Student Handbook
Beechy School
Box 310
Beechy, SK
S0L 0C0
Phone: 306-859-2170
Fax: 306-859-2286
Twitter: @BeechySchool
Sun West School Division Mission Statement
Sun West School Division Vision Statement
BHS Mission Statement
BHS Vision Statement
School Hours & Bell Schedule
Staff List
Days off for students
Beechy School Policies: Smoke Free Environment, Students’ Personal Rights and Responsibilities, Blazer Code of Conduct, Dealing with Behaviour Issues, Procedure for Parents Dealing with a Concern, Cell Phones and MP3 Players, School Dress Code
School Entrances
Parent Parking
Bus Drivers
Bus Rules
Lock Down Procedure
Fire Drill Procedure
Library Procedures
Acceptable TechnologyProcedures
Milk Program
First Aid Kits
Lost and Found
Intramural Program
Extracurricular Activities
S.R.C. (Student Representative Council)
S.C.C. (School Community Council)
Sun West School Division Vision Statement
“Success for All”
Sun West School Division Mission Statement
“Learning Together”
Beechy School Mission
Empowering tomorrow’s citizens with a meaningful education in a safe, family-like atmosphere.
Beechy School Vision
Inspiring lifelong learners.
Hours of Operation
The first bell rings at 8:55 am. The second bell, which rings at 9:00 am, is followed by O Canada and announcements then class starts.
There are 6 classes per day with a 6 Day Cycle.
High School Bell Schedule
Period One - 9:00-9:53
Period Two - 9:58-10:50
DEAR– 10:55-11:05
Period Three - 11:05-11:57
Lunch - 11:57-12:42 (eat in classrooms until 12:12 – Intramurals from 12:15-12:38)
Period Four - 12:42-1:34
Period Five - 1:39-2:31
Period Six - 2:36-3:28
Elementary School Bell Schedule
Classes begin - 9:00
Morning Recess 10:40 -10:50
DEAR– 10:55-11:05
Lunch - 11:57-12:42 (eat in classrooms until 12:12)
Afternoon Recess 2:21-2:31
Dismissal - 3:28
Staff List 2017-2018
Lisa Grande / K-1-2 Homeroom (all subjects except Grade 2 ELA and PE)Janis Flynn / Grade 3-4 Homeroom, Grade 2 ELA, Student Support
Brooke Cardiff / Grade 5-6 Homeroom, PeBL Mentor Teacher, Grade 3-6 elective subjects
Becky Dubasov / Grade 7-9 Homeroom, K-12 PE, Grade 5/6 Science, 7-10 Science, Visual Arts 30
Vanessa Warnock / Grade 10-12 Homeroom, Senior Math/Science, Social/History 7-12
Leia Hey / Admin, Grade 10-12 ELA, Grade 7-12 PeBL, Grade 3-6 PeBL
Char Dansereau / Grade 7-9 Careers (all year), CWEX (Semester 1, Day 5), Grade 10 Portfolio (Semester 2)
Kathy Redmond / Secretary
Rhonda Blenkiron / Librarian
Karen Baxter, Karen Rogness, Bobbi Jo Connor, Chelsie Moebis / Educational Assistants
Sharron Snow / Caretaker
Richard and Diana Witt / Driver’s Education Instructors
** Additional student services are provided by Psychologist, Speech and Language Pathologist, Occupational Therapist, Child and Youth Counselor and Addictions Counselor.
Professional Development – Inservice Days
October 6 and 23, 2017No School
November10, 2017No School
January 31, 2018No School
March 9, 2018No School
April 23, 2018 No School
May 18, 2018 No School
Beechy School Policies
Smoke Free Environment - BHS is a tobacco free facility and grounds. Students choosing to ignore the Sun West School Division policy will be subject to the school discipline policy. There is no smoking on school grounds or within eyesight of the grounds. Possession of tobacco and/or chewing tobacco on school grounds is prohibited. The first offense will result in an immediate contact with the parent or guardian. Subsequent infractions may result in suspension.
Students’ Personal Rights & Responsibilities
1.To be secure from physical danger or mental abuse
2.To be treated with dignity and respect
3.To receive assistance in time of need
4.To have an atmosphere that fosters a positive learning environment
1.To refrain from doing anything that causes physical danger or mental
2.To treat others with dignity and respect
3.To refrain from doing anything that interferes with a positive learning atmosphere
4.To come to class with all necessary materials
5.To ask teachers for help when having difficulties with learning
6.To be diligent and timely in fulfilling their academic duties.
The Blazer Code of Conduct expects that its members will be:
- respectful
- responsible
- safe
- supportive
I will be responsible for my attitude, my choices, and my actions.
I will have respect for myself, my community and my environment.
I will be supportive of other’s ideas, efforts, and achievements.
I will behave in a way that promotes the physical and emotional safety and well-being of everyone within my school community.
I will interact with others in a positive manner that recognizes the individual differences of members within my school community.
I will practice the “Blazer Code of Conduct” in order to encourage the enjoyment of my school community.
