Suncreek HomeOwners Association Annual Meeting
Saturday, December 5th, 2015
Marriott Hotel, Park City, Utah
The meeting was called to order by President Nate Sears.
Attendees: A-1, Paul Bourdelon (call-in); A-2, Rochelle Johnson; A-3, Amy Bentley; A-4, Patricia Stokes; A-7, James Strebing; A-11, Ashton Smith; B-1, Derek Althof & Barbara Colvin; B-2, Kenneth Colen; B-6, Spencer Reed; B-8, Dan Sternlight (call-in); B-9, Maria Capaldo and Bernard Johnson; B-11 & B-12, Karen/Kacey Strauss (call-in); C-1, Jonathan Chow; C-5, Nate Sears; C-6, Brent Burdett; C-7, Nickie Nelson & John Logan; C-8, Sessel Sagorin; C-9, Tom Horton; C-10, Bruce Mark (call-in); Scott Sherwood, Maintenance Manager.
Absent: A-5, Michael Flanagan; A-6, Jeff & Keri Tuberville; A-8, Bonnie Borgfield; A-9, Mark Van Osdol; A-10, Patricia Appleby; B-3, Jeffrey Stack; B-4, Debra Miller; B-5, Maria Baumgartner; B-7, Guy Walther; B-10, John Hansen; C-2 & C-3, David Brandwein; C-4, Caroline Brown; C-11, Cynthia Xue; C-12, Brad & Valerie Wride.
Approval of Minutes: Rochelle Johnson moved to approve the minutes of last year’s meeting and Maria Capaldo seconded the motion. Karen Strauss asked whether the facts in last year’s minutes were binding. They are not. The minutes were approved unanimously.
Financial Report: John Logan, Treasurer, presented the Financial Report (attached). Note: Excel documents may be found on the website He discussed the dependence of the operating and capital budget on decisions about the possible Building Repair Project. The 2016 budget is essentially a carry-forward from 2015. An increase of 12% for water is expected. With approximately 20 full-time residents, water usage is increasing. Owners are reminded to monitor their units for running toilets and leaky faucets. Rochelle Johnson asked why projections for plumbing and fire sprinklers were less than 2015. In 2014, over $40,000 in insurance claims were made due to clogged drains and backups into first floor units. Pipes were reamed from the property to the street to help to prevent this from happening again. Owners are reminded that disposable wipes shouldn’t be flushed down the toilet. Fire sprinkler maintenance was performed in 2015 and should not be necessary in 2016.
John Logan also discussed the status of C-4, which is nearly two years behind in dues. He is working with an attorney, who has stated that the owner cannot be found (may be deceased) and therefore cannot be served. An alternate service is being pursued which will be notice in the local newspaper and then foreclosure and a sheriff’s sale. This requires judicial action and may take another six months.
Karen Strauss asked if owners can be held responsible for negligence about clogged drains. This is not possible due to the interdependence of waterlines and drains between units. Separate water meters were investigated some time ago, but did not appear to be cost effective. Owners are encouraged to use low-flow toilets and faucets. The rate of increase in water use is decreasing slightly.
Tom Horton asked about better communication with owners on these subjects. The Maintenance Manager, Scott Sherwood does try to monitor units and communicate with owners. The police have requested that owners let the board know the names of long-term renters, but this is difficult to enforce. Scott stated that there are two problem units with long-term renters and empty units that he doesn’t enter, so that between 2 and 4 units are not checked regularly. Rochelle Johnson pointed out that there is a water shutoff above the water heater. John Logan said that the screw valve should be changed to a straight-line valve which is the code standard. Ken Colen said that water to the entire building had to be shut down to replace a water heater. Tom Horton stated that rules should be enforced. This is difficult since the only paid employee is Scott Sherwood and the volunteer Management Committee cannot be expected to always be there to watch for infractions.
