New Life on a New Earth – Human Destiny Fulfilled

Judy Satori

In September 2010, spiritual channel Judy Satori was woken at her home in upstate New York by a large orb of light appearing in the sky over a lake near her home. Star beings began to telepathically transmit a story about the true beginnings of human life on Earth. They asked her to write down the words she was hearing and share them with others.

They said: “This is a story of human evolution. It is also a story of love. Do not be afraid. You were once the same as us and the stars were once your home. We are soon to come in great numbers to the Earth, to walk among the people of the Earth and you must have no fear, for we come in peace. We are of love. We were created as you were in the image of God, the Father/Mother Creator-of-all. We are united in oneness with you. We tell you this story to prepare all the people of the Earth, so that when we come you will understand and you will be ready.”

Over the course of many years,Judy Satori has been spiritually trained and prepared to recode human DNA; to transmit the sound and light sequences(energy “words”) that arerequired to catalyze physical and energetic changes within the cells of the human body, and, in so doing, to spark a physical and consciousness upgrade for humanity.

The light, sound and vibration of the energy words transmitted by Spirit using Judy’s body as a conduit alters the DNA scripts of the life-light code of the human genome; the chemical, mathematic and amino acid programming sequences that pattern human DNA and in turn program all the metabolic processes of life. The energy she transmits clears the energy distortion that we call karma, activates soul knowledge and ability and activates more of our innate 12-strand DNA human potential. She was not taught how to do this by any person on Earth. She was taught by Spirit.

The energy that Judy brings through her hands and voice as “Light Language” energy, very fast energy “words”, is part of a Divine Plan and is transmitted by the Elohim, the creator aspect of God, to transform humanity for the next phase of Earth’s evolution.

This time of change has been spoken of as “the shift of the Ages” – a transition of the Earth from what is called a third dimensional pulsation rhythm to a faster pulsating fifth dimensional vibration. The innate capacity of the mind to think and create, that we all have as human beings, has not been able to be fully activated within the energy constriction of a third dimensional vibrational world. The energy pathways that would allow for a “switching on” of this previously dormant mind power potential have not until now been able to be activated, but with the imminent shift of the Earth to a faster pulsating energy domain, the true, innate potential of humanity is about to be unleashed.

According to Vedic teachings there have been four Great Ages on Earth. We are now at the end of the fourth “Great Age”, the conclusion of four cycles of Earth precession, each of 25,920 years. The beginning of a new evolutionary cycle for Earth, a new “Great Age”is set to occur around December 21, 2012, but this new beginning is different to those that have gone before. The beginning of this “New Age” will usher in an energetic and consciousness upgrade for both the Earth and for humanity. It is an ascension process for Earth, but we are living on the Earth and are calibrated to Earth’s vibrational frequency.

This “shift”is energy-driven. From 1987,highly catalytic energy has been coming from deep space, impacting the sun, and causing the Earth and indeed all planets in our solar system to be increasingly bombarded with solar, cosmic, and galactic electromagnetic energy. This energy bombardment has accelerated and strengthened since the year 2000 and now as we come to the end of this cycle of precession is increasing daily.

We are not alone here on this planet. Many loving beings of Light walk beside us as they always have and always will.

They are here to guide us to a new beginning and to assist in the creation of a new “Golden Age” of peace and love on Earth.

Judy Satori was born in New Zealand and has two adult sons and three grandchildren.She began to work with higher-dimensional beings in 1997 and to spontaneously speak the Language of Light in 2002.In her earlier years, she was a marketing and public relations consultant.In mid-life, after her connection with Spirit, sheretrained in energy healing.She holds a NZ Diploma in Physiotherapy and a Diploma of Natural Healing Sciences in Auric Healing.In 2009, she was awarded an honorary Doctorate in Religious Studies.Judy travels and works internationally.She now resides in the Finger Lakes region of upstate New York with her husband Tim.

Her lectures at the First World Parliament on Spirituality include: 17 December, “The Power of the Human Mind – Beyond Mind Power to God Power” and 19 December, “New Life on a New Earth – Human Destiny Fulfilled”.
