Summersville Grade School




School Requirements- This section contains information about forms and policies that are required by the district at the beginning of the school year or when a child registers into Summersville school district.

School Admissions (Policy)4

Homeless Children Policy 6:1404

Residency (Policy)4

Health, Eye, Dental Exams (Policy)5

Student Fees, Fines, and Charges5

Waiver of Student Fees5

Student Insurance6

Administration of Medication to Students6

Breakfast & Lunch Program6

Free & Reduced Food Program (Policy)6

Latchkey After School Program6

Publications & Written or Electronic Material6

Internet Safety & Acceptable Use (Policy)7


School Times- This section contains information about the school time schedule. It adjusts times for the different types of school days within the school year (full day, half day, and early dismissal).

Early Arrival7

School Start Time7

Student Attendance Qualifications8

Dismissal for Going Home for Lunch8

After School Pick-Up8

Early Dismissal8

Emergency Closing8

Student Dismissal Precautions8


Parental Information- This section contains information needed to define parental rights and responsibilities.

Student & Family Privacy Act9

Parents School Visitation Rights Act (Policy)9

Parental Chain of Command9

Attendance and Truancy Policy9

Correspondence and Reports10

Lost and Found10

Telephone Usage10

Field Trips10

Academics- This section contains information about educational requirements and policies.

Teacher Qualifications10

Instructional Materials10

Grading Systems10

Students at Risk of Academic Failure Policy 6:110 ……………………….10

Valedictorian & Salutatorian11

Promotion/ Retention (Policy)11

Extra-curricular Scholastic Eligibility (Policy)11

Student Records (Policy)12

No Child Left Behind12

Equal Education Opportunities (Policy)12

Education of Homeless Children (Policy)12

English Language Learners (Policy)12

Education of Children with Disabilities (Policy)12

Behavioral Interventions (Policy)

Child Find Teams13

RtI-Response to Intervention13

Accommodating Individuals with Disabilities (Policy)13

Title 1 Program13

Health Education Program (Policy)13

Student Code of Conduct-Expectations - This section contains information about school wide expectations.

Care of School Property13

Building Rules13

Rules for Cell Phones and Other Electronic Devices (Policy)14

Playground Rules14

Bicycle Safety14

Transportation (Policy)

Bus Conduct (Policy)15

Student Appearance (Policy)15

Code of Conduct for Extra Curricular Events15

School Wide Behavior Plan- This section contains information about behavioral expectations and the discipline procedures followed for a student’s behavioral choices at Summersville school district.

PAWS Program16

Detention Plan (Policy)17

In School Suspension17

Out of School Suspension17


Due Process Suspension18

Due Process Expulsion19

Review Hearing Procedure19

Harassment of Students Prohibited (Policy)19

Bullying, Intimidation, and Harassment (Policy)20

Tobacco/Alcohol/ Drugs20

Suspension Due to Alcohol and Drug Violations20

Search and Seizure20

Safety- This section provides information about policies and plans that provide a safe environment for students and staff.

Visitors to and Conduct on School Property (Policy)21

Uniform Grievance Procedure Policy 2:26021


Safety Drills21

Food Allergy22

Communicable & Chronic Infectious Disease (Policy)22

Head Lice Policy22

Abused and Neglected Child Reporting22

Criminal Offender Notification (Policy)22

Sexual Harassment22

Asbestos Management Plan22

Pesticide Application (Policy)22

Mission Statement:

“To provide a positive academic climate with high expectations that respects the individual differences among students and allows each student to achieve academic success and personal growth.

School Song (Washington & Lee Swing):

Whenever Summersville Grade School falls in line

We’re bound to win a game another time

For all the grade school kids we’ll yell and yell

For the team we love so well, so well, so well

We’re gonna fight, fight, fight for every score

We’ll circle guards and then we’ll win some more

We’re gonna roll ole (opponents) on the floor,

Out the door

Rah, Rah, Rah (clap, clap)

Wildcats, Wildcats, go, go, go

Wildcats, Wildcats, fight, fight, fight

Wildcats, Wildcats, win, win, win

Wildcats, Wildcats, GO, FIGHT, WIN!

This handbook belongs to:






This handbook has been prepared so that parents and students can be aware of the policies, procedures, and practices of the school. Parents should go over this handbook with their child and become familiar with its contents. This handbook is only a summary of board policies governing the district. All board policies are available to the public through the office. The handbook may be amended during the school year at any time without notice.

School Requirements

This section contains information about forms and policies that are required by the district at the beginning of the school year or when a child registers into Summersville school district.

School Admissions Policy 7:50

To be eligible for admission, a child must be 5 years old on or before September 1 of that school term. A child entering first grade must be 6 years of age on or before September 1 of that school term. Based upon an assessment of the child’s readiness, a child will be allowed to attend first grade if he or she attended a non-public preschool, continued his or her education at that school through kindergarten, was taught in kindergarten by an appropriately certified teacher, and will be 6 years old on or before December 31. A child with exceptional needs who qualifies for special education services is eligible for admission at 3 years of age.