John Logan pointed out that washing machines have been installed in units without HOA knowledge and in some cases do not meet building code. The installations require management committee and city approval.
Ken Colen asked what the reserves were predicated on. Suncreek is in compliance with state law requiring a reserve analysis. The reserves have increased from essentially zero 5 years ago to approximately $40,000 today as can be seen by the Capital Budget (attached). No expenditures were forecast for 2016 pending decisions on the Building Repair Project. Ken stated he thought the reserves were too low.
Maintenance Report: Scott Sherwood, Maintenance Manager, presented the Maintenance Report (attached). There was some discussion about options for preventing the recurrence of clogged drains. Paul Bourdelon asked about enforcement of the maximum number of people in a unit. Owners can be fined for exceeding the maximum. Amy Bentley suggested that interior walkway lights were too bright. Scott said that the bulbs were hard to find and cost $12 apiece. He could let some of them burn out. We should consider switching to LED bulbs. Amy also asked about old bikes in the bike rack; Scott said he was fairly sure that the bikes belonged to current owners.
New Business: Nate Sears presented plans for upgrading the Prospector Square neighborhood (attached). Nate has served as Suncreek’s representative on the Prospector Square HOA board for 10 years. Three new buildings are beingplanned, in addition to one under construction east of Suncreek. New condo buildings must provide underground parking. Tom Horton asked about the city land across from the Rail Trail. Nate answered that this is a complicated subject and under discussion. Karen Strauss asked how Suncreek will be protected from construction nuisances; that is Nate’s job as our representative on the Prospector Square board. Tom Horton said Prospector Square should address curb appeal and that he wants Suncreek to keep its curb appeal. Nickie Nelson asked whether HOA dues would increase to pay for these improvements. Bernard Johnson asked about snow removal. This was not a problem last year, but can cost as much as $100,000. The city does not pay for this. Nate stated that the Prospector Square HOA has recovered from the New Claim lawsuit and has a healthy reserve. Patricia Stokes asked about snow storage in Lot G next to Suncreek; Nate stated that is Prospector Square snow. He said Suncreek can expect extra vehicles in Lot G during construction.
Nominating Committee: Patricia Stokes presented the results of the Nominating Committee for Nate Sears position, which is expiring. The committee was Patricia, Leslie Smith (A-11) and Keri Tuberville (A-6). There was no response to the email asking for other nominations. There was one inquiry; Tom Horton volunteered if Nate wished to step down. Tom withdrew when Nate said he would continue for another term. Patricia nominated Nate Sears to continue on the board. Ken Colen seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
Other New Business: Sessel Sagorin stated that third floor units were very warm in summer and he would like to consider air conditioning. Ashton described ventless systems which are affordable and might be suitable for Suncreek . These would require a “chase” to be installed which could be done during siding replacement if the Building Repair Project goes forward. The Management Committee agreed to pursue this.
Adjournment: Ken Cole moved to adjourn the meeting and Rochelle Johnson seconded it. The meeting was adjourned.
Note: a Management Committee meeting followed this Annual Meeting to discuss the Building Repair Project. Minutes for the Management Committee meeting are documented separately.
