task; the third is to provide her/him with immediate, direct assistance, namely doing the task for her/him. In all the scenarios, please assume that you have the skills and knowledge needed to do the task. Opposite each course of action, you will be asked to indicate the chances (in percentage form) that you will decide on this option. Note that the percentage for the three courses of action should add up to 100%. If the percentages do not add up to 100% you will be asked by the computer to correct your response.

Note: there are no right or wrong answers or answers that present you in a more positive light than others. Therefore, please answer the questions sincerely, as you believe that you will actually behave in reality.

Your acquaintance:

is having difficulty parking her/his car:

____ I will not intervene

____ I will explain to her/him how to use the steering wheel and mirrors to get into the parking spot

____ I will offer to swap with her/her and park the car for her/him

fails to carry out a certain computer function:

____ I will not intervene

____ I will explain to her/him what needs to be done in order to carry out this function

____ I will carry out the function for her/him

is interested in fixing a little common malfunction in an electrical device of hers/his:

____ I will not intervene

____ I will explain to her/him how to fix this type of malfunctions

____ I will fix it for her/him

needs to buy a car but s/he is not familiar with the car market:

____ I will not intervene

____ I will explain to her/him about the criteria for choosing a car (safety ranking, fuel efficiency, etc.) and how they can be examined

____ I will tell her/him what car would be the best purchase for her/him

is having hard time solving a math exercise:

____ I will not intervene

____ I will explain to her/him how to approach the exercise (i.e., what are the general principles for the solution)

____ I will solve it for her/him

needs to fill out complex bureaucratic documents (requests for a visa to enter the U.S., refund of income tax, etc.):

____ I will not intervene

____ I will explain to her/him how to fill out the documents

____ I will fill out the documents for her/him

wants to invest her/his extra money in the stock market:

____ I will not intervene

____ I will explain to her/him about the principles for choosing stocks or stock trading companies (e.g., inspecting annual reports)

____ I will recommend her/him an attractive stock or a good stock trading company

needs to drive to a distant location and doesn't know how to operate his/her GPS device:

____ I will not intervene

____ I will explain to her/him how to use the device

____ I will operate the device for her/him (i.e., enter the required address for her/him)

is facing financial issues:

____ I will not intervene

____ I will help her/him find ways to get out of the trouble (e.g., give her/him tips on how to save money or find a job)

____ I will give her/him a certain amount of money

-  the purpose of this question is to identify and exclude inattentive participants. If you were reading it please check the value fifty in the first box ("I will not intervene") and twenty-five in the two other boxes such that values will sum up to one-hundred:

____ I will not intervene

____ I will explain to her/him how to carry out this task

____ I will carry out the task for her/him

[Female Participants – cross/same gender type of interaction condition]

Below are several scenarios that describe a situation in which you have problems doing a particular task. For each scenario there are three courses of action: the first is to handle the difficulty by yourself, that is, not to ask for help; the second is to seek for tools for independent coping with the difficulty, that is, asking another person – a male/female acquaintance [NOTE: Hebrew is a grammatically gendered language] – for an explanation on how to approach the task; the third is seeking an immediate solution to the difficulty, that is, asking the acquaintance to do the task for you. In all the scenarios, please assume that your acquaintance has the skills and knowledge needed to do the task. Opposite each course of action, you will be asked to indicate the chances (in percentage form) that you will decide on this option. Note that the percentage for the three courses of action should add up to 100%. If the percentages do not add up to 100% you will be asked by the computer to correct your response.

Note: there are no right or wrong answers or answers that present you in a more positive light than others. Therefore, please answer the questions sincerely, as you believe that you will actually behave in reality.



-  are having difficulty parking your car:

____ I will not ask for assistance

____ I will ask him/her to explain me how to use the steering wheel and mirrors to get into the parking spot

____ I will ask him/her to swap with me and park the car for me

-  fail to carry out a certain computer function:

____ I will not ask for assistance

____ I will ask him/her to explain me what needs to be done in order to carry out this function

____ I will ask him/her to carry out the function for me

-  are interested in fixing a little common malfunction in an electrical device of yours:

____ I will not ask for assistance

____ I will ask him/her to explain me how to fix this type of malfunctions

____ I will ask him/her to fix it for me

-  need to buy a car but you are not familiar with the car market:

____ I will not ask for assistance

____ I will ask him/her to explain me about the criteria for choosing a car (safety ranking, fuel efficiency, etc.) and how they can be examined

____ I will ask him/her to tell me what car would be the best purchase for me

-  are having hard time solving a math exercise:

____ I will not ask for assistance

____ I will ask him/her to explain me how to approach the exercise (i.e., what are the general principles for the solution)

____ I will ask him/her to solve it for me

-  need to fill out complex bureaucratic documents (requests for a visa to enter the U.S., refund of income tax, etc.):

____ I will not ask for assistance

____ I will ask him/her to explain me how to fill out the documents

____ I will ask him/her to fill out the documents for me

-  want to invest your extra money in the stock market:

____ I will not ask for assistance

____ I will ask him/her to explain me about the principles for choosing stocks or stock trading companies (e.g., inspecting annual reports)

____ I will ask him/her to recommend me an attractive stock or a good stock trading company

-  need to drive to a distant location and don't know how to operate your GPS device:

____ I will not ask for assistance

____ I will ask him/her to explain me how to use the device

____ I will ask him/her to operate the device for me (i.e., enter the required address for me)

-  are facing financial issues:

____ I will not ask for assistance

____ I will ask him/her to help me find ways to get out of the trouble (e.g., give me tips on how to save money or find a job)

____ I will ask him/her to give me a certain amount of money

-  the purpose of this question is to identify and exclude inattentive participants. If you were reading it please check the value fifty in the first box ("I will not ask for assitance") and twenty-five in the two other boxes such that values will sum up to one-hundred:

____ I will not ask for assistance

____ I will ask him/her to explain me how to carry out this task

____ I will ask him/her to carry out the task for me

Screen 4

Study 2 (continued): To what extent do you agree that the government should invest state funds in promoting each of the following goals:

1-  not al all / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 – very much
guaranteeing national insurance to housewives / m  / m  / m  / m  / m  / m  / m 
building shelters for battered women / m  / m  / m  / m  / m  / m  / m 
providing economic support for widows / m  / m  / m  / m  / m  / m  / m 
supporting girls in distress (e.g., during pregnancy or family issues) / m  / m  / m  / m  / m  / m  / m 
increasing financial support to single mothers / m  / m  / m  / m  / m  / m  / m 
encouraging female high school students who excel in math / m  / m  / m  / m  / m  / m  / m 
promoting the integration of women in key positions (e.g., boards of directors, high government positions) / m  / m  / m  / m  / m  / m  / m 
teaching about women's rights and status in the education system (e.g., as part of civics courses) / m  / m  / m  / m  / m  / m  / m 
encouraging women's entry into the high-tech industry (e.g., through special professional training) / m  / m  / m  / m  / m  / m  / m 
providing legal assistance in court cases to women whose careers have been hindered by the "glass ceiling" / m  / m  / m  / m  / m  / m  / m 
the purpose of this item is to identify and exclude inattentive participants. If you read it please check answer number one. / m  / m  / m  / m  / m  / m  / m 

Screen 5