Superintendent’s Parent Leader Meeting Minutes

January 20, 2009

Superintendent Chris Martes welcomed everyone to the January Parent Leader Meeting. He announced that meeting topics would include thepublic relations, the Science, Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEMS) Education Program, the ongoing budget process, and progress on the High School renovation project. He stated that next month’s agenda would address the school nurse policies in the district.

Public Relations

Sincelast month’s discussion regarding public relations, Dr. Martes has met with parent Stella Devlinwho is a public relations specialist. In an effort to enhance the communication to the general public, the Administration is exploring ways to better communicate the accomplishments and goals of the district to the Foxborough community. Ms. Devlin suggested using press releases to inform the media of important news.

Dr. Martes is also meeting with Evie Malm from the Foxboro Reporterlater this week to discuss how to better provide the newspaper with updates on the events at all five schools. Other suggestions made to improve public relations included implementing an electronic newsletter, initiating weekly newspaper column, and using students to write press releases.

Because of varied data sources, it was agreed that one person, ideally at the Administrative level, should filter the information before it is sent to the media. Dr. Martes asked each school to identify an individual who would funnel the information from their school/parent group to the administration. The issue will be revisited again next month and a uniform plan devised for the district.

STEMM Initiative

Ms. Debra Spinelli provided an update on the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Initiative which was implemented in Massachusetts in 1993. In efforts to improve teacher training and stimulate student interest, the Initiative provides classes for teachers in the science and math areas, information about preparing our high school students for the college math exams, and other useful resources for educators and administrators. The district has used information provided by the Initiative during staff development days and in house training.


Dr. Martes stated that the budget has not changed since last meeting. The level of State funds remains a concern; however, he is optimistic that the town funds are much more stable. The Administration hopes to keep the current level of services which would require a 5.7% increase over the 2009 budget. They are working on scenarios for a reduction in the budget as a precaution. Dr. Martes advised that revolving accounts would be drained first before services would be downsized.

High School Renovation

Dr. Martes confirmed that the district, jointly with the Massachusetts School Building Authority, has selected the architect firm of Kaestle Boos Associates, Inc. for the high school renovation project. The firm will work with Facilities Manager Mike O’Leary and other school officials to provide a cost analysis of the project. Depending on how long the analysis will take to complete, it is possible that the MSBA may be able to approve the project by March. The School committee will present the project to the town at the May meeting for a vote. If funding is approved, it is hopeful that the renovation will be completed by 2012.

Dr. Martes adjourned the meeting at 10:50. The next parent leader’s meeting is scheduled for February 24th.

Respectfully submitted by Terese Todd, Burrell PTO Vice President