Attachment 1: Financial Report
2015 Budget / Accounts / Actual / Projected / Total Projected / 2016 BudgetJan-Sept 2015 / Oct-Dec 2015 / For 2015
166315.00 / Dues / 124736.49 / 41578.83 / 166315.32 / 166314.00
400.00 / HOA Fin Charges / 928.25 / 300.00 / 1228.25 / 400.00
Fines / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00
40.00 / Interest Revenue / 39.64 / 10.00 / 49.64 / 50.00
1000.00 / Vending Revenue / 1335.27 / 200.00 / 1535.27 / 1500.00
167755.00 / Total Income / 127039.65 / 42088.83 / 169128.48 / 168264.00
Administrative Expense
4875.00 / Accounting / 3775.00 / 1125.00 / 4900.00 / 4900.00
10000.00 / Insurance / 7235.69 / 3565.00 / 10800.69 / 11000.00
28080.00 / Maintenance Fee / 20920.00 / 7152.00 / 28072.00 / 28080.00
515.00 / Office Expense / 387.71 / 60.00 / 447.71 / 515.00
18600.00 / PSPOA Dues / 13925.13 / 4672.00 / 18597.13 / 20000.00
103.00 / Tax & License / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 103.00
100.00 / Bank Fees / 495.20 / 165.00 / 660.20 / 700.00
500.00 / Legal / 1072.50 / 300.00 / 1372.50 / 500.00
62773.00 / Total Admin / 47811.23 / 17039.00 / 64850.23 / 65798.00
Common Area Expense / 0.00
612.00 / Alarm Contract / 450.00 / 150.00 / 600.00 / 600.00
250.00 / Alarm Hourly / 0.00 / 100.00 / 100.00 / 250.00
400.00 / Electrical Supplies / 230.74 / 100.00 / 330.74 / 350.00
2307.00 / Elevator Contract / 1678.50 / 600.00 / 2278.50 / 2298.00
400.00 / Elevator Hourly / 323.00 / 90.00 / 413.00 / 500.00
258.00 / Ice Melt / 50.92 / 100.00 / 150.92 / 200.00
1800.00 / Landscaping / 304.23 / 200.00 / 504.23 / 500.00
257.00 / Heat Tape / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 250.00
1000.00 / Paint-Labor / 615.00 / 0.00 / 615.00 / 600.00
515.00 / Paint-supplies / 268.08 / 0.00 / 268.08 / 300.00
475.00 / Parking Lot- Garage / 350.00 / 0.00 / 350.00 / 350.00
515.00 / Plumbing-Labor / 2676.00 / 0.00 / 2676.00 / 515.00
258.00 / Plumbing Supplies / 5.47 / 0.00 / 5.47 / 250.00
1500.00 / Spa Repairs / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 500.00
721.00 / Spa Supplies / 539.54 / 100.00 / 639.54 / 800.00
240.00 / Health Dept / 170.00 / 0.00 / 170.00 / 170.00
1600.00 / Water Softener / 614.31 / 450.00 / 1064.31 / 1200.00
154.00 / Fire Sprinkler System Annual / 1743.46 / 150.00 / 1893.46 / 200.00
1500.00 / Other Supplies / 916.99 / 500.00 / 1416.99 / 1500.00
14762.00 / Total Common Area / 10936.24 / 2540.00 / 13476.24 / 11333.00
Utilities Expense
15759.00 / Cable / 12126.77 / 4841.00 / 16967.77 / 17268.00 / A
11088.00 / Electric / 8271.60 / 2757.20 / 11028.80 / 11500.00 / A
371.00 / Gas / 322.59 / 107.53 / 430.12 / 450.00
14665.00 / Sewer / 11251.80 / 3750.60 / 15002.40 / 15600.00 / A
13524.00 / Water / 10915.80 / 3638.60 / 14554.40 / 15200.00 / A
1802.00 / Telephone / 1316.36 / 438.79 / 1755.15 / 1800.00
57209.00 / Total Utilities / 44204.92 / 15533.72 / 59738.64 / 61818.00
134744.00 / Total Expense / 102952.39 / 35112.72 / 138065.11 / 138949.00
33011.00 / Net Revenue / 24087.26 / 6976.11 / 31063.37 / 29315.00
28000.00 / Capital Reserve / 25680.01 / 6999.00 / 32679.01 / 28000.00
Insurance Reimb-Garage Door / -4850.00 / -4850.00
5011.00 / Net Revenue / 3257.25 / -22.89 / 3234.36 / 1315.00
Attachment 2 Maintenance Report
Suncreek Condominiums Maintenance Report
SCHOA annual meeting
December 5, 2015
Wasatch Mtn Properties
Scott S. Sherwood-mgr
Maintenance items performed in 2015 (or since last annual in mtg2014):
a) Garage door removed and not replaced at HOA board's request. Insurance company paid for the replacement cost of the door, the money went into general reserves.
b) Purchase of new lockable bulletin board for elevator $216
c) Rooter service for main drain clog in A9. $801
d) Purchase of new patio tables and chairs. $299
e) Replaced mulch in flower beds and base of trees. Materials $180 Labor $0
f) Repainted garage stripes, yellow no parking zones, handicap parking space.