All students must register for school each year on the dates and at the place designated by the Superintendent. Parents/guardians of students enrolling in the District for the first time must present:

  1. A certified copy of the student’s birth certificate. If a birth certificate is not presented, the Superintendent shall notify in writing the person enrolling the student that within 30 days he/she must provide a certified copy of the student’s birth certificate. When a certified copy of the birth certificate is presented, the school shall promptly make a copy for its records, place the copy in the student’s temporary record, and return the original to the person enrolling the child. If a person enrolling a student fails to provide a certified copy of the student’s birth certificate, the Superintendent shall immediately notify the local law enforcement agency, and shall also notify the person enrolling the student in writing that, unless he/she complies within 10 days, the case will be referred to the local law enforcement authority for investigation. If compliance is not obtained within that 10-day period, the Superintendent shall so refer the case. The Superintendent shall immediately report to the local law enforcement authority any material received pursuant to this paragraph that appears inaccurate or suspicious in form or content.
  2. Proof of residence.
  3. Proof of disease immunization or detection and the required physical examination.

Homeless Children Policy 6:140

Any homeless child shall be immediately admitted, even if the child or child’s parent/guardian is unable to produce records normally required for enrollment. Board policy 6:140, Education of Homeless Children, and its implementing administrative procedure, govern the enrollment of homeless children.

Residency Policy 7:60

Anyone seeking to enroll a student must present proof of residency within the District by providing the required documents from each of the following categories:

Category I (One document required)

  • Most recent property tax bill and proof of payment
  • Mortgage papers
  • Signed and dated lease and proof of last month’s payment
  • Letter from manager and proof of last month’s payment
  • Letter of residence from landlord in lieu of lease
  • Letter of residence to be used when the person seeking to enroll a student is living with a District resident

Category II (One document showing proper address is required)

  • Driver’s license
  • Vehicle registration
  • Voter registration
  • Most recent cable television, gas, electric, water bill and/or credit card bill
  • Current public aid card
  • Current homeowners/renters insurance policy and premium payment receipt

If a student’s residence changes during the school year, the student may finish the year at Summersville, but beginning the following school year, the student will be considered a non-resident and will not be admitted.

Health, Eye, Dental Exams: Immunizations Policy 7:10

Health Examination

A student’s parent(s)/guardian(s) shall present proof that the student received a health examination and the immunizations against, and screenings for, preventable communicable diseases, as required by the Illinois Department of Public Health, within one year prior to entering kindergarten or the first grade; sixthgrade; and enrolling in an Illinois school, regardless of the student’s grade. Pupils objecting to physical examinations on religious grounds shall not be required to submit themselves thereto if a signed statement from a parent/guardian is presented to the school board.

Unless the student is homeless, failure to comply with the above requirements by October 15 of the current school year will result in the student’s exclusion from school until the required health forms are presented to the District.

Tdap Vaccination Requirement

Students entering sixth, seventh, and eighth grades will be required to provide documentation of receipt of one dose of Tdap for the 2013-2014 school year. Proof for the Tdap requirement includes the following information from a student’s health care provider: Physician’s note or letter which documents the vaccine and date administered, print out form health care provider’s electronic medical record system that identifies Tdap vaccination and date administered, school physical form specifying Tdap and date administered. Students without proof of Tdap vaccination, an approved medical or religious exemption on file with the school, or an appointment to receive the Tdap shot during the school year will be subject to exclusion on October 15th.

Eye Examination

Parents/guardians of students entering kindergarten or an Illinois school for the first time shall present proof before October 15 of the current school year that the student received an eye examination within one year prior to entry of kindergarten or the school. If a student fails to present proof by October 15, the school may hold the student’s report card until the student presents proof: (1) of a completed eye examination, or (2) that an eye examination will take place within 60 days after October 15.

Dental Examination

All children in kindergarten, second, and sixth grades must present proof of having been examined by a licensed dentist before May 15 of the current school year in accordance with rules adopted by the Illinois Department of Public Health.

Any homeless child shall be immediately admitted, even if the child or child’s parent/guardian is unable to produce immunization and health records normally required for enrollment.

Emergency Procedure Cards

Information to be used in case of emergencies is kept in the office. Parents must keep this information up-to-date by providing emergency contacts and phone numbers. Telephone numbers are especially important. As soon as a phone number changes, notify the office.

Student Fees, Fines, and Charges

Students are charged a yearly book fee. The parents and students are responsible for the payment of all losses or of unnecessary damage of buildings, books, equipment, or supplies furnished by the school. The return of all school property in good condition or satisfactory settlement thereof is declared to be anecessary part of every course taught in the school. Waivers of school fees are described in the registration packet.

There will be a return check fee of $25.00 per returned check.

Waiver of Student Fees Policy 4:140

Fees for textbooks and other instructional materials are waived when the student currently lives in a household that meets the free lunch or breakfast eligibility guidelines established by the federal government pursuant to the National School Lunch Act, or The student or student’s family is currently receiving aid under Article IV of The Illinois Public Aid Code (Transitional Assistance to Needy Families).