Dealing with Behaviour Issues
All first offence/Stage Onediscipline issues will be dealt with on a “case by case” and “class by class” basis. The classroom teacher will decide if the issue is something he/she wishes to bring to administration. If so, students will report to the Principal’s Office. The following will ensue:
a. The teacher who sent the student to the office will complete the BHS standard discipline referral form. The purpose of the form is to objectively describe and properly document the incident in question.
b. Upon receipt of the referral, the Principal will have a conference with the student.
c. In cases of chronic refusal to follow school expectations, the student will contact his or her parent/guardian and explain the nature as to why he or she was sent to the office.
d. The Principal will also speak to the parent/guardian at that time and provide any additional information needed.
e. During the conference the student will have the opportunity to discuss the incident as described on the referral form.
f. All discipline referral forms will be filed at the school for future reference, with the second one being sent home to communicate that there has been some trouble following the rules at the school.
g. Appropriate action will be taken by the principal after conferencing with the student.
h. If needed, the Principal will place a follow-up call to the student’s parents to complete the process.
Examplesinclude:obscenelanguage,willfuldamage,threateningothers,neglectofduty(consistent incomplete
Stage Two offences will follow the same procedure, except that student will automatically contact his/her parent/guardian to explain the nature as to why he/she was sent to the office. Principal will also speak to the parent/guardian at this time. Stage two consequences will result in a one to three day-suspension (in or out of school).
Stage Three offences will follow the same procedure as stage two, as well as the Superintendent of Education being contacted. A one to three-day suspension may result.
Examplesincludeuseorpossessionofalcoholordrugs,blatantdisrespectforauthority,theft,fighting,and second stage
1.The student has been given alternatives and encouraged to correct behavior in positive ways.
2.Staff and administrators will combine their professionalism with parental and student consultation in order to make fair and just decisions in all discipline issues.
To ensure a high quality of education, the staff of Beechy School welcomes constructive criticism. To guarantee your comments are dealt with immediately, we invite you to please discuss your concerns in the following sequential fashion:
- Teacher
- Principal
- Superintendent of Education. (Please ONLY exercise this avenue if you are unsatisfied with results after discussing with both teacher and principal. We are all here for your children, please trust us that any decision made/action performed is in the best interest of the students.)
Cell Phones and MP3 Players (I-Pods)
Cell phones are not to be used during school hours, unless teachers allow students to use their devices for a class activity or a music player (high school). If your student must bring their cell phone to school they need to remain out of sight until the end of the day. We do not want to see students spending their breaks/noon hour on their phones, rather than interacting with other students. Any students caught using a cell phone inappropriately during school hours will have it taken away for the remainder of the class (by the classroom teacher). On the second occurrence, the device will be given to the principal and it can be retrieved at the end of the day. The third and any subsequent offences will result in parents being notified, and the parents will be required to come in to retrieve the phone from the principal. No devices are allowed during exams.
**Students are required to follow the direction of the teacher when using devices; failure to do so will follow the cell phone rules.
School Dress Code
Students are encouraged to dress in an appropriate manner. The acceptable standard of dress for BHS is as follows:
1.Clothing must be in appropriate repair.
2.Skirts and shorts no shorter than mid-thigh. Cut-off jeans and shorts allowed.
3.Tank tops will be allowed, but no spaghetti straps and no bare midriffs.
4.Clothing will be free of obscene words, pictures, logos and references to alcohol or drugs.
5.Gym clothes only worn in the gym, and high school students MUST change for P.E. class.
6.Footwear must be worn at all times.
7.Headgear will be removed when students come into the building and stay off between 9:00 and 3:30. Students will also remove headgear while working after-school sporting events. Students may pay $2.00 on Fridays to wear their hats. Money collected will go to a charity of the SRC’s choosing at the end of the year.
Attendance/Late Procedures
In accordance with the Saskatchewan Education Act (1995), the students of Beechy School are expected to be in the regular attendance and to be punctual for all of their classes.
- The Education Act (1995)
150 – General Duties of Pupils(3) Every pupil shall
(a) attend school regularly and punctually
(b) be diligent in his or her studies
(e) conform to the rules of the school approved by the Board of Education…
All absences and late arrivals will be dealt with on a “case by case” and “class by class” basis.
The classroom teacher and the school’s central office should record all absences and late arrivals in order to ensure accurate records.
- A note or phone call from home should be directed to the school by a parent or guardian explaining ALL absences from school prior to the day of the absence.
- Excusableabsences may seen as but are not limited to the following reasons:
- Illness.
- Medical/Dental Appointment.
- To attend a funeral.
- To attend to pressing personal matters.
- Acts of God (fire, flood, snowstorms, etc.).
- To attend the graduation of an immediate family member.
- To attend events considered to be school related.
- To help with family farming/ranching matters occasionally during busy seasons.
- Other – to be discussed with in-school administration.
School Entrances
We encourage the children to enter and leave in an orderly manner. The Kindergarten to Grade 6 children use the west entrance nearest the tennis court. Senior students use the north and south entrances.
Visitors and guests are invited to enter the school by the front entrance which is on the north side of the building. All visitors and guests are asked to check in with the office. The area directly north of the entrance (north side of the parking lot) is designated as a parking area.