Materials $82 7.25 hrs of labor/bill for 6 $180.
g) Printing of new parking passes (2 types) $184.
h) Painting of deck inside gazebo: sanding, repairs, primer paint and painting with grit mix for traction. labor 3.0 hrs $90
i) Prep and painting of east and west entry stairs to courtyard: scraping, primer coat, 2 paint coats with non-slip additive. Touch up paint walls and trim along stairways. labor 7.25 hrs $218
j) Scrape and painting of gazebo gate and posts; grind and primer and paint of metal supports of courtyard posts. 2.25 hrs $68
k) Paint and materials/supplies for items 'h' though 'j' above and 'l' and 'm' below: $223
l) Repainting of elevator door and trim, all 4 levels. labor 2 hrs $60.
m) Repaint a 2nd time later in summer of elevator door and trim: no charge
n) Courtyard deck repairs, repaint with epoxy paint and non slip paint chips. Grinder rental $28 supplies: no charge labor: no charge
o) Regrading and excavation along south side of building to eliminate water seepage into foundation and garage. Addition of waterproof barrier along foundation along cold joint (foundation and top slab junction) at SW corner of building. Addition of underground drainage conduit (pipe) for removal of ground water.
Maintenance items in progress:
a) Continuing to examine the needs and timeframe for multiple maintenance issues as recommended by Forensics: siding repair/replacement, window and door replacement, courtyard deck repairs, roofing repairs, walkway resurfacing, trim repairs/replacement around entire building, etc. TBD
Maintenance items for consideration or recommendation for 2016:
a) Usual annual repairs and maintenance: painting of stairways and inside gazebo, elevator trim/door, garage striping/h-cap space, lawn and landscaping care, repainting (powder coat) of entire gazebo gate and fencing, painting of white trim in high visability areas facing courtyard (under entry doors, along stairways, around gazebo), etc.
b) Many other items dependent upon decisions regarding the recommended work by Forensics and the board decisions regarding approval and financing of projects.
Additional concerns:
-continual misuse of hot tub: not showering or rinsing suit before entering, adding foreign substances to water, late night usage/noise, small children's usage as a swimming pool, glass usage in gazebo area (owners should supply plastic cups or glasses for use in hot tub area).
-nightly rentals and long term rentals have restrictions to the maximum number of residents in any one condo: nighty-2 ppl per BR plus 2 ppl long term occupants- 2 ppl per BR
-parking close to building on snow nights: please park in CENTER of parking lot to allow plows to get up close to building. There is a 2nd parking lot now available to the east of Suncreek's property. Parking passes are required.
-noise from residents after 10pm
-theft in garage: do not leave anything valuable in car even if locked; do not leave valuable bikes in garage, even if locked, as they are a target for theft
-smoking in courtyard or from 3rd floor walkways: Not Allowed! Do Not throw cigarette butts into snow banks in courtyard or in the west side landscaped areas
-due to continually increasing cost of water for our building, please install low flow shower heads and low water usage toilets when possible. Higher building occupancies continue to result in higher water usage costs as well as higher sewer costs.
-Suggestion: increase cost of washing machines and dryers to increase revenue and offset a little more the higher cost of water usage. Currently: $1.50 washer $1.25 dryer. Yings laundromat: $3.00 washer $1.75 dryer (approx)
Attachment 3 Prospector Square Master Plan