Sunset PTA General Membership Meeting Minutes

April 13th, 2015

Call to order/Flag saluteRisa Garrett/DeeReiff

The meeting was called to order at 9:38 am. There was a quorum. The attendance sheet attached to these minutes.

Reading and Approval of MinutesSusan Hansen

The minutes of the March 9, 2015 meeting were approved with no changes.

Principal’s ReportMandy Dorey

  • Mandy reported that around 40 cameras, inside and out, were Installed over the break.
  • They are working on class placement, scheduling, and calendars.
  • It is kindness week this week and we will be rolling out the buddy bench.
  • Thank you to book fair team for getting that organized.
  • Art walk is on Friday.

Teacher’s ReportMarie Blakley

  • Great choice picking Gina Montgomeryas Outstanding Educator this year.
  • Thank you from Karen Kline for the grant support.

Financial ReportPatty Thieme

  • We have $276,000 in the bank right now. We got our auction money, and some is still trickling in. As of right now, we have grossed $175,000. We got $1652 in corporate matching in March. We are close to having all of our auction expenses resolved. Please turn in any reimbursement requests if you have them.
  • We got the last memberships needed to get to 100%.
  • The Science Fair raised $903 in income from pizza sales.
  • We made a$1000 yearbook deposit.
  • The Art Docent program is way lower than the budget right now. Please turn in any expenses.
  • The first budget meeting will be on Thursday. Remember to budget for a new Outstanding Educator plaque for next year.
  • Two new 8 foot basketball hoops purchased from the restricted funds will arrive this week. We got tetherballs and basketballs too, all from the Clarke’s gift money from last year. Mandy noted that we also got new soccer goals donated from Pine Lake M.S.

Presidents’ Report Risa Garrett/Dee Reiff

  • The Council meeting is this Thursday. This month, it is our turn to share a challenge or a positive about our school/PTA.
  • Risa and Dee will start working on the calendar. Let Risa or Dee know your thoughts on the calendar for next year by the end of the month.

Committee Reports:

Communications Leslie Pittman/Melissa Stefani

Melissa out of country – nothing to report

Curriculum Enrichment Becky Foster/Becca Bishop

  • Beccareported that the Science Fair had 309 participants, down a bit (but the 5th graders had the option to do a Power Point instead this year). The budget was good, and there were great pizza sales.
  • Becky reported that Art Walk is coming up. Art Fair is paired with Book Fair this year. We still have $250 in the Art Walk budget, so will have some cookies and drinks this year.

Fundraising Jennifer Keilin/Kris Pottsmith

  • The flower sale is coming up. Melissa Hein is working on it.
  • Logo Wear went on sale. Patty received a $196 check from the original sale last fall, and the items have all been distributed to their rightful purchasers.
  • The books for the book fair arrived this morning. They still need book fair volunteers, particularly for Tuesday after school.

Hospitality Leslie Gilbert/Kristin Bendt

  • Staff Appreciation week is coming up the week of May 4th Our volunteers are on it, and an email and eSplash will be coming out soon.

Programs and Events Jen Bullock/Jill McNiesh

Not here. No report.

Volunteers Julie Polkinghorn

Not here. No report.

Membership Christy Triquart

  • Not here, butPatty Thieme reported that Christy signed up to do Membership again next year.
  • We reached 100% membership!
  • We need someone to shadow Christy next year to learn the job.

Parent Education Victoria Fritch

Not here. No report.

Legislative Rep Kim Clarke

Kim not here, but she sent out information and invites for the ISF lunch and breakfast.

ISF Kim Clarke

Not here. See report, above, under Legislative Rep.

Site Council Lindsay Krienke

Not here. No report.

Old Business

New Business

Nominating Committee - Vote

MOTION #1: Becca Bishop moved that the following nominees for the Sunset PTA Executive Committee be elected to serve for the 2015-16 school year:

President: Lindsay Krienke

Vice-President: Ali Tamblyn

Secretary: Melissa Stefani

Co-Treasurer: Patty Thieme

Co-Treasurer: Becky Foster

The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

Dates to remember:

April 14-17 – Book Fair


The meeting was adjourned at 10:33 am.

Next Meeting, May 11th, 2015

Proudly achieving 100% Membership for twelve consecutive years!!!