Parent Parking
Students are not to be walking between busses to get to their “parked” parents. Rather, we ask the students to walk around the last parked bus near the playground equipment.
When parents are parked waiting for their children the expectation is to park facing north so that vehicles aren’t turning around behind the buses. If parents park in two straight lines, there should be enough room for cars to leave easily.
All parents need to be reminded of the BUSES ONLY EXIT on the east side of the parking lot. The BUSES ONLY EXIT is not to be utilized by other vehicles between: 8:00 am – 10:00 am and 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm.
When driving for school trips ie. Field trips, sports, etc. parents are required to have $2,000,000 liability insurance on their vehicles. The form for this goes out in the package of forms at the beginning of the year.
When transporting students for sports, the school required you to inform them if you are bringing extra people as we assume the seats in your vehicle will be filled with students and/or coaches. This makes scheduling transportation for sports teams much easier.
Bus Drivers
Glen Erickson(306) 858-2547
Brenda Neigum(306) 859-4449
Ron Porter(306) 229-4725
Maureen Box(306) 315-2502
Lee Jansen(306) 858-2473
Bus Rules
- Students must be dressed for weather conditions or will not be allowed to ride the bus.
- Students must be ready to immediately board the bus or maybe left behind (at home or at school).
- Students must remain seated while bus is in motion, facing the front, not leaning out of seats.
- Students must be punctual, courteous, orderly and quiet.
- Arms, head or any other body part not allowed outside windows when bus in motion.
- No sports equipment in zippered bag on the bus at anytime.
- No weapons, smoking, alcohol or pets permitted at anytime.
- Passengers will be held responsible for damages caused by them.
- Students must have permission to ride another bus.
- Garbage is to be placed in garbage can or in lunch kits or backpacks.
- Student discipline problems will be reported to Principal and may result in bus suspension.
- Bus driver may assign seating plan.
- Remember riding the bus is a privilege – abuse it or lose it.
- Bus driver needs to be informed if student is not riding the bus, notification the night before would be appreciated.
Please note that during the winter months the bus may be cancelled due to the weather conditions. Your bus driver will contact you during these circumstances and you can look on the Sun West School Division website to check for updates.
Beechy School Lockdown Procedures
We will be having Lockdown Drills. If you are in the building during a lock down there will be a message over the intercom "Lockdown." This is the signal for the lockdown to begin. The teachers have certain criteria to follow during this time.
Fire Drills
- Posted in each classroom is a school map with the main exit, a secondary exit, and routes clearly marked.
- Teachers will explain carefully and teach students the procedure that is expected when leaving the building.
- Have someone check the hallway for smoke and/or fire before exiting from the classroom.
- DO NOT EXIT through smoke or flames.
- Students and Teachers should exit by the closest and safest exit.
- Move quickly but orderly. DO NOT run, push, or move in a disorderly manner.
- DO NOT use the windows as exits unless all other means of escape are blocked.
- Be sure doors are closed, lights are off, windows shut and that you have your attendance records or Fire Booklet.
- Students will meet in their class group, in the assigned area. Each teacher will be responsible to make sure all students they are responsible for are accounted for. For example if the 3/4 class is in the library they will go out to the library designated area with Mrs. Blenkiron.
- Students working with instructional assistants out of the regular classroom setting will be escorted to their classroom designated area.
- If someone is missing – it will be reported immediately to Mrs. Hey, Ms. Redmond or other supervisors when they make their rounds.
- Bathrooms and shower rooms will be checked by the administration.
- DO NOT re-enter the building until the bell is rung to signal "all clear". Return to class when the bell sounds.
Note: We have fire drills throughout the year; students should be wearing footwear at all times.
Library Procedures
The Library is open for all students to use. Students may sign out books as needed, but please be reminded of the following rules.
- No new books may be signed out if the student has any Overdue Books.
- There is a sign out limit of five (5) books per student at any one time.
- Textbooks will now be signed out to each student at the beginning of a term. It will be the student’s responsibility to ensure that the textbooks are taken care of and returned at the end of the term in good condition. Textbooks are purchased at the school level and we appreciate the students taking care of these books. (Textbooks can start at $75.00 each.)
Please remember that Students are responsible for all materials on loan from the School Library. Other Students or Staff may be waiting to borrow the book(s) sitting in the bottom of your locker.
If you have a Study class in the Library, please bring the materials necessary for all possible subjects you might be working on. Students are expected to show up on time, be prepared to work on school related items, or be quietly reading. There will always be someone else trying to work so it is expected that you will be working independently and not disrupting others who are trying to concentrate.
Student Acceptable Technology Use ProceduresIntroduction
Computer technology is a resource made available to students of the Sun West School Division. Computer Technology offers vast, diverse, and unique resources to employees and students. The goal of technology services is to promote educational excellence and administrative productivity.
Terms and Conditions
Computer system access is provided through a complex network. The smooth operation of the network relies upon the proper conduct of the end users who must adhere to strict guidelines. These guidelines are provided so that students are aware of their responsibilities regarding computer access. In general, this requires efficient, ethical and legal use of the computer and network resources. If a Sun West School Division student violates any of these provisions, his or her access could be terminated and future access may be denied.