Student Insurance Policy 4:170

Accident insurance will be offered for purchase that will be limited in nature in order to keep the premium within the reach of the majority of the students. If a student elects to purchase coverage, it becomes primarily a matter between the student (parent) and the insurance carrier. All students are covered during school time and extra-curricular events by an accident insurance policy through the Illinois Association of School Boards as a secondary coverage. Additional insurance may be purchased by the parent for extra coverage. The school will complete the portion of the form to certify the time, location, and circumstance of the accident and to certify that the student is a participant in the student insurance program.

Students participating in athletics or cheerleading must have school accident insurance unless the parents/guardians state in writing that the student is covered under a family health insurance plan.

Administration of Medicines to Students Policy 7:270

Students should not take or possess medication during school hours or during school-related activities unless it is necessary for a student’s health and well-being.

No School District employee shall administer to any student, or supervise a student’s self-administration of, any prescription or non-prescription medication until a completed and signed “School Medication Authorization Form” is submitted by the student’s parent/guardian.

A student may possess an epinephrine auto-injector (EpiPen®) and/or medication prescribed for asthma for immediate use at the student’s discretion, provided the student’s parent/guardian has completed and signed a “School Medication Authorization Form.” The School District shall incur no liability, except for willful and wanton conduct, as a result of any injury arising from a student’s self-administration of medication or epinephrine auto-injector or the storage of any medication by school personnel. A student’s parent/guardian must indemnify and hold harmless the School District and its employees and agents, against any claims, except a claim based on willful and wanton conduct, arising out of a student’s self-administration of an epinephrine auto-injector and/or medication, or the storage of any medication by school personnel.

Nothing in this policy shall prohibit any school employee from providing emergency assistance to students, including administering medication.

Breakfast and Lunch Program

Summersville will offer breakfast beginning the first day of school. Service will start at 7:40 AM and end at 8:05 AM. Breakfast and lunch monies are to be turned in to the office before school on Monday morning or the first day of the school week. Parents are encouraged to pay by the week or by the month. Students are not allowed to charge seconds or extra food with an outstanding balance of $10.00 orgreater.

Free and Reduced Food Service Policy 4:130

A student’s eligibility for free and reduced-price food services shall be determined by the income eligibility guidelines, family-size income standards, set annually by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and distributed by the Illinois State Board of Education.

The District shall avoid publicly identifying students receiving free or reduced-price meals and shall use methods for collecting meal payments that prevent identification of children receiving assistance.

Latchkey Program

An after-school program will be provided through the YMCA.

Publications and Written or Electronic Material Policy 7:310

School-sponsored publications, productions, and web sites are part of the curriculum and are not a public forum for general student use. School authorities may edit or delete material that is inconsistent with the District’s educational mission.

Students are prohibited from accessing and/or distributing at school any written or electronic material, including material from the Internet that:

  1. Will cause substantial disruption of the proper and orderly operation and discipline of the school or school activities;
  2. Violates the rights of others, including but not limited to material that is libelous, invades the privacy of others, or infringes on a copyright;
  3. Is socially inappropriate or inappropriate due to maturity level of the students, including but not limited to material that is obscene, pornographic, or pervasively lewd and vulgar, or contains indecent and vulgar language;
  4. Is primarily intended for the immediate solicitation of funds; or
  5. Is distributed in kindergarten through eighth grade and is primarily prepared by non-students, unless it is being used for school purposes. Nothing herein shall be interpreted to prevent the inclusion of material from outside sources or the citation to such sources as long as the material to be distributed or accessed is primarily prepared by students.

A student who engages in gross disobedience and misconduct and may be disciplined for creating and/or distributing written or electronic material, including Internet material and blogs, that causes substantial disruption to school operations or interferes with the rights of other students or staff members.

Internet Safety and Acceptable Use Policy 6:235

Access to the District’s electronic network must be: (a) for the purpose of education or research, and be consistent with the District’s educational objectives, or (b) for legitimate business use. The use of the District’s electronic network is a privilege, not a right, and inappropriate use will result in a cancellation of those privileges. The user is responsible for his or her actions and activities involving the network. The system administrator will make all decisions regarding whether or not a user has violated these procedures and may deny, revoke, or suspend access at any time. His or her decision is final. Each District computer with Internet access has a filtering device that blocks entry to visual depictions that are: (1) obscene, (2) pornographic, or (3) harmful or inappropriate for students, as defined by the Children’s Internet Protection Act and as determined by the Superintendent or designee.


All articles of clothing, school bags, lunches, etc., should be marked clearly with your child’s name. The school will label if necessary.

School Times

This section contains information about the school time schedule. It adjusts times for the different types of school days within the school year (full day, half day, and early dismissal).

Early Arrival at School

Students are not allowed on school grounds until 7:40 AM. Breakfast begins at 7:40 AM. All others are to wait in the gym for school to begin.Students may enter at the main office door or the main gym door. Adults will not be allowed to wait in the hallways prior to school.