MFOA Board Meeting

Sunday, September 13, 2015 @ 4:00 PM MCSO/EOC – Ocala, FL

Board members in attendance – A. Summers, C. Anderson, C. Dill,

D. Stewart, M. Baas, M. Coppock, M. Reece,R. Howard, Sr.,T. Adams,T. Bedford,

T. Lee, Sr.

Board members not in attendance – D. Soluri, G. Parenda, J. Law, J. Pole, R. Sullivan,W. Clayton.

  • Call to Order – @ 4:10 by A. Summers
  • Previous minutes – T. Adams. Motion by C. Dill to accept the minutes as presented, 2nd by M. Reece. Motion carries.
  • Treasurer’s Report – None presented - by J. Pole, not present.

Old Business –

  • Web page updates – - D. Soluri. Discussion was held and he will keep web page updated and current.
  • MFOA Letter to other schools that we are asked to cover during the season – C. Dill. Letter is ready and will be sent to Principals and ADs of the schools of the schools that we are covering for other associations. It was also suggested that a letter/reminder in regards to ethics of officials to be sent out as well. C. Dill will get with W. Clayton to see if this can be an attachment to game assignment on the Arbiter.
  • Football Registration Final List – T. Adams. 112 properly registered officials as of the final deadline of September 10, 2015.
  • T. Benson Florida State Employment accusation – paperwork received from state office stating that there was not enough proof for further action. This document will be scanned and filed with our MFOA documents.

New Business –

  • FHSAA Policy Revision 201.02(7)/Association Insurance – M. Reece. Will send out K & K insurance information to the board to consider for this purpose.
  • Baseball News – Had first fall three man clinic as few weeks ago. Another one is scheduled at West Port. Things are looking good for the upcoming season. - D. Stewart
  • Basketball News – C. Anderson, M. Coppock, & T. Lee, Sr. Study Clinic meeting dates have been posted to our webpage. Scrimmages are also being scheduled and will be posted
  • Basketball Tip-Off Meeting - C. Anderson, M. Coppock, & T. Lee, Sr. Scheduled for Monday, September 14th in Ocala at the MCSO Emergency Operations beginning at 6:00 PM.
  • Basketball Mechanics Clinic - C. Anderson, M. Coppock, & T. Lee, Sr. – is currently planned for Saturday, October 24th with the location TBA. Gainesville High School and The Rock are currently being considered. Negotiations are still on going and the board will be notified when the location is finalized.
  • New Basketball Contracts – A. Summers. We have several schools who are interested in contracting with us for the upcoming basketball season;First Academy, Umatilla, & Keystone Heights. Motion by M. Reece to send contracts to these schools, 2nd C. Anderson. Motion carries.
  • Flag Football News – None presented. G. Parenda, not present.
  • Football News – M. Baas, T. Bedford & C. Dill. Mechanics clinic went as well as to be expected in regards to the location and some last minute changes. The possibility of six man crews was discussed. It was decided that our association will go with five man crews unless the coach insisted. Seven man crews will be used if we have officials to cover. FB Evaluators are out and working games. Now that the final list of properly registered officials is finalized the current evaluations will be processed.
  • Broadcaster Incidents @ FHS – T. Bedford. A copy of the two broadcasts has been synced with game film. The Marion County AD will be contacted in regards to this broadcaster being on campus if this behavior continues
  • Softball News – None presented. J. Law, not present.
  • Other – It was discussed for our association to cover the hospitality and chain crews for the upcoming Football Finals in December. This will be discussed at the next Football study clinic. J. McKinney incident with MCPS.
  • Suspensions/Fines/MFOA Incident Reports – R. Howard. Motion was made by T. Lee, Sr. for a letter to be sent to W. Brewington in regards to his late payment for the FHSAA State Evaluation Clinic in May 2015, 2nd, C. Anderson. R. Howard will take care of this and report back in October.

Adjourn – Motion to adjourn @ 5:50 PMby T. Bedford, 2nd by C. Dill Motion carries.

NOTES: Next MFOA Board meeting will be held at MCSO Emergency Operations Center in Ocala beginning at 4PM on Sunday, October 11, 2015.