Supplement 1: Current and Revised Keys to Lectrides varians

Key Taken from “Preliminary Keys for the Identification of Australian Caddisfly Larvae of the Family Leptoceridae” (St Clair 2000). The second key shows amendment at Step 3 separating L. varians and Lectrides sp. AV2.

Key Prior to Present Study

Key to mature larvae of known Australian species of Lectrides

1 Metasternum with one large and two small sclerites and numerous very short dark setae, case rounded...... Lectrides sp. AV 1 Distribution: WA

- Metasternum with at least 8 small sclerites, no large sclerites or very short setae, case very flat...... 2

2 Found in Western Australia...... Lectrides parilis Distribution: WA

- Found in eastern Australia...... Lectrides varians Distribution: Northern Qld, NSW, Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia

Revised Key Based on Findings from Present Study

1 Metasternum with one large and two small sclerites and numerous very short dark setae, case rounded...... Lectrides sp. AV 1 Distribution: WA

- Metasternum with at least 8 small sclerites, no large sclerites or very short setae, case very flat...... 2

2 Found in Western Australia...... Lectrides parilis Distribution: WA

- Found in eastern Australia...... 3

Distribution: Northern Qld, NSW, Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia

3 Metasternum with at least 8 small well-defined sclerites, distinct striation on hind leg, medial and lateral metanotal sclerites dark and well defined...... Lectrides varians Distribution: Northern Qld, NSW, Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia

- Metasternum with faint or absent sclerites, striation on hind leg very faint or absent, medial and lateral metanotal sclerites very faint or absent...... Lectrides sp. nov. Distribution: currently known from the Grampians National Park only

A / B
C / D
E / F

Supplementary Fig. A. Drwaing of key differences between the dark and light morphotypes identified as L. varians. (A) Hind leg, dark morph, (B) Hind leg, light morph, (C) meso- and metasternum, dark morph (D) meso- and metasternum, light morph, (E) thorax dorsal, dark morph, (F) thorax dorsal, light morph. Setae on the pronotum are not shown. Arrows highlight significant taxonomical difference between morphotypes.

A / B
C / D
E / F

Supplementary Fig. B. Photographs of the key differences between the dark and light morphotypes identified as L. varians. (A) Hind leg, dark morph, (B) Hind leg, light morph, (C) meso- and metasternum, dark morph (D) meso- and metasternum, light morph, (E) thorax dorsal, dark morph, (F) thorax dorsal, light morph. Setae on the pronotum are not shown. Arrows highlight significant taxonomical difference between morphotypes (Table 3).